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研究生(外文):Ting-Yu Yen
論文名稱(外文):The application of BIM to operation management of office buildings: An integration of UniFormat and hierarchical structure of open buildings
指導教授(外文):Kung-Jen Tu
外文關鍵詞:BIMUniFormatopen buildingoperation managementoffice building
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一、透過BIM技術物件導向的資料結構,本研究將建立有助營運管理之資訊,並導入UniFormat編碼系統與開放建築(Open Building)層級架構,對BIM模型元件進行系統化之分類,本研究簡稱為「BIM+UO」之操作方法。
In the commercial real estate industry that involves frequent leasing activities, owners make profits on rentals to sustain the cost of real estate operation management. However, in order to improve the quality of real estate operation management and further increase the willingness of companies and industries to rent, this study investigated the necessary information of completed Building Information Modeling (BIM) to meet the requirements for the future operation management of office buildings under the premise that BIM was introduced in the stage of design planning and construction of the buildings. On the other hand, the study also explored the issue about using the value of BIM and continuously applying it in the stage of operation management after the completed BIM was delivered to the owner. For reasons above, this study investigated facility management and lease management in the operation stage of office buildings, and the study objectives were as followed.

(1)This study would construct data that were beneficial to operation management through the object-oriented data structure of BIM and introduce UniFormat and hierarchical structure of open buildings to systematically classify the BIM model elements. The operation was abbreviated to “BIM+UO” in the study.
(2)Applying the idea of BIM+UO, the study designed a “BIM+UO Operation Management System Platform” for the use of lessors (owners and operation managers), tenants, interior renovation and demolition contractors, and maintenance contractors.
(3)The study used Taiwan Building Technology Center (TBTC) as an example to simulate the leasing process of normal office buildings in order to demonstrate the operation method and application benefit of BIM+UO System Platform.
摘要 ......i
Abstract ......ii
謝誌 ......iii
目錄 ......iv
圖目錄 ......vii
表目錄 ......ix

第一章 緒論 ......1
1.1 研究背景 ......1
1.1.1 傳統租賃過程之困境 ......1
1.1.2 傳統設施管理之困境 ......1
1.1.3 BIM技術導入建築營運管理之契機 ......1
1.1.4 研究方向 ......2
1.2 研究目的 ......2
1.3 研究流程 ......3

第二章 文獻回顧 ......5
2.1 建築資訊分類編碼之介紹與應用 ......5
2.1.1 UniFormat ......5
2.1.2 MasterFormat ......7
2.1.3 OmniClass ......8
2.1.4 BIM於建築資訊分類編碼之應用 ......9
2.2 開放建築之介紹與應用 ......10
2.2.1 開放建築理念介紹 ......10
2.2.2 開放建築與建築資訊分類編碼之關聯性 ......11
2.2.3 以開放建築層級架構組織BIM模型 ......11
2.3 BIM於營運管理之應用 ......12
2.3.1 國外營運管理系統介紹 ......12
2.3.2 國內營運管理系統介紹 ......12
2.3.3 Autodesk雲端平台之發展 ......14
2.4 小結 ......15

第三章 UniFormat與開放建築層級架構導入BIM之操作方法(BIM+UO) ......16
3.1 營運管理需求相關資訊導入BIM之介紹 ......16
3.1.1 Revit元件之欄位種類與參數特性說明 ......16
3.1.2 Revit元件資訊欄位之成果展示 ......17
3.2 UniFormat元件分類碼導入BIM之操作方法 ......20
3.2.1 現有編碼系統導入BIM之介紹 ......20
3.2.2 使用UniFormat於辦公大樓設施管理 ......22
3.2.3 UniFormat導入BIM之成果展示 ......22
3.3 開放建築層級架構導入BIM之操作方法 ......26
3.3.1 建立開放建築層級架構於辦公大樓租賃管理 ......26
3.3.2 開放建築層級架構導入BIM之成果展示 ......28
3.4 小結 ......35

第四章 BIM+UO營運管理系統平台介紹 ......39
4.1 ㄧ般辦公大樓租賃流程 ......39
4.2 系統平台設計目標與服務對象 ......42
4.2.1 系統平台設計目標 ......42
4.2.2 系統平台服務對象 ......42
4.3 系統平台架構 ......43
4.4 系統平台功能 ......44
4.4.1 功能ㄧ:基本看屋 ......45
4.4.2 功能二:租賃管理 ......45
4.4.3 功能三:設施管理 ......47
4.4.4 功能四:報修系統 ......49
4.4.5 功能五:行事曆 ......49
4.5 小結 ......51

第五章 BIM+UO系統平台應用於辦公大樓營運管理之案例模擬操作 ......52
5.1 案例模擬操作方法說明 ......52
5.1.1 案例介紹 ......52
5.1.2 案例BIM模型建置說明 ......54
5.1.3 模擬角色設定 ......56
5.1.4 承租流程情境設定 ......56
5.2 流程一:洽談承租 ......58
5.2.1 承租客戶聯繫出租方 ......58
5.2.2 現場看屋 ......59
5.3 流程二:室內設計 ......60
5.3.1 出租方提供大樓資料 ......60
5.3.2 承租方委託室內裝修廠商進行規劃設計 ......61
5.3.3 室內設計審查 ......62
5.3.4 施工前點交 ......63
5.4 流程三:裝修工程 ......64
5.4.1 進行室內裝修工程 ......64
5.4.2 竣工查驗 ......65
5.5 流程四:進駐使用 ......66
5.5.1 計劃性維修:設備保養與清潔 ......66
5.5.2 非計劃性維修:設備報修 ......67
5.6 流程五:復原工程 ......68
5.6.1 進行室內復原工程 ......68
5.6.2 竣工查驗、離場點交 ......69
5.7 小結 ......79

第六章 結論與後續研究建議 ......80
6.1 結論 ......80
6.2 後續研究建議 ......81

參考文獻 ......82
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