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研究生(外文):Hsiao-Ping Lai
論文名稱(外文):Study of High Transmittance Polymer Semiconductor as Active Layer for Transparent Organic Thin Film Transistors
指導教授(外文):Yian Tai
口試委員(外文):Yu-Cheng ChiuYaw-Terng Chern
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別為吸收光譜在紫外光區之Poly[bis(4-phenyl)(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)amine] (PTAA),以及紅外線區之低能隙材料 Poly{2,6-4,8-di(5-ethylhexylthienyl) benzo [1,2-b;3,4-b] dithiophene-alt-5-dibutyloctyl-3,6-bis(5-bromothiophen-2-yl)pyrrolo[3,4c]pyrrole1,4-dione (PBDTT-DPP)。
於此研究中發現,利用自組裝單分子層薄膜 (Self-Assembled
Monolayer )修飾有機薄膜電晶體元件氧化銦錫 ( ITO ) 電極及聚三苯
條件下製備 PBDTT-DPP 溶液,可以此溶液製作出之主動層具有雙極
性特徵。以 X 光光電子能譜分析,發現此雙極性特徵可能與大氣中
In this study, we investigate the transparent semiconductor
materials which can be applied on Organic thin film transistors (OTFT).
We demonstrate that Poly[bis(4-phenyl)(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)amine] (PTAA), a polymer with an absorption spectrum in Ultraviolet (UV) region, and poly{2,6-4,8-di(5-ethylhexylthienyl) benzo [1,2-b;3,4-b] dithiophene-alt-5-dibutyloctyl-3,6-bis(5-bromothiophen-2-yl)pyrrolo[3,4
c]pyrrole-1,4-dione (PBDTT-DPP), a low bandgap material which has a absorption spectrum in near infrared (NIR) region.
We utilized the different self-assembled monolayer (SAM) to
modified the surface of indium tin oxide electrodes for improving the performance of PTAA-based OTFT. For the low bandgap material,
PBDTT-DPP, induced the thickness of PTAA film for increasing the
transparency which can achieve to 90%. Using thermal annealing to
enhance the performance of devices and preparing materials in the
appropriate environment which will have ambipolar effect .
中文摘要 ..................................................................................................... I
Abstract ...................................................................................................... II
致謝 ........................................................................................................... III
目錄 .......................................................................................................... IV
圖目錄 ..................................................................................................... VII
表目錄 ..................................................................................................... XII
第一章緒論 ................................................................................................. 1
1-1 前言 ............................................................................................ 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 ........................................................................ 2
第二章原理簡介與文獻回顧 .................................................................... 4
2-1 無機/有機電晶體發展 ............................................................... 4
2-1-1 無機半導體傳導機制.................................................... 10
2-1-2 有機半導體傳導機制.................................................... 12
2-2 有機薄膜電晶體基本原理 ...................................................... 14
2-2-2 雙極性電晶體 ................................................................ 17
2-2-3 有機薄膜電晶體之重要參數 ........................................ 18
2-3 透明有機薄膜電晶體 ............................................................. 22
2-4 共軛導電高分子 ..................................................................... 25


2-4-1 聚三苯胺共軛導電高分子 ............................................ 27
2-4-2 低能隙共軛導電高分子 ................................................ 27
2-5 自組裝單分子薄膜 (Self-assembled monolayer, SAM) ....... 28
2-5-1 自組裝單分子薄膜應用於有機光電元件之文獻 ........ 31
第三章實驗設備與方法 .......................................................................... 34
3-1 儀器設備 ................................................................................. 34
3-2 實驗藥品與器材 ..................................................................... 35
3-3 實驗步驟 ................................................................................. 36
3-3-1 基板圖樣化流程圖 ........................................................ 36
3-3-2 成長自組裝單分子薄膜 ............................................... 41
3-3-2 有機薄膜電晶體之製備 ............................................... 42
3-4 材料鑑定與分析 ..................................................................... 46
3-4-1 半導體量測儀 (Semiconductor Device Parameter
Analyzer) ...................................................................... 46
3-4-2 原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope, AFM) ........ 47
3-4-3 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Field-Emission Scanning
Electron Microscope, FE-SEM) ................................... 49
3-4-4 紫外光/可見光分光光譜儀(Ultraviolet/ Visible
Spectrophotometer, UV/Vis) ........................................ 51


3-4-5 接觸角測量儀(Contact Angle) ...................................... 52
3-4-6 X 射線光電子能譜化學分析儀 (X-ray photoelectron
spectrometer, XPS) ....................................................... 53
第四章實驗結果與討論 .......................................................................... 54
4-1 優化 PTAA 之薄膜電晶體效能 ............................................ 55
4-1-1 PTAA 最佳轉速之分析 ................................................. 56
4-1-2 分析 PTAA 退火溫度之影響 ....................................... 61
4-1-3 以不同官能基自組裝單分子薄膜改質有機薄膜電晶體
...................................................................................... 65
4-1-4 不同官能基自組裝單分子薄膜對 PTAA 電晶體元件之
特性分析 ...................................................................... 68
4-1-5 以 PTAA 作全透明電晶體 ........................................... 75
4-2 探討低能隙材料 PBDTT-DPP ................................................ 79
4-2-1 探討 PBDTT-DPP 之透明度 ........................................ 80
4-2-2 退火溫度對 PBDTT-DPP 之影響 ................................ 81
4-2-3 不同環境製備 PBDTT-DPP 之影響 ............................ 85
4-3-4 探討 PBDTT-DPP 之穩定性 ........................................ 96
第五章結論 ............................................................................................. 101
參考文獻 ........................................................................................... 102
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