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論文名稱:一個基於類神經網路與群眾外包 的照片美學評分系統
論文名稱(外文):A Photo Aesthetic Scoring System Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Crowdsourcing
指導教授(外文):Chin-Shyurng Fahn
口試委員(外文):Bi-Ru DaiJung-Hua WangChi-Fang Lin
外文關鍵詞:Artificial neural networkAesthetic scoringCrowdsourcing
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實驗部分為計算美學評分與大眾評評分的誤差,我們是以Residual sum of squares error(Res)來計算誤差。經實驗結果顯示人物類別的Res為0.258,動物類的Res為0.296,建築類的Res為0.310,自然場景類的Res為0.283,實驗數據顯示,系統的評分與大眾評分是十分相近。
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, scientists are trying to combine many subjects with artificial intelligence, such as medicine, agriculture and genetic engineer. However, Aesthetics is a subjective subject, so it can be really challenging to judge Aesthetics through Artificial Intelligence. However we can’t arbitrarily judge Aesthetics in a binary way, so it’s a challenging task to quantify Aesthetics.
In this thesis, we propose an aesthetic scoring system on four different kinds of photos, including people, building, animal and nature. We collected many photos from Photo.net which contain public rating score. Then we extracted features including color, contrast, brightness, horizontal ratio, saturation, achromatic ratio, sharpness, harmony and saliency from those photos. After extracting the features, we input features of photos and public scores into an Artificial Neural Network to train. After we get the aesthetic scoring model, we collect 400 images with any public rating score from Flickr, then we will collect the public rating score through crowdsourcing, consequently, every image in those 400 images has a corresponding score. In the end, we predict the aesthetic score of those images through our aesthetic scoring model.
In the experiment, we use Residual sum of squares error (Res) to calculate the difference between our aesthetic scoring result and the public rating score. Experimental results show that the Res of people dataset is 0.258, the Res of animal dataset is 0.296, the Res of building dataset is 0.301 and the Res of nature dataset is 0.283. According to the results, the prediction of our system is approximate to the public opinion.
Table of Contentsiv
List of Figuresv
List of Tablesviii
1.1 Overview1
1.2 Motivation2
1.3 System Description3
1.4 Thesis organization4
2. Related Work5
2.1 Concept of Photographic Aesthetics5
2.2 Aesthetic Score Assessment6
2.3 Crowdsourcing8
3. Feature Extraction9
3.1 Color components9
3.2 Harmony11
3.3 Blur and Sharpness12
3.4 Contrast14
3.5 Simplicity15
3.6 Horizontal Ratio18
3.7 Other Features18
4. Aesthetic Score Measurement21
4.1 The Basic Concept of Artificial Neural Network21
4.2 Aesthetic Score Assessment22
5. Experimental Results and Discussions26
5.1 Experimental Setup26
5.2 Experimental Results29
5.3 Crowdsourcing34
6. Conclusions and Future Work37
6.1 Conclusions37
6.2 Future Work38
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