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研究生(外文):Ya-Han Chang
論文名稱(外文):Fluoride Removal by Waste Oyster Shell
指導教授(外文):Jhy-Chern Liu
口試委員(外文):Chi-Wang LiYu-Lin Kuo
外文關鍵詞:AdsorptionAluminum hydroxideFluoridePrecipitationWaste oyster shellWastewater
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為了解決牡蠣殼廢棄物對於環境所造成的影響,本實驗將廢棄的牡蠣殼再利用去除水中氟離子,並探討不同顆粒大小、酸鹼值以及起始濃度對於氟的去除效果,為了避免牡蠣殼在酸性下溶解以及增加其吸附效果,本實驗在其表面改質包覆一層氫氧化鋁來增加穩定性。實驗結果發現,雖然氫氧化鋁並沒有完全包覆而是部分沉積在表面,但大幅提高比表面積以及減少鈣的溶出而有利於吸附反應。吸附反應皆在二至四小時內達到平衡並可以用擬二階動力學模型來描述。在酸鹼值影響方面,在低濃度(10 mg/L)時,改質後牡蠣殼達到最好的效果,但當濃度提高(100 mg/L)時,使用未改質的牡蠣,氟的去除效果到接近100% 且吻合PHREEQC模擬軟體所預測的結果,但不利於改質後牡蠣殼,氟的去除效果皆隨酸鹼值增加而減少。在等溫吸附的結果中顯示,初始氟濃度的不同會影響其反應機制;在低濃度時,實驗結果符合Langmuir 和Freundlich等溫吸附模型,並利用Langmuir 公式推算,改質後牡蠣殼得到單層最大吸附量為5.84 mg/g,推測以吸附反應為主;在高濃度時,吸附量隨氟的平衡濃度線性關係增加,利用X-射線繞射分析和電子能量損失譜結果來推論其主要為沉澱反應。藉由X射線光電子能譜學結果得知,若利用未改質的牡蠣殼,氟主要是藉由和鈣與鎂之間的鍵結而被去除;而改質後的牡蠣則是藉由氟和鋁之間的鍵結或是氟與羥基離子交換所去除。
Waste oyster shell from mariculture is a serious waste problem in the southwest coast of Taiwan. Due to the wide availability and the low cost, it was used as an alternative absorbent for fluoride removal from wastewater. The waste oyster shell is composed of calcium carbonate with some impurities, mainly magnesium. To enhance the stability and adsorption capacity, oyster shell was impregnated with Al(OH)3. There are three kinds of adsorbents used in this study, including original, ground, and impregnated oyster shell. Base on the results of dissolution of Ca2+, it was confirmed that Al(OH)3 was partially impregnated on oyster shell. Kinetic studies showed that the adsorption reached equilibrium in 4 h and could be fitted by pseudo second-order kinetic model. The impregnated oyster shell achieved the highest removal efficiency at pH 7.2 at low initial fluoride concentration (10 mg/L). The removal efficiency of oyster shell without impregnation reached over 90% and was significantly affected by pH at high initial fluoride concentration (100 mg/L). Adsorption isotherms could be fitted by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. Impregnated oyster shell resulted in the highest adsorption capacity of 5.84 mg/g at pH 8. Depending upon initial fluoride concentration, the reaction mechanisms could be adsorption dominant at low initial concentration (< 40 mg/L), and precipitation dominant at high concentration (> 100 mg/L). The proposition was confirmed by XPS, EDS and XRD. The bondings were found between Ca-F and Mg-F in XPS.
List of Figures
List of Tables
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives
2.1 Fluoride concern
2.2 Treatment methods for fluoride removal
2.3 Recycle and reuse of oyster shell
2.4 Composite material with aluminum hydroxide
2.5 Adsorption
2.5.1 Kinetic modeling for adsorption reaction
2.5.2 Equilibrium adsorption isotherm
3.1 Materials
3.2 Instruments
3.3 Experimental methods
3.3.1 Preparation of oyster shell
3.3.2 Impregnate aluminum hydroxide onto oyster shell
3.3.3 Adsorption of fluoride
3.3.4 Characterization of oyster shell BET surface area X-ray diffraction (XRD) Field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
3.3.5 Aqueous sample analysis Ion chromatography (IC) Inductively couple plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) analysis
3.4 Thermodynamic modeling software (PHREEQC)
3.5 Experimental flow chart
4.1 Characterization of oyster shell and impregnated one
4.1.1 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis
4.1.2 Quantitative analysis
4.1.3 X-ray diffraction analysis
4.1.4 Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis
4.1.5 Field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX) analysis
4.1.6 Dissolution of oyster shell
4.1.7 Zeta potential
4.2 Removal of fluoride
4.2.1. Equilibrium time determination Kinetic study of original oyster shell Kinetic study of ground oyster shell Kinetic study of impregnated oyster shell
4.2.2. Effect of equilibrium pH
4.2.3. Adsorption isotherm
4.3 Analysis of loaded oyster shell
4.4 Mechanism of fluoride removal
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendations
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