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研究生(外文):Chung-Lien PAN
論文名稱(外文):The Association Between the Change of the Index and the Stocks
指導教授(外文):Chun-Nan Chen
口試委員(外文):Day-Yang LiuC.P ShiehChun-Nan ChenXuan-Zhu LinYan-Ru Chen
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock IndexShanghai Composite IndexGray System
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利用上證綜合指數和台灣證券交易所發行量加權股票指數的月資料,本論文解決指數和股票的關聯問題。找到這個關聯有兩個問題。第一個問題是機率統計方法需要巨大的數據來解決大樣本多重數據的不確定性。另一個問題是,股票數據量太大,影響了我們使用它的能力。為了解決這兩個問題,我們建構了一個數據庫,以減少股票數據的規模,並使用鄧聚龍教授(1982 and 1989a,b)所建立的灰色系統(Grey System)技術理論,為衡量指數與股票之間的關聯提供了框架。這些發現可能為投資者做出投資決策提供了足夠的參考。
Using monthly data of Shanghai Composite index and the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index, this paper solves the association problem of index and stocks. To find the association has two problems. The first problem is that probability statistical methods require huge data to solve uncertainties from large sample multiple data. The other problem is that the volume of stock data is so large that it affects our ability to use it. To solve these two problems, we constructed a database to reduce the size of stock data and used technical theory of gray system developed by Deng (1982 and 1989a,b) that provides a framework to measure the association between index and stocks. These findings may provide investors with enough reference to make investment decision.
This paper provides five major findings. First, the weighting value of constituents in TAIEX was not positively gray-correlated with the relational coefficient sequence. Second, the weighting value of constituents in Shanghai Composite index was not positively gray-correlated with the relational coefficient sequence, too. Third, the stock most strongly correlated with TAIEX was Nan-Ya Plastics, and it can be regarded as a coincident indicator of TAIEX. Fourth, the stock most strongly correlated with Shanghai Composite index was Bank of Communications, and it can be regarded as a coincident indicator of Shanghai Composite index. Finally, in two different markets, stocks with the highest correlation with the index are coincidentally ranked eighth, and the results didn't surprise substantially from the rules of thumb used by many investors.
Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract Ⅰ
English Abstract Ⅱ
Acknowledgements Ⅲ
Table of Contents Ⅳ
List of Figures Ⅶ
List of Tables Ⅷ

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research motivation 2
1.2 Research Purpose and Contribution 3
1.3 Dissertation Organization 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 6
2.1 The statistical method is used
in the study of stock index 6
2.2 The fuzzy theory is used in
the study of stock index 8
2.3 The grey theory is used in
the study of stock index 11
Chapter 3 Methodology and Data 13
3.1 Methodology for association
problem within grey system
theory 13
3.2 Data for association problem
within grey system theory 15
Chapter 4 Empirical Results 22
4.1 Calculating the mean values of
relational coefficient between
the TAIEX and individual shares 22
4.2 Verifying the correlation
between the TAIEX and individual
stocks 24
4.3 Calculating the mean values of
relational coefficient between
the Shanghai composite index and
individual shares 29
4.4 Verifying the correlation
between the Shanghai composite
index and individual stocks 31
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations 37
5.1 Conclusion of the Empirical
Research 37
5.2 Recommendations 39
References 41
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