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研究生(外文):Yi-Hsuan Tu
論文名稱(外文):Effects of a Self-Regulation Mechanism-based Inquiry Mobile Learning Approach on Students’ Learning Performances
指導教授(外文):Gwo-Jen Hwang
口試委員(外文):Hui-Chun ChuYi-Ming KaoPo-Han Wu
外文關鍵詞:Self-regulatedInquiry-based learningMobile-learningSelf-regulated learningself-efficacyhelp seeking
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Previous studies have revealed the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning in students’ active learning. However, students’ learning results might be limited if they do not have enough ability in active inquiry and learning, especially in the situation of applying knowledge in real environment. Most of the inquiry-based learning activity designs focused on the planning and explanation on learning tasks and neglected how to guide students to set personal learning goals and strategies. In many learning facility modes, self-regulation is an effective way to cultivate students to plan their personal learning goals and strategies. Therefore, an inquiry-based mobile learning mode with self-regulation mechanism was proposed to help students perform better in the inquiry-based learning activity in the real environment. A quasi-experimental design was adopted in a natural science course at an elementary school; the experimental group students used inquiry-based mobile learning mode with self-regulation mechanism; while the control group students learned with conventional inquiry-based mobile learning mode. Moreover, the both group of students’ performance on learning achievement, self-regulation ability, self-efficacy, and help seeking ability were evaluated. The experimental results of the study confirmed that self-regulation mechanism-based inquiry mobile learning approach could enhance students’ learning performance and higher order thinking, such as Self-regulated learning, self-efficacy, and help seeking. It is suggested that analyzes lower self-regulated abilities, can be explore in future long-term research.
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1.研究背景與動機 1
1.2.研究目的與問題 2
1.3.名詞釋義 3
1.3.1探究式學習(Inquiry learning) 3
1.3.2行動學習 (Mobile learning) 3
1.3.3自律機制(Self-Regulation) 4
1.3.4 學習成就 4
1.3.5自律能力 4
1.3.6自我效能 4
1.3.7 求助能力 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1.探究式學習(Inquiry learning) 6
2.1.1.探究式學習理論 6
2.1.2.探究式學習模式 6
2.1.3.探究式學習層次區分之學習模式 7
2.2.行動學習(Mobile learning) 8
2.2.1.行動學習發展 8
2.2.2.行動學習之特性 9
2.3.自律學習(Self-Regulation) 9
2.3.1 自律學習理論 10
2.3.2 自律學習模式 10
第三章 結合自律機制之探究式行動學習系統開發 12
3.1. 系統架構 12
3.2. 系統開發環境 13
3.3. 學習內容 14
3.4. 自律機制之探究式行動學習模式 15
3.5. 自律機制之探究式行動學習系統 16
第四章 研究設計 27
4.1. 研究架構 27
4.2. 研究對象 28
4.3. 研究課程 29
4.4 實驗流程 31
4.5. 研究工具 33
4.5.1. 自然科學習成就測驗 33
4.5.2. 自律學習能力量表 33
4.5.3. 個人自我效能量表 34
4.5.4. 求助能力量表 34
4.5.5 訪談題目 35
4.6 資料處理與分析 35
第五章 研究結果與分析 37
5. 1 自然科學習成就 37
5. 2 自律能力 42
5. 3 自我效能 44
5. 4 求助能力 45
5.4.1 求助能力之資料搜尋分析結果 46
5.4.2 求助能力之正式查詢分析結果 47
5.4.3 求助能力之非正式查詢分析結果 48
第六章 結論與未來展望 50
參考文獻 58
附件一 自然科學習成就測驗 63
附件二 自然科定期評量 66
附件三 自律能力量表 70
附件四 自我效能量表 72
附件五 求助能力量表 73
附件六 訪談題目 74
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1. 結合同儕互評機制的行動學習環境對學生 HTML5 網頁程式設計之學習成就、動機與批判思考意向之影響
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13. 結合自律機制之翻轉教室學習模式對學生學習成效之影響
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