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研究生(外文):Yu-Hsiang Huang
論文名稱(外文):Taking Practice of (Physical) Form and (Mental) Formlessness in Rural Area, by Utilizing Fangliu Settlement, Kaohsiung, as an Example.
指導教授(外文):Yun-Shang Chiou
口試委員(外文):Huey-Jiun WangPo-Yuan Hsu
外文關鍵詞:SettlementDocumentationPlaceSpaceTimeCultureDomainPingpu Tribe
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近年來由於環境變遷與自然災害以及族裔文化認同等迫切性的議題,相關聚落之觀察與記錄研究因而越來廣泛被關注以及探討。大部份研究方式皆以敘事性的文本輔以歷史圖資亦或是影像資料等媒材作為記錄保存。然而,藉由上述應用將使建築之空間記錄留於表象的描繪而非深入暸解聚落組成的組織與意義,同時,缺乏針對時間因素以及場所記憶(Place Memory)等抽象概念的描述與定義,終將難以呈現以及論述聚落樣貌的完整性(Integrity)。

鑑於理論詮釋下之建築領域應用的重要性,本論文之研究企圖透過場所(Place)、空間(Space)以及時間(Time)等組成建築與環境基本的元素或介面,探討此三種因素存在於聚落之中的目的以及關聯,並利用時間之尺度(Scale)的差異性作為解釋聚落之歷史、棲息者以及產業變化的條件,描述棲息者之活動領域(Domain)隨之時間因素的改變而重新定義。希望助於閱讀者藉以更直觀角度瞭解聚落空間型構的本質,理解環境之場所營造(Place Making)完整的架構與重要性。


因此,本論文之研究方法除了利用建築理論之抽象概念的論述依據之外,另一方面透過實地田野調查與空間測繪,並藉由與民訪談從而記錄以及探討聚落住戶的空間型態(Space Modality)與生活模式(Occupancy Schedule)。與此同時,比對原鄉小林、日光小林以及枋寮聚落之場所空間的普遍性與特殊性,解釋枋寮聚落之記憶根源為平埔以及漢人等二個文化向度的交織與疊合,同時,時間為決定以及影響枋寮聚落之場所構成的主要原因。
Environmental changes and natural disasters are becoming prevailing in the recent years, an imperative issue nowadays. Observations and studies regarding settlement are being widely concerned with lasting investigation on the topic. Most of the research are being analysed by means of literary narrative, while being facilitated with historical lithographs and photographs as the media to work on spatial documentation. However, with this methodology, the spatial documentation is superficially illustrated instead of being a thorough understanding regarding the causes and elements on how the settlement being composed, at the same time, afflicted by inadequate definition and illustration of abstract concept, namely, temporal factor and place memory. Ultimately, this has hindered the manifestation of the environmental features as a whole of a settlement.

As theoretical interpretation is crucial in architectural field. Through three basic elements that made up built environment, Place, Space, and Time, this study is intended to investigate the corresponding results and connections of the a fore mentioned elements on a settlement. At the same time, adopting the variation of time in scale to narrate the factors of changing history, dwellers and industry, of the settlement. Subsequently, illustrating the changing with time then being redefined living domain of dwellers. It is hoped that through this illustration of concepts will assist the readers in understanding the essence of spatial organization in the settlement from a more intuitive perspective, while understanding the importance and thorough organization of place making in the surroundings.

This study investigated Fengliu settlement, also known as Jinshing community, located in the mountain of Shanlin district, Kaoshiung City. Jinshing village and the nearby Xiaolin village are both owed their roots to the Dawulong clan of ethnic Siraya. Being severely ravaged by typhoon Morakot, there are only around 20 out of 60 remaining households, still living in village. The village has been confronting the abrupt changes in local industry and environment after the disaster, as well as dilemma regarding the continuation of their inherited lifestyle and culture.

Hence, this study investigated and recorded space modality along with living pattern in Fengliu settlement through field survey, physical measurement and conducting opinion poll. On the other hands, defining abstract concepts, banked on theoretical ground, then, clearly illustrating the inherent meanings regarding “veins” or organising pattern of Fenhliu settlement by mapping spatial aspect on temporal aspect. Eventually, temporal aspect as the main factor that has been affecting and dominating the composition of the settlement explained.
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機與目的
1-2 研究對象與範圍
1-3 研究方法與流程
1-3-1 研究方法
1-3-2 研究流程
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 以理論詮釋下之城市紋理探討
2-1-1 都市現象理論之反思
2-1-2 城市組成元素之意義
2-2 場所與環境
2-2-1 場所之相關理論探討
2-2-2 場所之集體記憶探討
2-2-3 場所之空間與辨識性
2-2-4 場所與環境之觀察與記錄
2-3 常民性之於場所與聚落之意義
2-4 聚落空間組織之相關文獻探討
2-4-1 空間故事性編織安排
2-4-2 空間集合型式與現象
2-4-3 聚落現象觀察與反思
第三章 枋寮聚落之空間觀察與記錄
3-1 枋寮聚落之空間範圍記錄
3-1-1 地理環境
3-1-2 聚落邊界
3-1-3 歷史紋理
3-1-4 區域紋理
3-2 枋寮聚落之空間組織探討
3-2-1 街道
3-2-2 戶外空間
3-2-3 半戶外空間
3-2-4 住居空間
3-2-5 公共層級
3-2-6 聚落型構
3-3 枋寮聚落之產業類型記錄
3-3-1 自然與水文環境
3-3-2 產業類型與分佈
3-4 枋寮聚落之活動型態記錄
3-4-1 活動類型與沿革
3-4-2 活動分佈與層級
3-5 枋寮聚落之住屋空間變遷
3-5-1 聚落之住居空間記錄
3-5-2 聚落之住屋構築系統
3-5-3 聚落之住屋材料記錄
3-6 田野實地探勘與訪談記錄
3-6-1 實地訪談與口述歷史
3-6-2 土地標示與戶政記錄
3-7 小結
第四章 枋寮聚落之時間性因素探討
4-1 枋寮聚落之時間尺度性觀察與探討
4-1-1 時間性因素之於枋寮歷史
4-1-2 時間性因素之於枋寮住戶
4-1-3 時間性因素之於枋寮產業
4-2 時間性因素之於枋寮聚落行為探討
4-3 時間性因素之於枋寮聚落場所探討
4-4 平埔聚落之空間組織性與形式探討
4-5 小結
第五章 結論與建議
5-1 研究結果
5-2 研究建議
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