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研究生(外文):Zih-Han Fang
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication and Performance Analyses of External Modulation Lasers on Identical Quantum Wells
指導教授(外文):San-Liang Lee
口試委員(外文):San-Liang LeePing-Hui YehDa-Wei RenWen-Jeng Ho
外文關鍵詞:DFB laserExternal Modulation LaserIdentical Quantum WellsEAM
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To realize the high-speed light sources to carry large data rates, this thesis investigates the feasibility of realizing electroabsorption-modulated lasers (EMLs) where the same AlInGaAs quantum wells are used as the active layers for both the laser and modulator sections. The integration of laser with modulator can have the merits of smaller device size and less optical coupling loss.
Most of this work succeeds the device structure and fabrication procedures developed in the prior work of our group, but the laser wavelength is placed outside the absorption band of the AlInGaAs quantum wells. The lasing wavelength is a critical parameter in realizing EMLs with identical quantum wells since it affects both the laser performance as well as the extinction ratio (ER) and insertion loss of the modulator.
The integrated EMLs are fabricated and tested for performance analyses. We measure the laser characteristics for different cavity lengths. The results indicate that wavelength and output power are strongly affected by the temperature change.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xii
第一章 研究動機與元件技術介紹 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 DFB雷射簡介 2
1-3 電致吸收調變器與電致調變雷射簡介 4
1-4 研究方向 5
1-5 論文架構 5
第二章 基本理論與元件製程技術 6
2-1 DFB雷射原理 6
2-2電致吸收調變雷射 9
2-2-1 電致吸收調變器之調變原理 9
2-2-2 法蘭茲-凱爾帝希效應 11
2-2-3 量子侷限史塔克效應 13
2-3積體化整合技術 15
2-3-1 常見之積體化整合技術 15
2-3-2 積體化整合技術選擇 19
第三章 元件製程與步驟 21
3-1光罩 22
3-2製程流程與結果討論 23
第四章 元件量測與討論 40
4-1 DFB雷射量測結果與討論 40
4-1-1量測架構 40
4-1-2 AlInGaAs雷射之特性量測 42
4-2電致吸收量測結果與討論 49
4-2-1 利用雷射之ASE光源量測電致吸收結果與討論 49
4-2-2利用已激發狀態之雷射量測電致吸收結果與討論 54
4-3量子井結構特性分析 59
4-3-1 電致調變器特性量測與分析 59
4-3-2 電致調變雷射特性分析 60
第五章 結論 70
5-1成果與討論 70
5-2未來研究方向 71
參考文獻 72
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