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研究生(外文):Cheng-Chieh Lin
論文名稱(外文):Realization of tunable optical interleavers on silicon photonics platform
指導教授(外文):San-Liang Lee
口試委員(外文):Shih-Hsiang HsuChing-Fuh LinYung-Jr Hung
外文關鍵詞:silicon photonicsoptical interleaverdirectional couplerMach–Zehnder interferometerThermo-optic effect
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本論文利用比利時微電子研究中心所提供之矽光子製程,在絕緣層覆矽基板上製作光被動元件。首先設計方向耦合器使能於1300 nm~1320 nm波長範圍有穩定的耦合效率,並用以連接兩組馬赫-曾德爾干涉儀實現光交織器。然而,實際量測的耦合效率與設計值相異,從模擬的方式探討後發現,由於設計時使用的2.5D FDTD會將垂直軸(垂直於晶圓表面)方向忽略,因此未計算到此方向的耦合而造成誤差,論文中也驗證了3D FDTD結果與量測結果較為相符。
因為耦合效率的差異下,使光交織器的通帶及阻帶產生分波的現象,原先預計耦合效率為0.5而實際為0.82,故當其耦合效率非0.5時,使得兩輸出端光明滅比互相抑制。此外亦透過溫度控制器使光交織器波長位移,經過線性推估為0.061 nm/℃。
The inter-connection with conventional copper wires has rather limited bandwidth to fulfill the increasing demands of nowadays communication needs. Optical interconnect and transmission systems start to take over the copper wires as the high-capacity transmission media. Silicon photonic circuits have the advantages of high transmission speed, low cost, and energy saving. Besides the applications to high-performance computing and cloud services, silicon photonics has been also applied to realize the functionality for bio-medical and military fields. As a result, silicon photonics is becoming the hot research field recently.
This thesis investigates the realization of optical passive elements with the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform provided by IMEC. We first design the directional coupler with stable coupling coefficient over a wavelength range of 1300 nm to 1320 nm. The Mach-Zehnder interferometers formed of the directional couplers and waveguides are cascaded to realize optical interleavers. The measured device characteristics of the fabricated couplers and optical interleavers are found to be different from the designed values. After detailed investigations, the 2.5D-FDTD simulation that was adopted for device analysis was found to cause the difference between experiments and simulations. This is due to the fact that the 2.5D-FDTD method use effective index to approximate the vertical direction of the waveguide and thus ignore the coupling along this direction. The simulation using 3D-FDTD results in better matching to the measured ones.
The difference in the coupling coefficient of directional coupler leads to the imperfect characteristics of the optical interleaver where the passband and stopband are not flat. The expected coupling coefficient of the coupler is 0.5 but the real value is 0.82 with the 3D-FDTD simulation. This results in the reduced extinction ratio of the optical interleaver. For practical applications, a temperature controller is used to tune the optical interleaver and obtain a wavelength tuning of 0.061 nm/℃.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 研究動機與元件介紹 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 絕緣層覆矽平台 3
1-4 光交織器與通道追蹤 4
1-5 光訊號調變 6
1-6 論文架構 7
第二章 元件結構介紹 8
2-1 2×2方向耦合器 8
2-2 馬赫-曾德爾干涉儀 11
2-3 級聯式馬赫-曾德爾干涉儀 14
第三章 元件模擬設計 17
3-1 模擬方法介紹 17
3-1-1 有限時域差分法 18
3-1-2 有限特徵模態法 20
3-2 非對稱方向耦合器 21
3-3 光交織器 27
第四章 元件量測結果 34
4-1 量測系統架構 34
4-2 寬頻方向耦合器分析 37
4-3 光交織器分析 43
4-3-1 耦合效率對頻譜之影響 48
4-3-2 熱調變對元件之影響 51
第五章 結論與未來發展方向 53
5-1 成果與討論 53
5-2 未來發展方向 54
參考文獻 56
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