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研究生(外文):Chun-Kai Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Data Restoration Flash Translation Layer for Self-Healing NAND Flash Memory
指導教授(外文):Chin-Hsien Wu
口試委員(外文):Chin-Hsien WuWei-Mei ChenJen-Wei HsiehShanq-Jang Ruan
外文關鍵詞:flash memoryself-healingflash translation layer
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Self-Healing NAND flash memory is an interesting hardware technology in recently years. It has ability to recover the transistor which was worn-out due to repeatedly writes and erases. It needs to use high-temperature to heat the transistor and let the electron left the tunnel oxide by getting energy. Unfortunately, the more quickly you want to recover the transistor, the higher temperature you have to heat the transistor which can only endure about 250℃. Furthermore, healing operations in flash memory may block the normal requests and can degrade the performance. Therefore, we propose a data restoration flash translation layer for self-healing NAND flash memory. The objective of the thesis is to avoid the problem that data in NAND flash memory cannot be accessed due to the healing operations.
1. Introduction 4
2. Related Works 7
2.1. Self-healing NAND Flash Memory 7
2.2. RAID 8
2.3. RAID-based Flash Translation Layer 10
2.4. Partial Parity Cache 11
3. System Architecture 13
3.1. System Overview 13
3.2. Glossary and Background Knowledge 14
3.3. Address Translation 16
3.4. Data Recovery 19
3.5. Parity Management 22
3.6. Garbage Collection 25
4. Experiment 29
4.1. Experiment Setup 29
4.2. Performance and Overhead 30
4.3. policy of garbage collection 32
5. Conclusion 34
6. Reference 35
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