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研究生(外文):Chih-Cheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):The lithium ion hybrid capacitor loaded with a negative electrode of Sb2O3 coated MWCNT
指導教授(外文):Dah-Shyang Tsai
口試委員(外文):Kung-Chung HsuChia-Jui Chiang
外文關鍵詞:lithium ion hybrid capacitorcarbon nanotubeoxidationelectroless platingenergy densitylithiation
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本研究製備鋰離子混合電容器,並量測其儲電特性,正極以高比表面積的活性碳(AC)作為活性材料,負極則搭配多壁奈米碳管鍍膜氧化銻活性材料(MWCNT/Sb2O3),及1.0 M LiPF6/DEC:EC:DMC= 1:1:1vol%有機電解液。
將兩種比例的多壁奈米碳管/氧化銻負極材料製備成電極片並進行預鋰化程序,前三圈電量分別約為1012 / 995 mAh g-1、500 / 450 mAh g-1、450 / 430 mAh g-1,造成電量不同的原因是因為氧化銻雖然能和鋰離子進行可逆電化學反應,但銻金屬再氧化回到氧化銻的進行不完全,所以可反覆進行充放電的容量隨著充放電圈數增加而逐漸減少。承載較高比例氧化銻的電極可逆性似乎高於較低比例的電極。
我們分別對正負極進行循環伏安法與充、放電測試,以此結果預測正負極之最佳重量比。預測結果顯示,AC:CNT/Sb2O3重量比在2:1之後,比電容值上升幅度趨於平緩,即使再增加活性碳,所能增加電容器儲電量相當有限,因此我們將兩種不同比例的負極材料與正極以重量比2:1組成電容器進行充、放電測試,結果顯示由氧化銻比例較多的負極組成的電容器有較高的比能量88.5 Wh kg-1 (0.1 A g-1),而氧化銻比例較少的負極其電容器有較高的比功率5.7 kW kg-1 (3.0 A g-1),而兩種電容器在0.1 A g-1時的比電容值分別為53.2 F g-1與51.7 F g-1。
We prepare a lithium hybrid ion capacitor, consisting of a negative electrode of CNT/Sb2O3 composite, activated carbon positive electrode, LiPF6/DEC:EC:DMC electrolyte, and try to measure its capability of energy storage.
The research efforts are focused on modification of the negative electrode, in which one-dimensional CNT has been oxidized and electroless plating antimony trioxide. The CNT surface is essentially hydrophobic, coating of antimony trioxide cannot be done homogeneously over the entire CNT assembly without oxidizing the CNT surface. On the other hand, if the CNT surface is oxidized excessively, the electrical conductivity of CNT shall be degraded.
XRD shows that peaks of CNT and antimony trioxide are both appeared, which means the electroless plating antimony trioxide on CNT surface is successful. SEM images indicate the antimony trioxide wrap the nanotube up and also suspend among the nanotube crosses.
The so-prepared two different mass ratio of CNT and antimony trioxide negative electrodes exhibit huge capacity, 1012/995 mAh g-1 in the first discharge cycle, 500/450 mAh g-1 in the second cycle, and 450/430 mAh g-1 in the third cycle. The high irreversible capacity indicates that not all lithium antimony alloy involves in the charge process. The sample with high ratio of antimony trioxide seems to have better reversibility than less ratio sample.
The energy and power densities of the lithium hybrid ion capacitor are measured with a mass ratio of 2:1 for positive and negative electrodes. The capacitor which contains high ratio of antimony trioxide negative electrode shows higher energy density 88.5 Wh kg-1 at 0.1 A g-1. However, the capacitor with less ratio of antimony trioxide negative electrode has higher power density 5.7 kW kg-1 at 3.0 A g-1. At current density 0.1 A g-1, the two kinds of capacitors demonstrate 53.2 F g-1 and 51.7 F g-1.
Lithiation and delithiation is an intrinsically slow process, determining the charge/discharge rate of capacitor. Hence the capacitor equipped with CNT/Sb2O3 negative is righteously operated at low current densities.
摘要 i
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
第二章 文獻回顧與理論基礎 3
2.1 電化學電容器(Electrochemical capacitors, EC) 3
2.1.1 電雙層電容器(Electrochemical Double-layer Capacitors, EDLC) 5
2.1.2 擬電容器 (Pseudocapacitor) 7
2.1.3 鋰離子混合式電容器 (Lithium-ion hybrid capacitors, LIHC) 8
2.1.4 鋰離子混合式電容器電解液[7] 11
2.2 鋰離子電池(Lithium ion battery, LIB) 13
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 14
3.1 實驗藥品耗材與儀器設備 14
3.1.1 正、負極材料製備 14
3.1.2 電性量測 18
3.1.3 電化學測試儀器及設備 19
3.1.4 材料鑑定及分析之儀器 20
3.2 實驗流程圖 21
3.2.1 正極漿料製備 21
3.2.2 負極材料合成 22
3.2.3 負極漿料製備 23
3.2.4 鋰離子混和式電容器之電極製備 23
3.3 實驗方法 24
3.3.1 鋰離子混合式電容器正極漿料製備 24
3.3.2 鋰離子混合式電容器負極材料合成 24
3.3.3 鋰離子混合式電容器負極漿料製備 26
3.3.4 電流收集器清洗及準備工作 27
3.4 電極材料鑑定與分析 28
3.4.1 場發射掃瞄式電子顯微鏡 28
3.4.2 D2 PHASER X光繞射儀 28
3.4.3 表面積及孔徑分析儀BET 29
3.5 電化學特性分析 30
3.5.1 循環伏安法 30
3.5.2 恆電流充、放電量測 30
第四章 結果與討論 32
4.1 電極材料性質測試 32
4.1.1 負極材料CNT/Sb2O3之形貌 32
4.1.2 負極材料成分分析 36
4.1.3 正極材料特性分析 41
4.2 單電極電化學儲電行為 45
4.2.1 預鋰化負極 45
4.2.2 負電極循環伏安分析 48
4.2.3 負電極不同電流下的電容量(rate capacity) 50
4.2.4 正極循環伏安法分析 53
4.3 鋰離子混合式電容器性質測試 54
4.3.1 正負極重量比電容器理論電容量計算 54
4.3.2 放電特性分析 60
4.3.3 恆電流充放電及比電容分析 62
4.3.4 交流阻抗分析 65
第五章 結論 67
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