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研究生(外文):Chih-Han Chang
論文名稱(外文):Age Estimation Based on Hybrid Features from Randomized Facial Blocks
指導教授(外文):Chang-Hong Lin
口試委員(外文):Jenq-Shiou Leu Chin-Hsien Wu Wei-Mei ChenChang-Hong Lin
外文關鍵詞:Age Estimation SystemExtended Curvature Gabor Filtermachine learningCompleted Local Binary PatternLocal Directional PatternSupport Vector Machine
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年齡估測在電腦視覺的領域中是一大挑戰,尤其是透過影像來辨識人的真實年齡,年齡會因身體的狀況或外在因素而造成非常大的誤差值,因此實作上有極大的困難點。年齡估測可以適用在很多領域,例如在娛樂系統、消費系統,分級系統和客群分析上,都能有很好的應用效果。由於現今人民對智慧生活及自動化的要求,時常搭配不同鏡頭再經由各式數位影像處理的演算法不斷擴展來辨識、偵測或是追蹤,因此不管是在學術界與工業界都湧入大量專業領域的人進行開發,致使此領域在各方面都獲得了更好的發揮舞台。在現今也擁有許多相關的年齡估測的演算法,在提取特徵上都是以單特徵搭配固定大小區塊或是在前處理進行特定位置的選取,但是有可能因為這樣忽略了極具代表年齡的特徵,而本論文所提出的方法是透過擴展式的曲率賈柏濾波器(Extended Curvature Gabor Filter,簡稱ECG) 取得臉部的曲線強度,並搭配離散餘旋轉換(Discrete Cosine Transform,簡稱DCT) 來進行特徵降維,再加上我們隨機利用不同的大小、位置及角度產生出非特定區塊並提取該區塊的完整局部二值模式(Completed Local Binary Pattern,簡稱CLBP)及局部方向二值模式(Local Directional Pattern,簡稱LDP)來擷取更有辨識度的特徵。最後利用上述所提取的多特徵組合成特徵向量並透過支持向量機 (Support Vector Machine,簡稱SVM) 中的線性內核演算法來進行年齡估測的迴歸分析,最終預測出年齡。本論文的平均年齡差 (Mean Absolute Error,簡稱 MAE) 可達到4.49歲,比以往的系統能達到更好的效果。
Vision based applications have become a trend in modern world, and among them, age estimation is a useful tool in applications, such as marketing, security, and entertainment. However, age estimation is still quite challenging, because there are many factors, such as environment, mental or physical conditions, would affect the human aging process. Moreover, common make-ups or accessories would occlude important features, such as wrinkles, in pure vision based age estimation systems. There have been many researchers on age estimation, and the proposed system falls in the category of feature-based methods. This thesis proposed a novel method to improve automatic age estimation from human faces. Three types of features extraction algorithms are used, such as Extended Curvature Gabor Filter (ECG), Completed Local Binary Pattern (CLBP), and Local Directional Pattern (LDP). While the ECG is applied to the entire human face, CLBP and LDP are only applied to blocks with randomized scales, positions and orientations. Then, Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to estimate the age from combined feature vectors. The Mean Absolute Error of the proposed method is 4.49 years old, which is better than existing methods.
摘要 I
致謝 III
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Contributions 4
1.3 Thesis Organization 5
2.1 Facial Model Based Methods 6
2.2 Feature Based Methods 7
2.3 Deep Learning Based Methods 9
3.1 Preprocessing 11
3.1.1 Face Detection 11
3.1.2 Face Alignment 13
3.2 Feature Extraction 15
3.2.1 Gabor Filters 15
3.2.2 Extended Curvature Gabor Filters 17
3.2.3 Local Binary Pattern 21
3.2.4 Completed Local Binary Pattern 22
3.2.5 Local Directional Pattern 26
3.2.6 Randomized Facial blocks 29
3.3 Dimension Reduction 32
3.3.1 Discrete Cosine Transform 32
3.4 Feature Fusion 35
3.5 Support Vector Machine 37
4.1 Experimental Environment 38
4.2 Age Database 38
4.2.1 FG-NET 39
4.2.2 MORPH 2 40
4.3 Evaluation Performance 41
4.4 Compared existing and analyses 41
4.4.1 Performance evaluation on FG-NET [14] 41
4.4.2 Performance evaluation on MORPH 2 45
4.4.3 Performance evaluation under different ethics and genders 46
4.5 The proposed system under different parameters 48
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS and Future works 52
5.1 Conclusions 52
5.2 Future Works 53
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