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研究生(外文):Hong-Nian Guo
論文名稱(外文):Utilizing Smooth Line Field Remeshing to Embed Scalable Vector Graphics
指導教授(外文):Yu-Chi LaiChih-Yuan Yao
口試委員(外文):Yung-Yu ChuangWen-Kai TaiHung-Kuo Chu
外文關鍵詞:SVG-EmbeddedRemeshingTessellation ShaderFlow Field
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虛擬模型廣泛地出現在手機遊戲或者電影動畫製作中,其中以使用高畫質貼圖成像對於使用者的感受尤其重要。然而,三維遊戲引擎往往需要較高的資訊儲存量,但是,在網路傳輸上又需要低檔案大小才能節省成本。因此,本研究使用向量圖(Vector Image) ,一種有別於傳統點陣圖(Raster Image),以點、直線或者是多邊形等數學方程的幾何圖形來表達圖像,任意放大向量圖仍然不會遺失細節或影響清晰度,以克服使用高解析度點陣圖需要更高記憶體空間的問題。本研究提出了全域優化(Global Optimization),優化了原始的網格結構以降低網格重構法的限制(Constraints)、修正流場計算使其能產生平順的流場線,並且大幅減少重構後網格的面數,以達到精簡網格但保有品質的結果。同時,整合了賀麥片塊(Hermite Patch) 與拓樸渲染器(Tessellation Shader),將圖像與三維模型的幾何特徵(Geometrical Features)轉換成賀麥片塊(Hermite Patch) 資料型態用以儲存,在渲染階段時,根據視角自動決定了渲染時取樣點(Sample Points)的密度,藉由簡單的矩陣計算決定取樣點的位置與顏色,達成即時渲染的結果。本研究與最先進技術(State-of-The-Art) 以檔案大小、渲染幀率(Frame per Second,FPS)、均方差(Mean squared error,MSE)與網格品質(Mesh Quality)做比較驗證。結果在渲染幀率(FPS)與均方差(MSE)的比較上,本研究與其他皆無太大的落差甚或有領先,但是檔案大小卻減少了將近一半且網格品質分數皆比其他高。因此,本研究可以達成商業遊戲的要求,不僅可以完成即時且無失真之渲染,還可以大量降低啟動應用所需的資料量。
3D models are widely found in mobile games and animation films, where the quality of textures impacts hugely on the audience's perception of a work's aesthetic quality. However, 3D game engines require high storage capacity, resulting in huge cost for data transferring over the internet. Therefore, this study exploits vector images, which is another image format for representing an image. With geometry primitives such as points, straight lines and polygons, vector images are able to represent pictures while enabling arbitrary amplification without lose of detail or blurring the picture, and thus, overcoming the problems of using high-resolution raster images that require higher memory space.

This study proposes a global optimization method, which optimizes the original mesh structure to reduce the constraints of the mesh reconstruction method. The method then corrects the flow field calculations to produce smooth flow field lines, and significantly reduces the size of the grid number of the mesh to achieve a compact mesh but keep the quality of the results.At the same time, integrating the Hermite patch and tessellation shader, converting the image and geometrical features of 3D model into Hermite patch structure for storage.In the rendering stage, according to the perspective of the rendering time to automatically determine the sampling density, and then determine the location and color of the sample points with a simple matrix calculation to achieve the results of real-time rendering.

This study considers file size, frame per second, mean squared error and mesh quality while comparing the results with other the-state-of-the-art methods. The differences in FPS and MSE of our results to other compared methods' results show there is no significant difference between ours and the other, while the size of the file is reduced by almost half and the mesh quality score is higher than others' results. Therefore, the results of proposed method can comply with the industry standards of mobile games, meaning our results can be rendered in real-time without lose of details and drastically accelerates the start-up process of game applications.
中文摘要 - i
Abstract - ii
目錄 - iv
表目錄 - vi
圖目錄 - vii
符號標記使用說明 - ix
1 介紹 - 1
1.1 問題定義 - 2
1.2 主要貢獻 - 3
1.3 論文架構 - 4
2 相關研究 - 5
2.1 向量圖渲染與圖形處理器加速 - 5
2.2 基於向量化的貼圖 - 6
2.3 嵌於模型中之基於向量化的貼圖 - 7
2.4 網格重構法 - 8
3 方法總覽 - 10
4 顏色片塊結構建立 - 12
4.1 顏色單元(Color Unit) - 12
4.2 顏色片塊(Color Patch) - 15
5 基於流場之網格重構法 - 19
5.1 顏色片塊之流場計算 - 19
5.1.1 標號設定 - 19
5.1.2 流場限制(Constraints)與解流場(Solving) - 23
5.2 等間距流場線之建立 - 24
5.2.1 控制流場線追蹤間距(Control of Separating Distance of Streamlines) - 24
5.2.2 種子點之選擇(Seed Points Selection) - 26
5.3 流場線限制之網格重構法 - 28
6 重構資訊嵌入網格後即時渲染 - 30
6.1 賀麥片塊(Hermite Patch)結構 - 30
6.2 資訊嵌入重構網格 - 31
6.3 拓樸渲染器(Tessellation Shader)之即時渲染 - 35
7 實驗結果與討論 - 40
8 結論與未來工作 - 51
參考文獻 - 53
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