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研究生(外文):Hsueh-Ling Tang
論文名稱(外文):Multi-cue Pedestrian detection from 3D point cloud data
指導教授(外文):Kai-Lung Hua
口試委員(外文):Kai-Lung HuaWen-Huang ChengYung-Yao ChenJing-Ming GuoKuo-Liang Chung
外文關鍵詞:LidarPedestrian detection
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時不夠清晰,本論文提出在不需要視覺影像的狀況下,利用超清晰度的LIDAR 進
行行人偵測的方法。為了處理LIDAR 點雲在長距離時點雲數量不夠的問題,本文
特徵外,本文也考慮到深度特徵,基於多項特徵結合分類,本方法在F1 測量法中
取得比現有技術高出23% 的良好結果。
Pedestrian detection is one of the key technologies of driver assistance system. In order to prevent potential collisions, pedestrians should be always accurately identified whether during the day or at night. Since the visual images of the night are not clear, this thesis proposes a method for recognizing pedestrians by using a high-definition LIDAR without visual images. In order to handle the long-distance sparse point problem, a novel solution is introduced to improve the performance. The proposed method maps the three-dimensional point cloud to the two-dimensional plane by a distance-aware expansion approach and the corresponding 2D contour and its associated 2D features are then extracted. In addition to hand-crafted features, deep learned features are also considered in this thesis. Based on multiple cues, the proposed method obtains significant performance boosts over state-of-the-art approaches by 23% in terms of F1-measure.
Abstract .
List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Introduction
2 Relative-work
3 Method
3.0.1 Overview
3.0.2 Hand-crafted Feature Extraction
3.0.3 Deep learned Feature Extraction
4 Experimental Design
4.0.1 Experimental condition
5 Experimental Result
5.0.1 Examples of failures and future work
6 Conclusions
6.1 Future Work
Letter of Authority
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