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研究生(外文):Bo-Ren Chen
論文名稱(外文):Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibrium for Binary Systems Containing 3-Methylsulfolane
指導教授(外文):Ming-Jer Lee
口試委員(外文):Jui-Tang ChenHao-Yeh Lee
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本研究採用靜態式總壓汽液量測裝置,完成13組混合物系統於恆溫下之汽液相平衡數據量測,這些混合物分別為hexane + 3-methylsulfolane、heptane + 3-methylsulfolane、octane + 3-methylsulfolane、nonane + 3-methylsulfolane、cyclohexane + 3-methylsulfolane、methylcyclopentane + 3-methylsulfolane、methylcyclohexane + 3-methylsulfolane、benzene + 3-methylsulfolane、toluene + 3-methylsulfolane、p-xylene + 3-methylsulfolane、o-xylene + 3-methylsulfolane、m-xylene + 3-methylsulfolane、1,2,4-trimethylbenzene + 3-methylsulfolane,量測之溫度包括363.15 K、393.15 K、433.15 K與473.15 K。本實驗所量得之汽液相平衡數據分別以NRTL-ideal與NRTL-HOC模式關聯,一般而言,計算值與實驗數據相符程度高,且兩模式之計算值差異不大。
In the study, the total pressure method was used to measure isothermal vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for the binary systems of hexane + 3-methylsulfolane, heptane + 3-methylsulfolane, octane + 3-methylsulfolane, nonane + 3-methylsulfolane, cyclohexane + 3-methylsulfolane, methylcyclopentane + 3-methylsulfolane, methylcyclohexane + 3-methylsulfolane, benzene + 3-methylsulfolane, toluene + 3-methylsulfolane, p-xylene + 3-methylsulfolane, o-xylene + 3-methylsulfolane, m-xylene + 3-methylsulfolane, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene + 3-methylsulfolane at 363.15 K, 393.15 K, 433.15 K, 473.15 K. Both NRTL-ideal and NRTL-HOC models were applied to correlate the VLE data for each binary system. Generally, the calculated results agree well with the experimental values, and the correlated results from both NRTL-ideal and NRTL-HOC models are not much different.
第一章 緒論
第二章 汽液相平衡量測
第三章 相平衡研究之模式關聯
第四章 結論與建議
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