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研究生(外文):TENG-KAI YOU
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Trajectory Aligned Features for Action Recognition in First-Person Videos
指導教授(外文):Yie-Tarng Chen
口試委員(外文):Wen-Hsien FangChen-Mie WuHsing-Lung ChenMing-Bo Lin
外文關鍵詞:action recognitionfirst-person videomotion decompositionrank poolingtrajectory representation
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隨著科技日新月異,產品推陳出新,穿戴式攝影機越來越普及,例如:GoPro,Google Glass,HTC Re等,不僅體積小,影片的解析度也很清晰。隨著各式的攝影機,數以萬計的影片配放在網路上供人瀏覽。當攝影機沒有被固定在一個穩定的地方,而是隨著人的移動做拍攝時,一般的動作辨識可能就沒有辦法準確的分辨當下的行為。我們的目的是希望能在這種第一人稱的視角之下,也能做準確的分類。首先我們針對晃動的影片做穩定,以減少全域動量。接著在影片中找出含有動量的軌跡,沿著軌跡取HOG,HOF,MBH等特徵。接著針對這些特徵找出他們在時間軸以及空間軸的代表方式(Fisher vector 與 VideoDarwin),最後用SVM當分類器,判別動作的種類。
With the popularity of portable devices, the number of egocentric videos increase. Unstructured movement of the camera due to natural head motion of the first-person causes sharp changes in the visual field of the egocentric camera causing many traditional action recognition methods to perform poorly in these scenario. This paper proposed a new approach for action recognition in First-Person videos by decomposing the dense trajectories and finding a better representation for spatial and temporal informations by fisher vector and ranking machine. Simulation results show the robustness of the proposed method which outperform the other handcraft feature approaches.
Table of contents
List of tables
List of figures
1. Introduction
2. Related work
3. Approach
3.1 Trajectory extraction by optical flow
3.2 Motion decomposition
3.3 Trajectory-aligned descriptors
3.4 Spatial encoding by Fisher Vector
3.5 Temporal encoding by Video Evolution
4. Experimental results
4.1 Dataset and parameter settings
4.2 Parameters setting and procedure Result Comparison
4.3 Comparison With Improved Dense Trajectory
4.4 Comparison With Baseline Approaches
4.5 Fail Cases Discussion
5. Conclusion
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