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研究生(外文):Kai-Ting Wang
論文名稱:理論模擬熱程控脫附圖譜的研究: 氨氣與水於二氧化釕之熱程控脫附圖譜
論文名稱(外文):Theoretical Simulation of Temperature-Programmed Desorption: NH3 and H2O on RuO2(110)
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Chiang Jiang
口試委員(外文):Jer-Lai KuoShawn D. Lin
外文關鍵詞:Temperature-Programmed DesorptionMicrokinetic ModelDensity Functional Theory
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熱程控脫附儀圖譜(TPD)被用於推測熱力學參數與了解催化物表面脫附過程之動力學。近年來,微觀動力學結合密度泛函理論(DFT)已發展應用在非均相催化TPD模擬,本篇論文整合先前研究將DFT方法與微觀動力學相結合:考慮吸附物表面覆蓋率並藉由統計熱力學所計算出與溫度相關之指前因子(pre-exponential factor)以取代經驗假設值1013(秒-1)。儘管我們提出的模型預測了吸附物的物理吸附和化學吸附峰符合實驗的TPD光譜,但它不能解釋物理吸附和化學吸附情況之間的區域,並且低估了這些區域中被吸附物的強度。 因此為了改進我們的模型,在本研究中我們考慮了吸附物從單層到第二層的擴散,併計算了NH3和H2O在二氧化釕(110)作為測試用例的TPD光譜。 此外,我們還使用縮合近似而不是數值近似來計算脫附速率。 我們的研究結果表明,NH3在高覆蓋率下的擴散活化能小於直接脫附能,NH3的模擬TPD光譜與以前的實驗結果一致。
Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) studies have been used as a tool in surface catalytic reactions to determine the thermodynamic parameters and kinetics of desorption processes. This technique involves adsorption of selected adsorbate at low temperature, and then its desorption rate is measured as the temperature is increased. In recent years, the development of microkinetic models along with density functional theory (DFT) methods has applied to simulate the TPD spectra in the heterogeneous catalysis. Besides, in our earlier study, we proposed a model combine DFT methods with microkinetics, which consists of coverage-dependent desorption energies and temperature-dependent pre-exponential factors to investigate the TPD spectra of NH3 and H2O on RuO2 (110) surface. Even though our proposed model predicts both physisorption and chemisorption peaks of both adsorbates with the experimental TPD spectra, it fails to explain the region between the physisorption and chemisorption cases, and it underestimates the intensity of the adsorbate in these areas. Hence, to improve our model, in this study we have considered the diffusion of adsorbate from sub-mono layer to the second layer and calculated the TPD spectra of both NH3 and H2O as a test case. Further, we also used the condensation approximation instead of numerical approximation to calculate the desorption rates. Our results indicate that the diffusion barrier of NH3 at high coverage is smaller than the direct desorption energies and simulated TPD spectra for NH3 is in agreement with the previous experimental results.
摘要 I
致謝 III
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Temperature-Programmed Desorption Spectra 1
1.2 TPD experimental process 1
1.3 Analytic method for TPD 2
1.4 Theoretical Methods for Simulating TPD Spectra 5
1.4.1 Microkinetic Modeling 5
1.4.2 Condensation Approximation Method 7
Chapter 2. Methodology 9
2.1 Quantum Chemical Calculation 9
2.2 Thermodynamic Constants 10
2.3 Microkinetic Model 13
Type 1: Desorption Model: 13
Type 2: Diffusion Model: 15
2.4 TPD Spectra 16
Chapter 3. NH3 and H2O Thermal Desorption on stoichiometric RuO2(110) 21
3.1 RuO2 21
3.2 NH3 and H2O on RuO2(110) 23
Chapter 4. Results and Discussion 27
4.1 Benchmark calculations 27
4.1.1 The CA method applied in TPD simulation 27
4.2 NH3 and H2O desorption 30
4.3 Simulated TPD spectra for NH3 and H2O 33
4.4 Effect of Diffusion of adsorbents 37
4.4.1 NH3 37
4.4.2 H2O diffusion on RuO2(110) 41
Chapter 5. Extended Application 44
5.1 Heating Rate Optimization 44
Chapter 6. Summary 45
References 46
Appendices 48
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