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研究生(外文):Zu-Hao Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Learning Effectiveness of Concept Maps for Programming Languages
指導教授(外文):Gwo-Guang Lee
口試委員(外文):Tzu-Chuan ChouJau-Rong Chen
外文關鍵詞:Programming LanguagesConcept MapsLearning Effectiveness
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1. 概念圖用於程式語言輔助教學有助於學習者快速了解系統實際開發技巧,達到有意義學習之目的
2. 透過概念圖教學,可以提高學習者對於程式語言之間關係的了解,並藉由合作學習共同完成學習目標使得專業知識建構更周全
3. 藉由本研究所建立之課程藍圖,可協助學習者達到學習目標
In the traditional way of learning, learners always through the traditional textbooks with self-learning for programming languages. Learners mostly take passive learning way, but the learning effectiveness shows polarization. The education system has changed from one-way teaching to two-way teaching, and the learning way has changed from passive way to active way, too. The studys of concept maps into curriculum teaching show the concept maps have been regarded as a tool for characterizing meaningful learning, improving traditional rote learning, and assisting learners in building knowledge effectively. Concept maps can also be use as a teaching aids tool to promote the students’ learning effectiveness and as the basis for the textbooks designed for the teaching methods of assessment. The past relative researches on a subject of teaching concept maps mainly focus on the scientific subject, the abstracted subjects fields appeared few.
In this study, concept map was took into programming languages related fields to conctruct the teaching framework. With the students who attend System Analysis and System Design in NTUST, to explore the effectiveness and the evaluation of learners by using concept maps. The research method is the action research, and the concept maps constructed by this study taken into the curriculum implementation. The concept maps’ learning effectiveness discussed through the teaching of the curriculum, the study operation and the learner's interviews. The results of this study are as follows:
1. The concept maps for programming languages-assisted instruction can help learners to understand the actual development skills of the system and to achieve the meaningful learning objectives.
2. Concept maps into the curriculum can improve the learners understanding the relationship between programming languages and completing the learning objectives by cooperative learning.
3. The curriculum blueprints established in this study can help the learners achieve learning objectives.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌 謝 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3論文架構 3
1.4研究限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 程式設計教學 5
2.1.1程式設計教學相關研究 6
2.2 知識表徵 7
2.2.1知識表徵模式 7
2.3選擇概念圖作為知識表徵工具 9
2.3.1概念圖介紹 9
2.3.2概念圖的功能 10
2.3.3概念圖理論依據 11
2.4鷹架式學習理論 19
2.5合作學習理論 21
2.6本章總結 23
第三章 研究設計 24
3.1研究架構 24
3.2研究方法 25
3.2.1行動研究 25
3.3研究者的角色 28
3.4研究情境與對象 28
3.5研究設計與流程 30
3.5.1概念圖融入課程規劃 33
3.5.2研究流程 34
3.6結語 34
第四章 概念圖實施與驗證 35
4.1概念圖軟體介紹 35
4.1.1CmapTools操作流程介紹 36
4.1.2概念圖輸出成網頁檔 41
4.2概念圖建置過程 42
4.2.1概念圖繪製限制 42
4.2.2程式語言概念圖建置過程 45
4.2.3概念圖繪製成果 48
4.3學習資源結合教學平台 72
4.4概念圖教學實施 78
4.5行動研究之歷程與反思 83
4.6教學實施後的學習成效 84
4.7結語 91
第五章 結論與建議 93
5.1研究結論與貢獻 93
5.2未來研究與建議 94
參考文獻 95
附錄一 概念圖實施成效驗證 101
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