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研究生(外文):Yi-Ting Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Buffering and Prioritization in Switches for Reducing the Controller’s Load
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Cheng Lai
口試委員(外文):Yung-Ho LeuYu-Chin Szu
外文關鍵詞:Software-Defined NetworksPacket-In messagecontroller’s load
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本論文提出Packet-In Buffering and Prioritization (PIBP)的方法,利用暫存Packet-In訊息及優先化這些訊息來減少Packet-In訊息數量及加快其處理速度。PIBP的概念是交換器只針對未匹配資料流表之每個新資料流的第一個封包發送Packet-In給控制器,其他屬於同資料流的封包則暫存在交換器中,同時讓這些封包具較高優先權,亦即當控制器的回傳封包經交換器送出後,暫存在交換器且屬於同資料流的封包也會一併送出。我們也以排隊理論來分析PIBP效能。模擬結果顯示與優先權隊列方法相比,PIBP最多可減少23.08% 送至控制器的Packet-In訊息數量、最多可減少新資料流第一個封包的延遲時間為15.31%、最多可減少Packet-In訊息的延遲時間為21.34%、且最多可減少整體封包延遲時間為19.50%。
Software-Defined Networks (SDN), which decouples the control plane from the data plane, can fast deploy new network technologies and reduce the network management cost. In SDN, the switch forwards incoming packets according to well-defined rules, which are determined by the controller and recorded in the flow entries. When a switch receives a packet that is unmatched with any flow entries, the switch sends this packet as Packet-In message to the controller for its processing. Since the controller is responsible for many switches, it is usually a performance bottleneck. There are many studies on reducing controller’s load, but still many unnecessary Packet-In messages are sent to the controller.
This thesis proposes a novel method, Packet-In Buffering and Prioritization (PIBP). PIBP buffers Packet-In messages and prioritizes these messages to reduce the number of Packet-In messages sent to the controller and accelerate their processing, respectively. The concept of PIBP is that only the first packet of each flow which does not match any flow entry is sent to the controller. The other packets belonging to the same flow are temporarily stored in the switch. Moreover, these messages have higher priority. That is, after the packet from the controller has been forwarded from switches, the buffered packets belonging to the same flow are also forwarded. We formally analyze the performance of PIBP with queuing theory. The simulation results show that PIBP can decrease the number of Packet-In messages sent to the controller by 23.08% at most, the delay of first packet of each flow by 15.31% at most, the delay of Packet-In messages by 21.34% at most, and the overall delay by 19.50% at most, compared to a typical method, Priority-Queue.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Contents III
List of Figures IV
List of Tables V
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Background 4
2.1. SDN and OpenFlow 4
2.2. Related Work 5
Chapter 3 Packet-In Buffering and Prioritization 8
3.1. Concept of PIBP 8
3.2. Working Mechanism 8
3.3. Example 10
Chapter 4 Analysis 13
4.1. Used Notations 13
4.2. Analytical Model 14
4.3. Analysis 15
Chapter 5 Performance Evaluation 20
5.1. Simulation Setup 20
5.2. Impact of packet arrival rate in each flow (λP) 21
5.3. Impact of flow arrival rate (λF) 23
Chapter 6 Conclusion 25
References 27
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