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研究生(外文):Min-Chiung Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Outsourcing Governance for Taipei City Government Disbursement Information System
指導教授(外文):Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員(外文):Gwo-Guang LeeJau-Rong Chen
外文關鍵詞:Outsourcing DecisionResources BricolageAmbidexterityOutsourcing GovernanceValue Co-creation
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The case of management in this paper is from the Department of Finance(DOF) of Taipei City Government(TCG), which is responsible for Government Treasury management, revenue administration, public shareholding management of Fubon financial, City Property Development, City Property management, sales, development, city treasury disbursement and budget control allocation. In 2011, DOF carried out a regulation about municipal government treasury and commissioned bank. The Commissioner surveyed the case and found that there are still room to improve the disbursement affairs, which can compare to a similar case of Kaohsiung City Government. Trying to reform the detailed rules, systems and staff or not? The Commissioner came up against the choice of chance and risk.
Through the review of the case, learners can realize that government need to face the difficulty of decreasing resources and increasing work, such as reduced budgets, the demands of quality of services from people, and much more tasks. The government have to take advantage of the moment to come up with innovations with lower budgets and higher efficiency, which can even become the references for government reengineering.
This case study was been conducted in a similar fashion as Harvard Business School’s case studies. The aim of this case study is to bring up the managerial decision for leadership. When learners encounter like circumstances, they have to analyze and compare the information and results, so that they can acquire variant ideas and enhance the level of thinking to make sure the outcomes of decisions.
論文摘要 2
Abstract III
誌謝 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
壹、 個案本文 1
一、 序場 1
二、 個案背景 2
三、 首長的決策與政府資訊服務委外理由 7
四、 資訊系統委外建置分析 9
五、 銀行競標,市庫獲益 12
六、 改變衝擊與解決方案 15
七、 資訊服務委外後的下一步 17
八、 附錄 19
貳、 個案討論 20
一、 個案總覽 20
二、 教學目標與適用課程 21
三、 學生課前討論問題 25
四、 個案人物背景 26
五、 個案分析 28
六、 課程結論 44
七、 教學建議 45
八、 板書規劃 48
參考文獻 53
一、 中文參考文獻 53
二、 英文參考文獻 54
三、 網站部分 54

圖1 代庫業務內容 3
圖2 財政局組織內單位相關權責 4
圖3 舊(上)、新(下)集中支付系統畫面及新支付系統畫面 7
圖4 政府資訊系統委外建置的問題 12
圖5 銀行競標,市庫獲益 14
圖6 改變的衝擊與解決方案 17
圖7 教學目標層次圖 22
圖8 個案策略思維圖 28
圖9 資訊委外三大決策因素 31
圖10 政府資訊服務委外的優勢 34
圖11 委外決策 36
圖12 資源拼湊概念圖 38
圖13 本個案資源拼湊說明 39
圖14 本個案左右開弓理論說明 41
圖15 委外治理共創價值 44
圖16 板書一委外時間軸 49
圖17 板書二資訊委外三大決策因素 50
圖18 板書三政府服務委外的優勢 50
圖19 板書四政府資訊系統委外建置的問題 51
圖20 板書五銀行競標,市庫獲益 51
圖21 板書六改變的衝擊與解決方案 52

表1 財政局各業務科權管一覽表 4
表2 教學目標 23
表3 適用課程 24
表4 登場角色人物介紹 26
表5 教學課程規劃-課程目標一 45
表6 教學課程規劃-課程目標二 46
表7 教學課程規劃-課程目標三 47
表8 教學課程規劃-課程目標四 47
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