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研究生(外文):Hsiang-Chuen HSU
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Effective Motivational Factors in Multinational Virtual Teams
指導教授(外文):Hsi-Peng LuTain-yi Luor
口試委員(外文):Sun-Jen Huang
外文關鍵詞:Virtual OrganizationVirtual CommunicationMotivate
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在大型的跨國企業裡,知識共享以及資源最大化是企業運作為了達到成長的重要層面;遍布在各國的團隊透過虛擬的溝通方式討論策略,或共同完成跨國專案已經是普遍的合作模式。虛擬溝通(Virtual Communication)泛指所有面對面的溝通模式以外的方法如電話會議、郵件或透過各種不同通訊軟體相互討論的溝通方式。而這些跨國組織,其結構設計也走向虛擬化的方向,如:虛擬企業(Virtual Enterprise)、虛擬組織(Virtual Organization) 及虛擬團隊(Virtual Team)。所謂的虛擬組織,是指其組織內的成員為達成一特定目的,透過不同的網路通訊與資訊科技,一同開會、溝通和合作的團隊,團隊成員由於時區不同或地理區域分散因素,鮮少以面對面的溝通方式直接合作,主要採取虛擬溝通方式完成團隊的任務。
In a corporation with sophisticated organizational structure, communicating through every possible way is the foundation to cooperate together. It’s crucial to have an effective communication such as face to face communication, email communication or a conference call to achieve high performance or reach company goal. However it’s difficult to have an effective communication in a giant corporation. More and more global companies have widely leveraged the structure of “virtual team” to design the organization or run the projects in order to fast respond to the emerging demand from the market and customer.
In a giant multi-national corporation, to be able to share the knowledge within the company and maximize the resources is the key to grow business. The team members base in different countries have also learned how to work efficiently through virtual communication. A virtual communication includes all the models of communication such as conference call, email, instant communication software..etc except face to face communication. Meanwhile, these emerging multi-national corporations have designed their organizational structure in a virtual way, such as “Virtual Enterprise”, “Virtual Organization” or “Virtual Team”. A virtual origination is an organization includes the different team members base in different countries to cooperate together for a business goal, the team members usually leverage internet and various technologies to have meeting, discuss and work together. They rarely meet each other, and they usually cooperate through a virtual way to complete projects and achieve business goal.
The main purpose of this research is to explore and discuss how a virtual team to work effectively to achieve business goal under the barrier of different time zone, mother languages, cultures and sometimes different reporting lines. How a team-leader/manager of a virtual organization motivate his/her team members to achieve or even surpass the original target? And how effective the motivational factors are?
This research not only summarized the motivational factors through studying the literature, but also collecting the experience from several experts to conclude the new motivational factors. This qualitative research adopted face-to-face interview and the researcher discussed with the experts about how they leverage these motivational factors and the effectiveness of these factors.
摘要 I
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章、 緒論 10
1.1 研究背景與動機 10
1.2 研究目的 11
1.3 研究流程與架構 12
1.3.1、研究範圍 12
1.3.2、研究流程 12
第二章、 文獻探討 14
2.1 虛擬團隊 14
2.1.1 虛擬團隊的定義 15
2.1.2 虛擬團隊的特性與種類 16
2.2 激勵理論 20
2.2.1 激勵的定義 20
2.2.2 激勵理論 21
2.3 激勵因子 27
2.4 文獻小節 29
第三章、 研究方法 30
3.1 質化訪談研究法 30
3.2 研究設計 31
3.3 專家訪談 32
第四章、 訪談歸納與激勵因子分析 35
4.1 受訪者背景歸納比較 35
4.2 訪談歸納整理 37
4.3 訪談分析說明 40
4.3.1 了解與信任感及互動及參與程度 40
4.3.2 財務激勵 40
4.3.3 參與制定決策 41
4.3.4 團隊內/外競爭 41
4.3.5 公開讚揚/感激 42
4.3.6 升遷 42
第五章、 結論與建議 43
5.1 研究結論 43
5.2 研究建議與研究限制 47
參考文獻 49

圖1-1、研究流程圖 13
圖2-1、全球虛擬團隊的構面 17
圖2-2、虛擬團隊分類圖 18
圖2-3、MASLOW的需求層級 22
圖2-4、LOCKE 目標設定理論基本模式 25
圖2-5、激勵特性圖 29
圖3-1、研究設計流程 32

表2-1、虛擬團隊與國際團隊、一般團隊之間的比較 17
表2-2、激勵—保健因子比較 23
表3-1訪談對象背景簡介 33
表4-1、受訪者背景分析比較 35
表4-2、訪談重點整理 37
表4-3、訪談結果歸納 – 激勵因子的有效程度 39
表5-1、本研究結果與文獻比較 44
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