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研究生(外文):Hua-Sheng Chang
論文名稱(外文):Tuning sulfur molar ratio of ternary CuxSnSy (CTS) as an efficient solar fuels photocatalyst for CO2 reduction
指導教授(外文):Yian TaiKuei-Hsien ChenLi-Chyong Chen
口試委員(外文):Chan, Sunney IDah-Shyang Tsai
外文關鍵詞:CO2 reductionCarbon dioxide reductionCuxSnSy (CTS)CZTS related materialsPhotocatalystMetal chalcogenide
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In this work, nanoflower-like ternary CuxSnSy (CTS) semiconductor were synthesized by a novel solvothermal approach. Based on the point of view of Cu-Sn-S phase diagram, atomic ratio and crystal strcture can be changed by tuning sulfur molar ratio of CTS during the procedure of synthesis. In order to ensure that CTS can be applied on carbon dioxide reduction reaction, the nanoflower-like CTS powder will be identified by some optical analysis to define its band gap and band edge. On the other hands, from the results of composition, crystal structure and other analysis can found that in the case of low sulfur condition is easier to produce secondary phase copper(I) sulfide (Cu2S) which can enhance CTS system to produce C1 product: methanol (CH3OH). Moreover, sulfonic group (SO3H) can appear in someparameter, which can be a proton donor and proton hoppingto help acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) to convert to ethanol (C2H5OH). In optimization ofthis study, it was found that CTS215(Cu:Sn:S = 2:1:5) after 300oC annealing treatment have the most suitable size of the nanoflower-like structure, it can produce three different products including methanol, acetaldehyde and ethanol, its quantum efficiency also can achieve 0.0471%. In the future, followed by the annealing treatment, surface area control, crystal orientation control of CTS photocatalyst might be a good way for further development of carbon dioxide reduction.
中文摘要 IV
Abstract V
致謝 VI
圖目錄 XII
表目錄 XVI
名詞解釋表 XVII
第一章緒論 1
 1-1前言 1
 1-2研究動機與目的 4
第二章文獻回顧 5
 2-1銅錫硫(CuxSnSy)三元半導體材料簡介 5
  2-1-1銅錫硫(CuxSnSy)相關性質與晶體結構 6
   2-1-1-1化合物性質 6
   2-1-1-2晶體結構分類 8
  2-1-2銅錫硫(CuxSnSy)合成方法 12
  2-1-3常見的二元衍生材料 25
 2-2溶劑熱法(Solvothermal method) 26
  2-2-1溶劑熱法之合成優勢 26
  2-2-2溶劑熱法之合成原理 26
 2-3熱退火製程(Annealing treatment) 29
  2-3-1 熱退火之原理與常見應用 29
  2-3-2熱退火製程應用於銅錫硫(CuxSnSy)系統之影響 31
 2-4二氧化碳還原技術的發展 33
  2-4-1金屬氧化物型觸媒系統 39
  2-4-2金屬硫化物型觸媒系統 44
  2-4-3共觸媒型系統 45
  2-4-4 CTS觸媒系統 48
第三章實驗設備與方法 49
 3-1 儀器設備 49
 3-2 實驗藥品與器材 51
 3-3 實驗步驟 52
  3-3-1實驗流程圖 52
3-4 實驗方法 53
  3-4-1溶劑熱法(Solvothermal method)合成 53
  3-4-2 離心法(Centrifugation)合成粉末 54
 3-5材料鑑定與分析 55
  3-5-1場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Field-Emission Scanning
  Electron Microscope, FE-SEM) 55
  3-5-2能量色散X射線光譜(Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy,
  EDS) 56
  3-5-3比表面積及微孔徑分析儀(Surface Area, Micropore
  Analysis) 58
  3-5-4X光繞射儀 (X-ray Diffraction, XRD) 60
  3-5-5拉曼振動光譜儀 (Raman Spectrum, Raman) 61
  3-5-6穿透式電子顯微鏡 (Transmission Electron Microscope,
  TEM) 63
  3-5-7紫外-可見光光譜儀 (UV-Visible Spectroscopy) 64
  3-5-9光電子量測儀(Photoelectron Spectroscopy, AC2) 67
  3-5-10 X射線光電子能譜儀(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,
  XPS) 68
 3-6二氧化碳還原系統 69
  3-6-1 氣相層析儀與火焰離子偵測器(GC-FID)系統 69
  3-6-2 光源系統與實驗參數 72
第四章實驗結果與討論 73
 4-1 CTS三元化合物特性分析 73
  4-1-1不同成分比例CTS之分析 73
   4-1-1-1 輪廓比較與元素分析 75
   4-1-1-2 晶體結構性質分析 79
   4-1-1-3 光學性質分析 88
  4-1-2 調變硫比例對CTS之影響 95
 4-2 利用GC-FID系統檢測CTS光觸媒性質 96
  4-2-1 生成產物與產量比較 96
  4-2-2 量子轉換效率比較 98
 4-3 CTS應用在二氧化碳轉換之機制 100
  4-3-1 二次相的輔助與貢獻 100
  4-3-2表面差異 102
 4-4 CTS最佳化參數之長時間測試 109
第五章結論 111
第六章未來展望 112
 6-1調變CTS退火溫度之未來研究展望 112
 6-2添加表面活性劑調變CTS輪廓之未來研究展望 116
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