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研究生(外文):Shou-Bang Hong
論文名稱(外文):Aqueous synthesis of Ga-doped CuInSe2 quantum dots and its application in quantum dots sensitized solar cell
指導教授(外文):Jia-Yaw Chang
外文關鍵詞:CISe QDsQDSSCsAqueous synthesisDoping
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In this study, we demonstrated the synthesis of CuInSe2 (CISe) quantum dots (QDs) by microwave-assisted method in aqueous phase for quantum dots sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs). The CISe QDs were synthesized by the rapid reaction of low-toxic metal precursors and short-chain bi-functional molecules in the absence of organic solvents. Compared to traditional hot-injection and heating-up methods by using of organic solvents, aqueous synthesis has advantages of rapid, simple, and environmentally friendly.
This research was divided into two parts. The first part was by adjusting the copper to indium (Cu/In) ratio of CISe QDs to improve the absorption range and modify the internal defects, which effectively enhanced the photoelectric conversion efficiency (PCE) up to 8.24%. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis and intensity modulated photocurrent / photovoltage spectroscopy (IMPS/IMVS) showed the internal electron transfer and impedance of the interface. The second part was by doping gallium (Ga) into different Cu/In ratio of CISe QDs and further boosted the photoelectric conversion efficiency up to 8.68%. Based on our knowledge, this is the best efficiency of QDSSCs in direct aqueous synthesis.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致 謝 III
研究動機 IV
總目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 太陽能電池的發展 2
1.2.1 矽晶太陽能電池 3
1.2.2 薄膜太陽能電池 4
1.2.3 染料敏化太陽能電池 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 量子點材料特性 6
2.1.1 量子侷限效應 7
2.1.2 多重激子產生效應 9
2.2 量子點敏化太陽能電池工作原理 10
2.3 量子點敏化太陽能電池元件介紹 11
2.3.1 透明導電玻璃 11
2.3.2 氧化物半導體 12
2.3.3 光敏化劑 14
2.3.4 電解液 16
2.3.5 背電極 18
2.4 量子點敏化劑製備方法 19
2.4.1 化學浴沉積法(CBD) 20
2.4.2 連續離子吸附與反應(SILAR) 21
2.4.3 預先合成法(pre-synthesized method) 24
第三章 實驗藥品與方法 33
3.1 實驗藥品 33
3.2 實驗儀器 35
3.3 實驗流程簡介 36
3.4 導電玻璃清洗 37
3.5 光電極薄膜製備 37
3.6 量子點敏化劑之製備 38
3.6.1 前驅物母液配製 38
3.6.2 CISe量子點合成 39
3.6.3 Ga摻雜CISe量子點合成 39
3.7 共吸附劑配製 40
3.8 ZnSexS1-x鈍化層 40
3.8.1 ZnSexS1-x前驅物溶液配製 40
3.8.2 ZnSexS1-x鈍化層沉積 40
3.9 電解液之配製 41
3.10 CuS背電極製備 41
3.11 電池元件封裝 41
第四章 實驗結果與討論 43
4.1 不同銅銦莫耳數比CISe材料及元件分析 44
4.1.1 元素組成分析 44
4.1.2 結構型態分析 45
4.1.3 光學性質分析 48
4.1.4 不同銅銦莫耳數比之元件分析 50
4.2 鎵(Ga)摻雜不同銅銦莫耳數比CISe材料及元件分析 60
4.2.1 結構型態分析 60
4.2.2 光學性質分析 63
4.2.3 元素組成分析 63
4.2.4 鎵摻雜於不同銅銦莫耳數比之元件分析 64
第五章 結論與未來展望 72
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