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研究生(外文):Wen-Tsao Pan
論文名稱(外文):Application of Data Mining in Logistics Center Location Optimization, Lean Service, Bank Service Satisfaction and Network Members' Interaction
指導教授(外文):Yung-Ho Leu
外文關鍵詞:Data MiningLocation OptimizationLean ServiceBank Service SatisfactionSocial Network AnalysisGeneral Regression Neural NetworksFruit Fly Optimization AlgorithmGrey Relational AnalysisQuantile Regression
  • 被引用被引用:2
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近年來,資料採礦引起了資訊產業界的極大關注,其主要原因是存在大量資料,可以廣泛使用,並且迫切需要將這些資料轉換成有用的資訊和知識。它利用了來自如下一些領域的思想:(1) 來自統計學的抽樣、估計和假設檢驗,(2)人工智慧、模式識別和機器學習的智慧演算法、建模技術和學習理論。資料採擷也迅速地接納了來自其他領域的思想,這些領域包括最優化、進化計算、資訊理論、信號處理、視覺化和資訊檢索。一些其他領域也產生重要的協助作用。尤其是,需要資料庫系統提供有效的存儲、索引和查詢處理支援。源於高性能(並行)計算的技術在處理海量資料集方面常常是重要的。分散式技術也能幫助處理海量數據,並且當資料不能集中到一起處理時更是至關重要。
本論文第一篇文章應用三種不同的果蠅演算法(Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm,FOA)應用於物流選址最佳化問題,我們應用原始的果蠅演算法、修正型果蠅演算法及混沌果蠅演算法針對物流中心選址的收益模型與成本模型進行尋優運算,以確定最佳的物流配送中心的位置,節省企業在物流配送工作的成本。研究結果發現,CFOA演算法的運算時間相對於FOA與MFOA較長,但反覆運算搜尋配送中心地址所獲得的收益相對於FOA與MFOA較高且所花費的成本相對於FOA與MFOA較低,因此建議未來企業主及研究人員可採用CFOA反覆運算搜尋配送中心地址。
第四篇係應用社會網絡分析軟體UCINET分析國內旅遊業組織成員間網絡互動影響知識資源。本論文以國內知名的易遊網行銷客服部門內30位成員為研究對象,分別進行網絡中心度分析法、網絡派系分析法以及MRQAP法進行分析。分析結果顯示, 該公司行銷服務部門成員在諮詢網絡、信任網絡及認知網絡的對偶互動程度,會影響知識資源(Know How)的交流程度,即各成員間在組織網絡互動愈密切,對於知識資源的交換便愈頻繁。
Recently, data mining has attracted huge attention from whole information industry. The reason is that there are many data which can be widely used and we need to transform these data into useful information and knowledge urgently. Data mining takes advantage of the ideas from the following areas: (1) sampling of statistics, estimation and hypothesis testing, (2) the wisdom of the artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, AI algorithms, modeling technique and learning theory. Data mining also received ideas from other areas quickly, including optimization, evolutionary computation, information theory, signal processing, visualization and information retrieval. Some other areas also gave assistance to the development of data mining. To be more specific, effective data storage, database systems and query processing support are essential for data mining. The technology which derives from high-performance (parallel) computing has played a vital role in the process of massive data set. Distributed technique also contributed to process big dataset, especially when data set is distributed among more than one computer system.
This dissertation presented the following four studies aiming to testify the contributions of data mining technology in various fields of study. It is expected that this dissertation can provide the government, related units or enterprises decision makers with some useful advices in improving their management efficiency.
The first article adopted three different variants of Fruit Fly Algorithm (FOA) to solve the logistics location optimization problem. We applied the original Fruit Fly Algorithm, Modified Fruit Fly Algorithm and Chaotic Fruit Fly Algorithm (CFOA) to find the optimal logistics distribution center which took the income model and cost model of the location of a logistics center into account. The results revealed that the computation time of CFOA is longer those of the FOA and MFOA. However, the benefit gained through repeated searching for the location of a logistics distribution center was higher than those of the FOA and MFOA. Thus it is recommended that entrepreneurs and researchers use CFOA to find the optimal location of a distribution center in the future.
The second article discusses whether the adoption of the lean service could yield an improved service performance of an enterprise. First, grey relational analysis was conducted to examine whether there exists any difference in service performance of the three stages of a catering service process. In other words, this study explores whether the adoption of a lean service process would contribute to the improvement of the service performance of the catering service. Next, the main factors affecting the lean service performance was identified through quantile regression. Finally, performances were categorized as good or poor according to their performance values from the grey relational analysis. The results showed that the lean service has improved the performance of the catering production and service process of the catering service. Finally, early warning models for lean service performance were built with FOAGRNN, AFSAGRNN, PSOGRNN and GRNN, which were compared with the quantile regression model.
The third article studied the service satisfaction of banks through quantile regression. Grey relational analysis was employed to analyze the data of the questionnaires for the service satisfaction of public and private banks in Taiwan. Next, quantile regression was used to identify the items that affected the service satisfaction of the banks within each quantile. Finally, the detection models of the bank service satisfaction were built with seven quantile regression models. According to quantile regression, items of service speed, interest rate adjustment with clients taken into consideration, service error frequency and service point convenience affect the service satisfaction of banks for all high and low quantiles of service satisfaction. Besides, of the seven quantile regression models, the Q50 has the highest prediction accuracy.
The fourth article analyzed the impact of the Internet interaction among the members of a domestic tourist organization using UCINET. With the 30 members of the marketing service department of the well-known company EzTravel in Taiwan as the subjects of study, this study conducted analysis through network centrality, network fraction respectively. The results showed that the degree of dual interaction among the members of the marketing service department of the company in consultation network, trust network and cognitive network affected the interaction degree of knowledge resources. In other words, the more closely the members interacted with each other in the organizational network, the better the knowledge resources were exchanged.
The results of the above four studies show that data mining technologies can be easily used in analyzing problems of different fields with satisfactory results. With different characteristics and functions of different data mining technologies, researchers and scholars must conduct in-depth studies so that they can decide which data mining technique to use to deal with a problem in hand. Only in this way can they propose appropriate solutions to various problems and get satisfactory results.
Table of Contents
論文摘要 II
Abstract IV
Acknowledgements VII
List of Figures XII
List of Tables XIV
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Research Method 3
2.1 Research Steps 3
2.2 Grey Relation Analysis 3
2.3 Quantile Regression 4
2.4 General Regression Neural Networks 6
2.5 Particle Swarm Optimization 8
2.6 Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm 10
2.7 Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm 11
2.8 Modified Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm 133
2.9 Chaos Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm 13
2.10 Weight Decrease (WD) Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm 15
2.11 Random Weight (RW) Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm 16
2.12 Social Network Analysis 16
2.12.1 Network centrality analysis 17
2.12.2 Network faction and core-periphery analysis 178
2.12 .3 MRQAP 18
Chapter 3 Comparison of Three Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithms for Optimizing Location Search 211
3.1 Introduction 211
3.2 Experimental results and analysis 222
3.2.1 Income Model and Cost Model 222
3.2.2 Three fruit fly optimization algorithms 244
3.3 Summary 334
Chapter 4 A data mining approach to analyzing a lean service project 345
4.1 Introduction 345
4.2 Empirical study 356
4.2.1 Sample data sets and variables 356
4.2.2 Performance analysis of the lean service project 356
4.2.3 Quantile regression analysis of the lean service project 367
4.2.4 Construction of Prediction Models for the Lean Service Project 41
4.2.5 Comprehensive Comparison of the Prediction Models 412
4.3 Summary 434
Chapter 5 An Analysis of Bank Service Satisfaction Based on Quantile Regression and Grey Relational Analysis 445
5.1 Introduction 445
5.2 Empirical Analysis 456
5.2.1 Sample Data and Variables 456
5.2.2 Grey Relational Analysis for Bank Service Satisfaction 468
5.2.3 Quantile Regression Analysis for factors of Service Satisfaction 52
5.2.4 Performance comparisons of different Quantile Regression Models 557
5.3 Summary 579
Chapter 6 Study on the Effect of Organizational Members’ Network Interaction on Knowledge Resources in the Tourism Industry of Taiwan 60
6.1 Introduction 60
6.2 Literature Reviews 61
6.2.1 Knowledge resources 61
6.2.2 Social network theory 61
6.2.3 Network centrality 62
6.3 Research samples, structure, and method 602
6.3.1 Sample data and variables 602
6.3.2 Research structure 635
6.4 Empirical results and analysis 646
6.4.1 Network centrality analysis of the Marketing and Customer Service Department 657
6.4.2 Network faction analysis of the Marketing and Customer Service Department 668
6.4.3 Core-periphery analysis of the Marketing and Customer Service Department 679
6.4.4 MRQAP analysis of the Marketing and Customer Service Department 70
6.5 Summary 71
Chapter 7 Conclusion 73
References 746
Published Works 80
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