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研究生(外文):Jen-Tsung Liang
論文名稱(外文):Graphic Interface Porting and Real-time Video Stream Stitching System Development on Embedded Linux
指導教授(外文):Bin-Chang Chieu 
口試委員(外文):Ching-Wen HsueJong-Woei Whang 
中文關鍵詞:V4L subsystem嵌入式系統遠端監控Embedded LinuxLinux Kernel
外文關鍵詞:V4L subsystemEmbedded systemFar-end MonitoringEmbedded LinuxLinux Kernel
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由於考慮到硬體的移植性及降低資源的使用量,僅使用一般小型嵌入式系統專用的圖形函式庫MiniGUI及一般Linux核心皆會支援的V4L子系統及uvc_class_driver。筆者首先分析linux的系統管理方法及開機起動流程,接著分析V4L2核心源碼詳述V4L2核心在底層與V4L2 platform driver、V4L2 driver的互動及記憶體緩衝分配,最後實作移植u-boot、Linux kernel、filesystem與MiniGUI核心至開發板,並利用系統程式將以上資源整合開發,在開發板上實現一個即時影像串流銜接遠端監控系統。
Since 2007, the growing trend of embedded system is due to the breakthrough on the hardware. Therefore, the hardware threshold of building a surveillance system was reduced. A multi-device streaming platform is able to provide integrated applications in the different domain.
The focus of this thesis is to provide a solution (which is flexible for hardware expansion, and has highly portability on different embedded Linux platform) for a general embedded multi-device supervisory control platform which is expected to be accomplished with less system resources usage.
Considering to the hardware portability and the reduction of resource usage, this research only uses V4L subsystem, uvc_class_driver which are supported in the general Linux kernel and MiniGUI (a graphic interface software core that specially-designed for small scale embedded system).
To start with, the author analyzed the system management and the kernel initialization of a Linux kernel. Next, the author detailed the memory assignment in V4L2 subsystem and the interactions among V4L2 core, V4L2 platform driver, and V4L2 driver by analyzing the V4L2 subsystem source code in kernel space. In addition, the author implemented the porting of u-boot, Linux kernel, filesystem and the MiniGUI core of the development board. Finally, the author, accomplished an integrated development with the resources above by using system program. The far-end real-time stream supervisory control system was realized on the development board.
摘要 IV
Abstract V
誌謝 VI
目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第1章 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目標 3
1.4 論文架構 3
第2章 嵌入式開發平台與硬體介紹 5
2.1 開發板簡介 5
2.1.1 開發板 5
2.1.2 硬體規格 5
2.1.3 嵌入式作業系統 6
2.2 測試相機 7
第3章 Linux作業系統 8
3.1 Linux系統架構 8
3.1.1 行程子系統 9
3.1.2 記憶體子系統 12
3.1.3 檔案子系統 15
3.1.4 輸出入子系統 17
3.2 Linux開機流程 19
3.3 Linux移植 25
第4章 V4L2 sub_system 28
4.1 V4L簡介 28
4.2 V4L2 架構 28
4.2.1 裝置載入及移除 29
4.2.2 開啟影像裝置 34
4.2.3 影像記憶體緩衝管理 38
4.2.4 載入及移除影像緩衝區 43
4.2.5 開始影像串流之記憶體映射 48
4.2.6 終止影像串流及記憶體釋放 55
第5章 系統實作 58
5.1 系統架構圖 58
5.2 編譯環境 59
5.3 MiniGUI 60
5.3.1 MiniGUI的主要技術特性 60
5.3.2 MiniGUI software framework 61
5.3.3 MiniGUI移植 63
5.4 系統流程圖 66
5.5 系統成果圖 72
第6章 結論與未來展望 73
6.1 結論 73
6.2 未來展望 74
參考文獻 76
作者簡介 76
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