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研究生(外文):Hao-Sheng Cheng
論文名稱:高活性非鉑系鎳釕觸媒於鹼性電解質下 電催化析氫與氫氧化反應之研究
論文名稱(外文):Study of high performance non-platinum NiRu catalyst for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution and oxidation reactions in alkaline electrolyte
指導教授(外文):Bing-Joe Hwang
口試委員(外文):Wei-Nien SuShawn D. LinChen-Hao Wang
外文關鍵詞:hydrogen oxidation reactionhydrogen evolution reactionnickelrutheniumalloysynergistic effect
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利用TEM觀察觸媒顆粒大小分布在2~3 nm之間,並具有良好之分散性,且由X光吸收光譜之結果發現當觸媒中釕金屬之比例越低時,越容易造成金屬聚集,導致合金化程度的下降。本研究中,鎳釕比例為1:1及1:3時有較高之合金程度,表面組成也較為均勻。
本研究成功以尿素調整合成環境以替代DMF合成鎳釕合金觸媒,並保有相當之活性。穩定性測試部分,本實驗使用循環伏安分析加速觸媒老化以比較氫氣氧化反應之穩定性,在經過3000圈老化測試後,活性下降13%。氫氣析出反應則使用定電流方式觀察過電位之變化來分析觸媒的穩定程度,在經過12小時穩定性測試後,過電位僅增加0.08 V。
In this study, the nickel (Ni)-ruthenium (Ru) bimetallic catalysts with different Ni/Ru ratios were successfully loaded on high-surface-area carbon black by using hydrothermal method. The bimetallic Pt-free catalyst shows a Pt-like activity and highly durable in alkaline hydrogen oxidation (HOR)/evolution (HER) reactions.

Through the materials characterization, the particle size distribution for Ni-Ru catalyst was observed as around 2 ~ 3 nm compared to Ru/C which shows around 2 nm. In the results of X-ray absorption spectroscopy the alloy extent of the NixRuy/C catalysts gets increased with increasing Ru content, while particle agglomeration is found by excess Ni content. Higher alloy extent can be found in the Ni/Ru ratio of 1 and 1/3 which leads to more uniform surface composition.

Reaction mechanism of the alkaline HOR has been widely discussed but still debated. Here we combined the experiments and the theoretical computation to propose a synergistic effect for alkaline HOR rather than only electronic effect. The results of CO stripping for Ru-based catalyst evidence the electron transfer from Ni to Ru because of negative shift of onset potential by addition of Ni, in which the electronic effect can be involved to weaken hydrogen binding energy. On the other hand, the computational results show the weakening adsorption of OH group on the Ni-Ru interfacial sites of the alloy surfaces, which may facilitate the Volmer step and enhance HOR performance.

For alkaline HOR/HER, Ni-Ru bimetallic catalyst exhibits an excellent activity as well as competitive performance to commercial Pt catalyst (Pt/C), which attributes to the synergistic effect. Moreover, the stability test for the bimetallic catalyst is much better than the Pt/C catalyst, indicating that the Ni-Ru catalyst has their potential to develop.
摘要 I
目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 燃料電池之發展及趨勢 2
1.3 燃料電池種類 3
1.4 鹼性燃料電池 (AFC) 5
1.4.1 燃料電池操作原理 6
1.4.2 AFC陽極觸媒(AFC Anode Catalyst) 7
1.4.3 鹼性HOR反應機制(Hydrogen oxidation reaction;HOR) 8
1.5 研究動機與目的 10
第二章 文獻回顧 11
2.1 燃料電池觸媒開發與介紹 11
2.2 鉑系觸媒系統之研究現況 12
2.3 非鉑系觸媒系統之研究現況 16
2.4 非鉑系雙合金觸媒系統之研究現況 18
第三章 實驗設備與方法 20
3.1 實驗設備 20
3.2 實驗藥品 21
3.3 實驗步驟 23
3.3.1 碳載體之前處理 23
3.3.2 修飾Watanabe法置備NiRu/C觸媒 24
3.3.3 水熱法製備NiRu/C觸媒 25
3.3.4 修飾水熱法製備NiRu/C觸媒 27
3.3.5 一氧化碳剝除(CO-Stripping)實驗 29
3.3.6 X光吸收光譜之樣品製備 30
3.4 電化學漿料調配 30
3.5 材料鑑定與分析 32
3.5.1 X射線繞射儀(XRD) 32
3.5.2 穿透式電子顯微鏡 (TEM) 36
3.5.3 能量分散光譜儀(EDX) 37
3.5.4 感應偶合電漿光譜儀(ICP-AES) 38
3.5.5 X光吸收光譜原理 39
3.5.6 電化學原理 50
第四章 結果與討論 62
4.1 鎳釕合金觸媒之材料分析 62
4.1.1 鎳釕合金觸媒之物性分析 62
4.1.2 鎳釕合金觸媒之電化學活性分析 75
4.2 鎳釕合金觸媒於鹼性環境下HOR反應機制推論 92
4.2.1 鎳釕合金CO-Stripping與電子效應探討 92
4.2.2 理論計算OH吸附能與協同效應探討 95
4.3 修飾水熱法與水熱法合成觸媒之分析比對 97
4.3.1 修飾水熱法與水熱法合成觸媒之分析比較 97
4.4 鎳釕合金觸媒於鹼性環境下穩定性測試 104
4.4.1 HOR穩定性測試 104
4.4.2 HER穩定性測試 113
4.5 鎳釕合金觸媒與文獻活性比較 115
4.5.1 鹼性環境下HOR之質量活性(Mass activity)比較 115
4.5.2 鹼性環境下HER之質量活性(Mass activity)比較 116
第五章 結論 118
第六章 未來展望 120
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