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研究生:Jakub Richter
研究生(外文):Jakub Richter
論文名稱(外文):CW Radar Sensor For Patient’s Biological Functions Monitoring
指導教授(外文):Chao-Hsiung Tseng
口試委員(外文):Ray-Guang ChengChun-Long Wang
外文關鍵詞:Doppler radarrespirationheartbeatpatch antennaspectrumMatlabArduino
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雷達系統的核心是BGT24MTR11晶片,此晶片包含所有雷達系統的元件,因此本論文只需設計天線、後端正交相位差動之訊號處理、電源供應及保護電路。訊號發射源之頻率為24.2 GHz。
BGT24MTR11晶片需透過序列周邊介面設定,並使用Arduino UNO 板進行10-bit解析度之類比數位轉換,與發送序列周邊介面指令。
The goal of this work is to design continuous-wave radar sensor for patient’s biological functions such as respiration and heartbeat to be monitored, up to 1.5 m distance and use signal processing to compute measured results of some patient’s condition observation.
The kernel of our radar system is radar chip BGT24MTR11 which include all necessary high frequency components. Therefor we only need to design the antenna, circuit to process in-phase and quadrature signals to be acquired by computer for signal processing, and supply voltage and protection of whole circuit. High frequency signal is tuned to f=24.2 GHz.
The radar chip BGT24MTR11 has to be set up by command though SPI bus. For this purpose and for acquisition data to computer, board Arduino UNO is used. Arduino UNO includes SPI pins and analog input pins with 10-bits resolution.
Finally, graphical user interphase in Matlab was used for its suitability and capability on signal processing, plotting in-phase and quadrature signals, computation for fast Fourier transform to get spectrum and plot the said spectrum to see frequencies of heartbeat and respiration to discuss results.
摘要 i
Abstract i
Contents ii
List of figures vi
List of tables viii
Shortcuts ix
I. Introduction 1
II. Basic of continuous wave (CW) radar 3
II.I. Doppler effect 3
II.II. Continuous wave (CW) radar 4
II.III. Radar equation 6
III. Antenna 8
III.I. Antenna bacics 8
III.I.I. Near field and far field 8
III.I.II. Directivity and Gain of antenna 9
III.I.III. Half power beamwidth (HPBW) 10
III.I.IV. Free space path loss (FSPL) 10
III.II. Transmission line 11
III.II.I. Characteristic impedance 11
III.II.II. Reflection coefficient 12
III.II.III. Impedance matching 12
III.II.IV. Wavelength in transmission line 13
III.II.V. Microstrip line 13
III.III. Patch antenna 14
III.III.I. Computations for designing of single patch antenna 14
III.III.II. Designing single patch antenna by software 17
III.III.III. Designing 2x2 patch antenna array by software 21
III.III.IV. Designing 4x4 patch antenna array by software 25
III.III.V. Implementation into board 28
III.IV. Antenna measurements 30
IV. Construction of circuit 33
IV.I. Basic arrangement 33
IV.I.I. Low-noise amplifier (LNA) 33
IV.I.II. In-phase/Quadrature mixer 34
IV.I.III. RF chip BGT24MTR11 34
IV.I.IV. Block diagram of main part of circuit 36
IV.I.V. Arduino UNO 37
IV.I.VI. Differential amplifier 37
IV.I.VII. Supply voltage 38
IV.I.VIII. SPI high level consideration 39
IV.II. Final configuration 39
V. Software development 41
V.I. Main concept 41
V.II. Commands for Arduino UNO 41
V.II.I. Serial Pheripheral Interface bus (SPI) 41
V.III. Sending data to PC via port COMX 43
V.IV. Signal processing in Matlab 44
V.IV.I. Spectrum 44
V.IV.II. Windowing 48
V.IV.III. Matlab GUI 49
VI. Experimental measurements 52
VI.I. Calm breathing 52
VI.I. Fast breathing 54
VI.II. Deep breathing 55
VI.III. Holding a deep breath 56
VI.IV. Speech 57
VII. Conclusion 58
References 60
Appendix 61
A. Schematic of whole circuit 61
B. Top layer layout 62
C. Middle layer layout 63
D. Bottom layer layout 64
E. Radar photo front side 65
F. Radar photo back side 66
G. Photo of radar connected to Arduino UNO and PC 67
H. Arduino code – SPI command 68
I. Arduino code – collect data 69
J. Photo from measurement 70
K. Matlab openCSV function code 71
L. Matlab plotSpec function code 72
M. Matlab HammingWin function code 73
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