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研究生(外文):Jhih-Siang Jhang
論文名稱(外文):Cardiac Arrhythmia Signal Modeling and Recognizing Based on Fractional Low Order Estimation
指導教授(外文):Ching-Shun Lin
口試委員(外文):Wei-Mei ChenChang-Hong LinHuan-Chun WangChing-Shun Lin
外文關鍵詞:ElectrocardiogramAlpha-stable distributionFractional low order statisticsAtrial fibrillationAtrial flutterVentricular tachycardiaVentricular flutterVentricular fibrillationSupport vector machineK-nearest neighborMultilayer perceptronConvolutional neural networkRecurrent neural networkStacked autoencodersK-fold cross-validation
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Electrocardiogram (ECG) has been used as the media for detecting and recognizing cardiac arrhythmias. In this research, we develop a recognition system for a variety of arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation (AFIB), atrial flutter (AFL), and life threatening ventricular tachycardia (VT), ventricular flutter (VFL), and ventricular fibrillation (VFIB). This ECG recognition system is developed based on several feature extraction techniques followed by neural network classifiers. Alpha-stable distribution, with a general form of Gaussian distribution, shares the same properties with various arrhythmias such as sharp spikes or occasional impulses of outlying observations than one would expect from normally distributed signals. Since some electrocardiograms with arrhythmias are chaotic and difficult to be modeled in the time domain, interpreting the syndromes with their statistical information would be an alternative for exploring underlying characteristics. In addressing this problem, a novel method of accurate parameter estimation of cardiac signal is proposed. In addition, based on various arrhythmia types, various classifiers with deep learning algorithms are designed to verify the usefulness of our approaches. The developed system has shown the potential for alpha stable distribution to distinguish the main features of the ECG signal and thereby enhance the classification scheme.
第一章 導論
1.1 前言
1.2 心電圖訊號處理相關文獻探討
1.3 本文架構
第二章 心電圖與心律不整資料簡介
2.1 心電圖
2.1.1 心臟的電性傳導系統
2.1.2 心電圖介紹
2.2 心律不整疾病介紹
2.3 機器學習
2.3.1 支持向量機
2.3.2 最近鄰居法
2.4 深度神經網路
2.4.1 多層感知器
2.4.2 卷積神經網路
2.4.3 遞歸神經網絡
2.4.4 堆疊自編碼器
第三章 Alpha穩定分佈
3.1 Alpha穩定分佈
3.1.1 Alpha穩定分佈參數
3.1.2 Alpha穩定分佈特性
3.2 Alpha穩定分佈參數估計
3.2.1 基於經驗特徵函數法
3.2.2 基於樣本分位數法
3.2.3 參數估計演算法精確度比較
3.3 機率密度函數
3.4 累加分佈函數
第四章 實驗結果
4.1 資料來源介紹
4.2 ECG訊號預處理
4.2.1 高通濾波器
4.2.2 均值濾波器
4.3 ECG訊號分段擷取
4.3.1 基於N秒資料分段方法
4.3.2 基於R波偵測資料分段方法
4.4 特徵資料提取
4.4.1 Alpha穩定分佈參數特徵
4.4.2 機率密度函數與累積分佈函數
4.4.3 離散小波轉換
4.5 K-Fold交叉驗證
4.6 ECG資料分類結果
4.6.1 SVM演算法分類結果
4.6.2 KNN演算法分類結果
4.6.3 深度學習演算法分類結果
4.7 分類器辨識率比較
4.8 敏感度與變異度的性能評估
第五章 結論與未來展望
5.1 結論
5.2 未來展望
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