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研究生(外文):Chun-Chen Liu
論文名稱(外文):High-speed Flexible Printed Circuit Boards for 400 Gb/s Optical Transceivers
指導教授(外文):San-Liang LeeFan-Hsiu Huang
口試委員(外文):Chao-Hsiung TsengE-Min Chou
外文關鍵詞:Optical CommunicationHigh-speed Flexible Printed Circuit Board
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物聯網(IOT)、大數據(Dig Data)的資訊應用發展,乙太網路的速率及頻寬需求快速成長,從100G到400G的乙太網路架構已然成形,光傳收模組中傳統的電路板連接方式已無法滿足高速傳輸的需求,為了有效的提升電路板及光傳收模組之間的速率及頻寬,需要藉由高速軟性電路板的連接,克服連接時尺寸限制及阻抗匹配之問題。
本論文針對16×25 GHz光傳收模組之研究架構,設計並製作光傳輸模組及光接收模組之高速軟性電路板,利用差模訊號傳輸線以減少共模雜訊、運用凹槽焊點的設計、分析板材參數對高速訊號之影響及阻抗匹配情形,同時也完成高速軟板、光傳收模組與高速電路板三者連接,利用軟性電路板之可折撓、立體配線及高配線密度等優點,達成小面積接面的需求。
量測結果中,與軟、硬板結合的光傳輸模組之25 Gb/s光眼形圖的SNR=6.19、ER=7.83,具備良好的眼圖品質;與軟、硬板結合的光接收模組藉由馬赫曾德電光調變器傳送訊號之電眼形圖為SNR=5.66,兩者量測結果皆顯示本論文設計之軟板可供25 Gb/s NRZ訊號傳輸使用。最終也成功量測到TOSA傳輸32 Gb/s PAM-4電眼形圖,可做為8×50 G光傳收模組之研究參考。
The bit rate and bandwidth of Ethernet is growing rapidly following modern developments in technology such as IOT and big data. The structure and specifications of 100 G Ethernet and 400 G Ethernet have already been outlined. Traditional methods of printed circuit board (PCB) layout and connection are unable to satisfy the desired high-speed transmission with optical transceivers. To enhance the bit rate and bandwidth of PCB’s and optical transceiver connection effectively, high-speed flexible printed circuit boards (FPCB) are employed. They allow foldable and flexible assembly as well as improved wiring density and impedance matching with high-speed PCB’s and optical subassemblies.
This thesis focuses on the realization of a 16"×" 25 GHz optical transceiver module, integrating the optical subassembly with high-speed flexible printed circuit boards. By taking advantage of differential signal transmission and the notch ground design of solder joints, common-mode noise can be reduced and the impedance matching problem can be mitigated, respectively. After deliberate design and verification with simulations we have realized the connection between the high-speed flexible printed circuit board, optical transmitter, optical receiver, and PCB. With these designs, we have solved the interface problems and have achieved a bandwidth greater than 28 GHz with our FPCB.
The 25 Gb/s optical transmitter with FPCB and PCB demonstrates a SNR of 6.19 and ER of 7.83 and with clearly open eye diagram. By applying the FPCB to connect 25 Gb/s optical receiver subassembly with PCB and using an externally modulator light source as the input, the measured SNR is 5.66 and the eye diagram is clearly open. These measurement results shows that the FPCB design have great quality for 16"×" 25 Gb/s transceivers. Moreover, we have successfully used the FPCB-connector optical transmitter to transmit a 32 Gb/s PAM-4 signal.
第一章 序論
1.1 前言
1.2 研究動機
1.3 文獻探討
1.4 論文架構
第二章 軟性電路板與光次傳收模組
2.1 軟性電路板
2.1.1 軟板材料
2.1.2 軟板結構
2.1.3 高速軟性電路板
2.2 光次傳收模組元件
2.2.1 光次傳輸模組之元件
2.2.2 光次接收模組之元件
第三章 傳輸線分析
3.1 差動訊號傳輸
3.2 奇模態與偶模態傳輸原理
3.2.1 耦合傳輸線
3.2.2 奇模態傳輸分析
3.2.3 偶模態傳輸分析
第四章 軟性電路板傳輸線設計及分析
4.1 傳輸線設計
4.2 光傳收模組之軟板設計
4.3 光傳收模組之軟板分析
第五章 光傳輸模組元件量測與分析
5.1 軟性電路板之高頻特性量測
5.2 軟性電路板與光傳輸模組之眼圖量測
5.3 軟性電路板與光接收模組之眼圖量測
5.4 軟性電路板與光傳輸模組之PAM-4訊號量測
第六章 結論
6.1 結論
6.2 未來工作
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