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研究生(外文):Meng-Luen Wu
論文名稱(外文):On Professional Contemporary Style Photographing Instruction Based on Neural Tree Based Classifiers Applied to Image Aesthetics Assessment
指導教授(外文):Chin-Shyurng Fahn
口試委員(外文):Chu-Song ChenZen-Chung ShihTong-Yee LeeJung-Hua WangHuei-Wen FerngJen-Wei HsiehChin-Shyurng Fahn
外文關鍵詞:Computational aestheticsdata miningdecision treerandom forestartificial neural networks
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In this dissertation, we study on how to use artificial intelligence and data mining technologies to make computers able to perceive the concept of beauty, which is an abstract idea, and design a photographing instruction system accordingly. We collect contemporary style images captured in recent years on social networks for analysis. In our instruction system, there are two parts of instruction, one is image characteristics, and the other is image composition. The image characteristics refers to the color and textures, while the image composition refers to the structure of an image.
Our proposed photographing instructor is composed of tree-based classifiers and artificial neural networks, and form a random forest to predict whether an image meets the criterions of the contemporary style. Binary decision tree are built for photographing instruction. However, the decision tree suffers from axis-aligned problem, which limits its accuracy. Therefore, we combine the decision tree and neural network, and use the subsets to build multiple random trees as random forest to improve the accuracy. We also described about the limitations of the instruction system. The system gives semantic sentences to users for image characteristics enhancement, and use blocks to indicate which regions should be improved for image composition.
In the experiments, we predict whether an image is favorable. When using image characteristics and composition features separately, and achieved 85% accuracy. When combining the two types of features, the accuracy was above 91%. In addition, the proposed instruction system is able to give correct suggestions. After applying the suggestions from our proposed system, the colors were more harmonized, the compositions were more balanced, and the main subjects were enhanced.
指導教授推薦書 i
口試委員審定書 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
致謝 v
Contents vi
List of Figures x
List of Tables xix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.1.1 Image Characteristics 3
1.1.2 Image Composition 3
1.2 Motivation 4
1.3 Challenges of Image Aesthetics 5
1.4 The Aims and Goals of the Dissertation 7
1.5 System Description 9
1.6 Dissertation Organization 12
Chapter 2 Literature Review 13
2.1 Assessment by Image Characteristics 13
2.2 Assessment by Tags 14
2.3 Photo Ranking Systems 16
2.4 Interestingness 17
2.5 Image Aesthetical Composition 19
2.5.1 Image Aesthetical Composition Classification 19
2.5.2 Image Aesthetical Composition Optimization 21
2.6 Robotic Photographer 22
2.7 Convolution Neural Networks 24
2.8 Automatic Photographing Instructions 27
Chapter 3 Image Characteristics Features 28
3.1 Color Space Conversion 28
3.1.1 sRGB to CIEXYZ 30
3.1.2 RGB to sRGB 30
3.1.3 CIEXYZ to CIELab 31
3.2 Color Components 31
3.2.1 Average Color Extraction 33
3.2.2 Representative Color Extraction 34
3.2.3 Degree of Achromatic 35
3.3 Degree of Brightness 37
3.4 Degree of Contrast 39
3.4.1 Achromatic Contrast 40
3.4.2 Color Contrast 41
3.5 Saturation 41
3.6 Sharpness 42
3.6.1 Maximum Sharpness 43
3.6.2 Sharpness Blur Ratio 45
3.7 Overexposure and Underexposure 47
3.8 Face Detection 49
3.8.1 Haar-like features 49
3.8.2 AdaBoost 50
3.9 Feature Analysis 53
3.9.1 Histogram Analysis 53
3.9.2 Feature Selection 56
3.10 Score Prediction Using Characteristic Features 57
3.11 Summary 60
Chapter 4 Image Composition 61
4.1 Importance of Image Aesthetical Composition 61
4.2 Common Types of Image Composition 62
4.2.1 Central Composition 62
4.2.2 Diagonal Composition 62
4.2.3 Horizontal Composition 63
4.2.4 Perspective Composition 63
4.2.5 Symmetrical Composition 63
4.2.6 Rule-of-thirds Composition 64
4.2.7 Vertical Composition 64
4.3 Saliency Map Generation 65
4.4 Prominent Lines 66
4.5 Composition Recognition Using Defined Rules 67
4.5.1 The Ratio of Horizontal Lines 68
4.5.2 The Ratio of Vertical Lines 69
4.5.3 The Ratio of Diagonal Lines 70
4.5.4 The Ratio of Diagonal Lines 70
4.6 Salient Region Based Rules 70
4.6.1 Nearest Distance between the Center Point of the Photo and the Centroid of the Maximum Saliency Region 71
4.6.2 Nearest Distance between Each of Power Point of the Photo and the Centroid of the Saliency Map 71
4.6.3 Feature Matching for Symmetry Detection 72
4.6.4 Local Area Relation Rules 72
4.6.5 Horizontal Linearity 73
4.6.6 Vertical Linearity 74
4.7 Image Pyramid Analysis 74
4.8 Image Composition Classification 77
4.9 Image Score Prediction Using Composition 84
4.9.1 Histogram Analysis 84
4.9.2 Prediction Using Compositions as Components 85
4.10 Summary 87
Chapter 5 Aesthetics Score Prediction 89
5.1 Data Preprocessing 89
5.1.1 Feature Selection 89
5.1.2 Feature Extraction 91
5.2 Clustering 92
5.3 Multilayer Perceptron 94
5.4 Decision Trees 98
5.5 Neural Decision Trees 101
5.5.1 Shortcoming of Decision Trees 101
5.5.2 Principal Component Analysis for Decision Trees 102
5.5.3 Support Vector Machines in Decision Tree 103
5.5.4 Artificial Neural Networks in Decision Tree 103
5.6 Random Forest 104
5.6.1 Neural Networks in Random Forest 106
5.7 Summary 106
Chapter 6 Photographing Instructions 107
6.1 Basic Instruction Mechanism 110
6.2 Limitations for Improvement Suggestion 111
6.3 Independency between Image Aesthetical Features 113
6.4 Possible Instructions 117
6.4.1 Gamma correction 119
6.4.2 Gaussian blur 120
6.4.3 Sharpness 121
6.4.4 Contrast 121
6.4.5 Other enhancement features 122
6.5 Approximation method 123
Chapter 7 Experimental Results 125
7.1 Crowd-sourcing from DPChallenge 125
7.2 Experimental Setup 129
7.3 Results in Image Aesthetics Score Prediction 131
7.4 Results in Image Composition Recognition 134
7.5 Results in Composition Suggestions 137
7.5.1 Image Style Suggestions 137
7.5.2 Image Composition Suggestions 140
Chapter 8 Conclusion and Future Works 143
8.1 Conclusion 143
8.2 Future Work 145
References 146
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