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研究生(外文):Ji-Xuan Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The Application of a DEMATEL-based ANP Method for Optimal Architectural Planning in Preliminary Collective Housing Planning
指導教授(外文):Yi-Kai Juan
口試委員(外文):Yeng-Horng PerngMing-Yuan Chen
中文關鍵詞:預售制度參與式設計初期規劃Design Quality Indicator(DQI)模糊德爾菲法DANP法
外文關鍵詞:preconstruction saleparticipatory designpreliminary planningDesign Quality Indicatorfuzzy DelphiDEMATEL-Based ANP method
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預售制度為亞洲地區房屋市場的主流供給模式,在住宅興建前即可確認未來的住宅使用者,理論上雖提供了客製化的時機,但購屋者僅能在住宅內部的室內設計部分參與及感受到客製化。然而以預售的銷售形式來看,決策者或建築師於初期規劃階段,考慮所謂住戶的生活需求時,往往從自己的經驗或是參考代銷業者的意見來進行規劃設計,並不能真正了解住戶的需求為何,造成購屋者偏好該基地,但卻不喜好其住宅規劃設計方案的情況產生,導致使用者入住後對品質項目與住宅設施的使用率與滿意度偏低。針對上述問題,本研究提出了一套預售前的參與式設計模式,運用參與式設計的最佳時機點為初期規劃階段,有鑑於此,本研究於初期規劃階段即加入使用者共同參與設計及決策,並以一實際基地模擬集合住宅的最佳初期規劃方案。本研究首先利用1999年由英國營建業協會針對建築工程設計品質,提出的一套衡量方式: 設計品質指標(DQI)作為集合住宅初期規劃的指標架構,再透過Fuzzy Delphi專家問卷,藉由專家的專業及共識篩選合適的指標與因子,接著進行DEMATEL-Based ANP (DANP法),藉由矩陣的運算獲得評估指標之間的權重值排序,最後利用使用者參與設計的喜好評選問卷,瞭解各種設計手法的喜好為何,並呈現住宅初期規劃的完整方案。本研究設計的成果,以樓層平面圖與建築3D模擬圖進行講解。研究目的與貢獻,主要是希望藉由此方法,能協助使用者達到滿意的住宅品質,一方面也能帶給建設公司住宅產品的最佳初期規劃方案建議。
Preconstruction sale is the mainstream mode of operation in the real-estate industry in Asia. Although determining the identity of the buyers of a house before it is built theoretically offers an opportunity for customization, the reality is that the buyers can only participate in, or experience, customizing the interior design. However, when the conventional preconstruction sale method is used, at the preliminary planning stage, the architects, or decision-makers, can rely only on their own experiences or the suggestions of real-estate agents to infer the preferences of the future residents, without knowing what these actually are. Consequently, this practice often leads to a situation in which although the buyers prefer the location, they do not particularly appreciate the design of the house, which can in turn result in a low use rate of amenities and low satisfaction overall. To solve these problems, this study proposed a model for participatory design of preconstruction real estate, which is preferably applied at the preliminary planning stage. Specifically, future buyers will participate in the design of the house early in the preliminary planning stage, for which a real site will be made available to demonstrate the simulated optimal design options. To this end, this study adopted a set of measurement methods for architectural design quality developed by the Construction Industry Council (UK) in 1999: the Design Quality Indicator was used as a toolkit to evaluate the quality of collective housing preliminary planning. Subsequently, a fuzzy Delphi survey that relies on expert opinions and consensuses was employed to identify suitable indicators and factors. A DEMATEL-based ANP method was then applied to rank the weight of indicators by using a matrix, and then a participatory design questionnaire was used to understand the users’ preferred design approach, which will be incorporated into the final preliminary planning. The planning will be presented with floor plans and three-dimensional architectural renderings. This model is expected to help house buyers achieve their desired housing quality and help construction firms provide customers with the optimal suggestions at the preliminary planning stage.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第 一 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 3
1.4 研究流程 4
第 二 章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 預售制度 5
2.2 住宅開發初期規劃 7
2.3 參與式設計 9
2.4 預售前的參與式設計 11
2.5 設計品質指標(DQI) 12
第 三 章 研究方法 17
3.1 研究方法運用流程 17
3.2 模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi) 18
3.2.1 模糊理論 18
3.2.2 傳統德爾菲法之緣起與缺失 18
3.2.3 特色與步驟 19
3.3 決策試驗室與評價實驗法(DEMATEL) 22
3.4 DEMATEL-Based ANP (DANP) 25
第 四 章 研究證實與結果分析 28
4.1 模糊德爾菲法階段之問卷施測與統計結果 28
4.1.1 問卷調查對象 32
4.1.2 評估指標因子統計結果分析 33
4.2 DANP階段之問卷施測與統計結果 39
4.2.1 問卷調查對象 39
4.2.2 應用DEMATEL建進行構面影響關聯分析 40
4.2.3 混合ANP進行指標重要性程度分析 48
4.3 使用者設計喜好評選與完整方案呈現 53
4.3.1 基地介紹與設計發展項目 53
4.3.2 問卷調查與統計結果 56
4.3.3 方案呈現 63
第 五 章 結論與建議 67
5.1 結論 67
5.2 後續研究建議 69
參考文獻 70
附錄 74
附錄一、設計品質指標(DQI)原文架構 74
附錄二、模糊德爾菲專家問卷 79
附錄三、DANP專家問卷 86
附錄四、初期規劃設計評選問卷 93
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