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研究生(外文):Ming-Jia Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Relations between a 3D Model and it’s Shape Descriptor
指導教授(外文):Chuan-Kai Yang
口試委員(外文):Hsing-Kuo PaoKai-Lung Hua
外文關鍵詞:Typical 3D ModelShape DescriptorPerceptual StudyMachine Learning
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Human have an abstract cognition on a variety of 3D models. For example, it is easy for us to identify different kinds of chairs as chairs, because we know some concept about the chair. Similarly, for the other type of things we also have some concept to understand them. However, a question simple raises: what is the concept of a chair? It is very challenging when we try to describe it concretely. For instance, we know there are different kinds of chairs, like four-legs chair, swivel chair, stool, rocking chair, single-leg chair and so on. We all know these are chairs, even with different styles or weird structures, but what how do we make our judgment?

According to perception, we discovered that human generally do not treat a banana as a chair, and it is because we know some traits of a chair. But there are different view points from many people, so we just specify some categories that are commonly used in our life. We try to find out the human perspective through the feature computation and learning.

Our study uses different kinds of feature extracted from the 3D models, such as features of curvature, saliency and so on. After that we use machine learning to learn the views from some perceptual study. Finally we can predict and analyze the contribution of features.
中文摘要 ... (iii)
英文摘要 ... (iv)
誌謝 ... (v)
1 緒論 ... (1)
1.1 研究動機 ... (1)
1.2 研究目的 ... (2)
1.3 代表性認知 ... (2)
2 相關文獻 ... (3)
2.1 形狀特徵 ... (3)
2.2 知覺研究 ... (6)
2.3 資料導向方法 ... (9)
3 系統流程 ... (15)
4 調查設計 ... (16)
4.1 代表性選擇 ... (16)
4.2 代表性排序 ... (17)
5 特徵計算 ... (20)
5.1 形狀分佈(Shape Distribution) ... (21)
5.2 形狀直徑函數(Shape Diameter Function) ... (22)
5.3 平均測地線距離(Average Geodesic Distance) ... (23)
5.4 曲率(Curvature) ... (23)
5.5 光場描述子(Light Field Descriptor) ... (25)
5.6 環境光遮蔽(Ambient Occlusion) ... (25)
5.7 顯著性(Saliency) ... (26)
6 代表性預測 ... (28)
6.1 輸入形式 ... (28)
6.2 網路架構 ... (29)
7 實驗結果 ... (31)
7.1 預測結果 ... (31)
7.2 特徵貢獻分析 ... (35)
7.3 實驗環境 ... (36)
8 結論與未來展望 ... (38)
參考文獻 ... (38)
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