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研究生(外文):Yu Wei Ting
論文名稱:支付商業模式之探討 - 以支付寶、Paypal 與 Apple Pay 為例
論文名稱(外文):Business model of Payment - Examples of Alipay、Paypal and ApplePay
指導教授(外文):Hsi-Peng LuTain-yi Luor
口試委員(外文):Sun-Jen Huang
外文關鍵詞:Payment modelElectronic paymentBusiness model
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  • 點閱點閱:1974
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With the financial figures and the rapid development of information industry, driven by changes in general consumption habits. In addition to traditional paper money, the use of credit cards, there are emerging electronic payment transactions. Therefore, this study analyzes the payment model and the development trend of the two countries in China and the United States, and further discusses the concept of the use of the payment model, and then refers to the current situation of Taiwan's future changes in the financial development of information finance in Taiwan reference.Based on the current payment model of China and the United States, this paper summarizes the business model of the payment model business model, and draws the future possible payment model business model according to the government regulations and related subsidy measures in China. The future of Taiwan to pay the model to develop business model of the relevant recommendations.
In this study, the qualitative research method is used to analyze the secondary data collected from each country and related research reports, which mainly summarizes the business model of payment between China and the United States. (1), countries have adopted a diversified model to enter the mass market, one of the findings of this study; the discovery and national payment model industry business model can be used as a platform for the development of Taiwan, and the development of the Applicable to the business model of Taiwan payment model industry. (2), the early payment model in Taiwan to pay the business model as the main axis, and then refer to the national business model can further develop other financial services, this is the focus of this study; (3), and finally provide further study of this study Relevant proposals can be made from the formulation of public policy, follow the example of countries in the payment model market, and so on to promote the payment model market, the focus of this study.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章、 緒論 8
1.1 研究背景 8
1.2 研究動機 9
1.3 研究範圍 9
1.4 研究流程 9
第二章、 文獻探討 11
2.1 全球支付模式的發展與市場現況 11
2.2 行動貨幣儲值支付模式 12
2.3 美國支付模式市場現況與發展趨勢 13
2.4 中國支付模式市場現況與發展趨勢 17
2.5 商業模式 20
第三章、 研究方法 24
3.1 研究架構 24
3.2 研究方法 25
3.3 研究對象 25
3.4 資料收集期間 25
3.5 資料來源及收集方法 26
3.6 資料整理邏輯 26
第四章、 台灣支付產業之商業模式 27
4.1 台灣支付模式類型 27
4.2 台灣支付模式法規限況 31
4.3 台灣支付模式資安現況 32
第五章、 研究結論與建議 35
5.1 研究結論 35
5.2 研究建議 36
5.3 研究限制及未來研究方向建議 37
參考文獻 40

圖1-1、研究流程 10
圖2-1、全球各區域非現金交易額與成長率 11
圖2-2、美國行動交易規模 15
圖2-3、中國各家行動支付市場規模 17
圖2-4、中國市場行動交易規模及增長率 18
圖2-5、支付寶營運模式 19
圖2-6、四方格商業模式 21
圖2-7、商業模式九宮格 22
圖3-1、研究架構 24
圖4-1、行動支付生態系統 28
圖4-2、智慧卡流通數量與交易金額 30
圖4-3、金融機構支付流程 30
圖5-1、行動支付市場競爭態勢 37

表2-1、行動支付特色服務模式 13
表2-2、PAYPAL跨國交易國家 15
表2-3、商家會員服務 19
表2-4、個人會員服務 20
表2-5、九宮格商業模式要素及意涵 23
表4-1、三家業者支付類型 27
表4-2、台灣業者支付方式形態 29
表4-3、現階段政府開放銀行與第三方支付業者提供儲值服 32
表5-1、支付模式市場現況及發展趨勢 35
表5-2、台灣發展行動支付分析 38
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