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研究生(外文):Ching-Wen Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Trend of FinTech Development: Patent Analysis of Deposit and Lending
外文關鍵詞:FinTechdeposit and lendingmain path analysispatent analysispatent citation network
  • 被引用被引用:10
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  科技進步加速了金融服務的破壞式創新,2008年發生的全球金融海嘯導致市場條件的調整,更加促進了金融科技(financial technology, FinTech)的發展。金融科技正在對銀行、保險、證券等傳統金融業的商業模式造成全面性的衝擊。本研究以金融科技領域中,在專業投資人眼中前景看好且十分具有發展潛力,無論創業投資金額及投資件數皆排行第一名,同時也為銀行重要業務之「存貸(deposit and lending)」專利作為研究標的,以科學證據深入探討此領域之專利佈局情形。
  本研究透過美國專利資料庫(USPTO)擷取金融科技存貸領域相關的美國專利,共1499筆,藉由主路徑分析(main path analysis)檢視應用於存貸領域的金融技術發展軌跡與演進過程,再按專利引用特徵將專利分群,深入了解更細部之技術群輪廓以及參與企業之專利佈局。接著,再以迴歸分析模型探討專利之技術主流性與國家因素、產業因素、知識學習與擴散因素等變數間的關聯。
  存貸類未來發展趨勢在於獨特的信用評估技術以及生物辨識安全認證機制,非金融產業因未有法規監管,往往可提供顛覆性的顧客體驗,因此大型金融機構與非金融產業合作的案例漸增,兩者採取「合作競爭」(coopetition) 的方式,在競爭中合作、互利共生,將是未來金融科技的發展趨勢。
  Scientific and technological progress has accelerated the disruptive innovation of financial services. The global financial tsunami in 2008 led to the adjustment of market conditions, which has further promoted the development of financial technology (FinTech). FinTech is having an overall impact on the business model of banking, insurance, securities and other traditional financial services. The article chooses the bank's principal business "deposit and lending" patent as a research target, which has promising prospects and development potential in the eyes of professional investors in the field of FinTech, regardless of the amount of investment and number of investments are ranked first in venture capital. We have depth discussion of the patent layout in this area with scientific evidence.
  There is a total of 1499 granted patents collected from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in the area of deposit and lending. Main path analysis applied to the deposit and lending field to find out development track and evolution process, and then clustered with patent citation characteristics to in-depth understanding of the details of the technical group contours and enterprises’ patent layout. Then, regression analysis is used to discuss the relationship between scientific mainstream of patents and the variables such as national factors, industrial factors, knowledge learning and diffusion factors.
  The study found that the United States owns more than 80% deposit and lending patents, there is a gap between the patents applied by other countries in the US. The top 4 of the number of patents are all financial institutions. However, non-financial industry listed in the rankings are also a few. Although financial industry is more dominant in the number of patents, according to the results of regression analysis, the non-financial industry is more outstanding in the technical mainstream of patents. After moderating of scale, for the small-scale assignee, patents developed by the technology-known non-financial industry have more technical mainstream; for the large-scale assignee, patents developed by the knowledge-known financial industry are more influential in the field. Both can bring customers more innovative services and experience through cooperation and exchange.
  The future development trend of deposit and lending field is unique credit assessment technology and biometrics authentication mechanism. The non-financial industry has no legal supervision, and it can often provide subversive customer experience. Therefore, the case of cooperation between large financial institutions and non-financial industry is increasing. The two take "coopetition" way to cooperate in the competition will be the future development trend of FinTech.
摘要 I
Abstract II
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
壹、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 章節架構 4
貳、 文獻探討 6
2.1 金融科技 6
2.2 存貸業務之演進 11
2.3 專利分析 16
參、 研究方法 19
3.1 資料來源與蒐集 19
3.2 專利引證網絡 20
3.3 知識擴散 21
3.4 主路徑分析 24
3.5 集群分析 26
肆、 研究結果 28
4.1 存貸類金融科技專利之發展趨勢 28
4.1.1 敘述性統計 28
4.1.2 技術發展軌跡-主路徑分析 35
4.1.3 集群分析 45
4.1.4 知識學習與擴散 62
4.2 迴歸分析 67
4.2.1 變數定義 68
4.2.2 模型假設 72
4.2.3 專利之技術主流性 74
伍、 結論與建議 80
5.1 專利技術發展軌跡與未來趨勢 80
5.2 專利之技術主流性 82
5.3 管理意涵 83
5.4 研究限制與建議 84
參考文獻 86
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