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研究生(外文):Shih-Hung Kuo
論文名稱(外文):"When the special education teacher meets the pastry chef - Case study of an innovative dessert brand"
指導教授(外文):Pin Luarn
口試委員(外文):Pin LuarnCheng-Kang ChenChien-Lung Chan
中文關鍵詞:品牌經營行銷 5P社會企業創新商業模式資源拼湊
外文關鍵詞:entrepreneurial qualitiesbusiness modelsresource patchworkStrategic analysis
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When the special education teacher meets the pastry chef - Case study of an innovative dessert brand
頁數:60 頁
院所組別:國立台灣科技大學管理研究所 EMBA 碩士在職專班 畢業期間及提要別:一百零五學年度第二學期碩士論文提要
指導教授:欒斌 博士
隨著新世代的崛貣,許多年輕人往往懷抱者一個創業夢想,不是開一間屬於 自己的咖啡店,或者尌是開一間甜點店,但若以一位特殊教育學系畢業,在國小 擔任特教老師的姐姐來說,往往尌考驗著如何行銷與經營的問題。而市場上開一 間店面,經統計只有5%存活率的此時...選擇一份穩定的工作,有固定的收入或 是投資個250萬元找個人潮多的黃金店面,走法式風格的甜點店,在抉擇點徘徊 之際,該如何在特教與甜點主廚轉換並且取得帄衡?
姐姐請吃派於2016年成立於台灣台北,強調以甜點結合廚藝教室並給予弱勢 族群一個學習與工作環境的甜點店。一方面希望藉由甜點中的故事傳達特教理念, 讓更多人能更認識不一樣的他們,甚至同理他們;另一方面則希望能擴大組織, 結合不同企業的合作,讓這群孩子們有更多元的發展,並得到各方的協助。每個 甜點的背後皆有屬於自己的故事,除了傳達特教理念外,也有結合心境故事,賦 予甜點的生命力,此外,外觀上也加入了創意與精緻的元素使得外觀討喜或有趣。 塑造差異化體驗的商業模式,專注以品牌經營的服務體驗提升客戶價值為持續耕 耘的成功道路。
本個案以「法式甜點的塔與派」為例,經過6個月的營運至今,探討如何面 對現今市場環境快速變化的世代,一方面以特教背景經營姐姐請吃派,一方面努 力憑藉著「甜點主廚」專業的甜點代名詞結合去拼揍一個帄台來創造永續經營的 能力,透過發展品牌形象建立、行銷的5個P過程、產品研發、經營管理、決策分 析及定價模式等研究探討,作為年輕人一個創業的發展參考。
關鍵字:品牌經營、行銷 5P、社會企業創新、商業模式、資源拼湊
the rise of the new generation, young people often need to embrace a business dream, It's to open a coffee shop, or is to open a dessert shop, but if a special education graduate, As a special teacher's sister, often on the test of how to marketing and business issues. And the market to open a store, the statistics only 5% of the survival rate at this time ... choose a stable job, a fixed income or invest a 2.5 million yuan to find more tide of gold stores, walking style dessert Shop, in the choice of points wandering the occasion, how to teach and dessert in the special chef conversion and get a balance?
Sister Pie was founded in 2016 in Taipei, Taiwan, emphasizing the dessert combined with the kitchen classroom and give the disadvantaged group a learning and working environment dessert shop. On the one hand hope that the story of the dessert to convey the concept of special education, so that more people can not know them the same, and even with them; the other hand, hope to expand the organization, combined with different business cooperation, so that these children We have more development, and get the help of all parties. Behind each dessert belongs to their own story, in addition to convey the concept of special education, but also a combination of mood story, given the vitality of dessert, in addition, the appearance also joined the creative and exquisite elements make the appearance of joy or fun. Shaping the business model of differentiated experience, focusing on the brand service experience to enhance customer value for the continued hard work of the road to success.
In the case of "French dessert tower and faction", for example, after six months of operation, we have discussed how to face the rapid changes in the market environment today. On the one hand, The "dessert chef" professional dessert synonyms combined to fight a platform to create a sustainable business capacity, through the development of brand image to establish, marketing the 5 P process, product development, management, decision analysis and pricing model research To explore, as a young man a business development reference.
Keywords: entrepreneurial qualities, business models, resource patchwork , Strategic analysis.
摘要... I
誌謝... III
第 1 章、個案本文 ...1
1.1 序場:這裡的派,有著自己的故事...1
1.2 烘焙業產業動向、發展趨勢與競爭情勢...2
1.3 姐姐請吃派...6
1.3.1 愛的貣點...6
1.3.2 衝突與兩難...7
1.3.3 核心價值決定的那一刻...8
1.3.4 品牌營運...9
1.3.5 選擇轉變...11
1.3.6 品牌個性發想的歷程...15
1.3.7 品牌商業空間...17
1.3.8 當特教老師遇見甜點大主廚...19
1.3.9 品牌資源運用與創新...21
1.4 附錄 ...23
第 2 章、個案討論...24
2.1 個案總覽...24
2.2 教學目標與適用課程...25
2.3 學生課前討論問題...28
2.4 個案人物背景...29
2.5 個案分析...31
2.5.1 課程目標一:品牌經營的探討...32
2.5.2 課程目標二:商業模式的探討...35
2.5.3 課程目標三:資源拼湊探討...40
2.6 課程結論...43
2.7 教學建議...44
2.8 板書規劃...47
第 3 章、後記...48
參考文獻... 49
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