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研究生(外文):Hsiang Wang
論文名稱(外文):Study and Application of Linear Structures Erbium-Doped Fiber Light Sources
指導教授(外文):Shien-Kuei Liaw
口試委員(外文):Hai-Han LuMing-Chang LeeWen-Fang WuChow-Shing ShinNan-Kuang ChenJen-Fa HuangShih-Hsiang Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Erbium-doped fiberFiber Bragg gratingSingle-longitudinal-mode fiber laserSubring cavityAbsorberSuperfluorescent fiber sourceMean wavelengthPhoto-annealing effectFiber optic gyroscope
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  第一部份為研製單縱模光纖雷射,以摻鉺光纖雷射為基礎,經由初步架構設計與測量,得到以3米摻鉺光纖架構於線性型後向泵激式光纖雷射,可以得到最佳的雷射輸出現象,接下來我們將提出兩種方式來將光纖雷射以單縱模形式輸出。第三章中,我們運用一種特殊的元件,稱做子環形共振腔,藉由這些長度不一的子環型共振腔加入光纖雷射主體中,會因為各共振腔長度的不同使雷射頻譜範圍改變,在相互影響下,達到抑制雷射旁模的現象,產生單縱模光纖雷射,雷射線寬小於1 MHz。
  在第四章中,我們利用摻鉺光纖中鉺離子吸收與放射特性,藉由光纖光路設計,將一段未經泵激光源的摻鉺光纖置入光路當中,稱做摻鉺光纖吸收體,使光波在摻鉺光纖吸收體中產生干涉現象,形成空間燒孔效應,達到旁模抑制的效果,雖然在研究中我們成功運用7 m的吸收體能夠將雷射旁模完全消除,但是光纖雷射功率將同時被影響,在本章末將結合前述子環形共振腔與摻鉺光纖吸收體兩者的優勢,生成混合式線型架構單縱模光纖雷射,達到雷射線寬將小於1 MHz,近乎單一縱模的光纖雷射裝置。
  第二部份主軸在於設計超螢光光源裝置,同樣的基於線型架構與摻鉺光纖的特性,並且能夠適應太空環境中高溫差與輻射現象,應用於光纖陀螺儀當中。第五章從環境溫度之平均波長穩定性參數為基礎,分析各元件受溫度的影響性,其中泵激光源、摻鉺光纖與光纖光柵影響甚鉅,所以一開始我們將個別探討其影響。首先泵激光源我們將使用有別於一般的無溫控泵激雷射,實驗測試將比一般溫控型泵激雷射的平均波長穩定性高出四倍,第二在摻鉺光纖的測試中,經實驗與測量找出一種具有較佳輸出特性的做為架構中的增益媒介,而光纖光柵在本架構中為核心元件,為了能夠運用於光纖陀螺儀中,我們採用一頻寬大於15 nm以上的寬頻譜光纖光柵做為光源範圍選取元件,此外光纖光柵也是超螢光光纖光源架構中溫度補償主要元件,將寬頻譜光纖光柵黏貼於碳纖維複合材料上,利用兩者材料特性正負溫度係數,使平均波長穩定性能夠降低。接著探討其線型架構的影響,其架構分為雙通前向與雙通後向泵激光源型式,就實驗結果雙通後向泵激光源具有較佳的輸出特性與平均波長穩定性較低的優勢,在本章各參數與架構設計下,得到一運用於高溫差環境中的摻鉺超螢光光纖光源,其-26度至65度間,平均波長穩定性可達2.19 ppm/oC。
  第六章近一步優化前述研製之摻鉺超螢光光纖光源,並且除了具有低的溫度係數外,還具有抗輻射的能力。改善方式將運用前述研究的摻鉺光纖吸收體,降地光源頻段外的波長影響,最顯著的在於大幅降低1530 nm波段的影響性,達環境溫度-10至65度C,平均波長穩定性0.67 ppm/oC,長時間平均波長穩定性1.3 ppm/oC,輸出功率最高可達9.52 dB,3 dB頻寬為16.44 nm。輻射穩定性方面,即時輻射穩定性量測,將5 m的HG980B1摻鉺光纖照射總劑量30 krad的60Co輻射,並在光源架構中以寬頻光纖光柵作為被動光退火進行即時輻射損耗修復。在6 小時、30 krad照射下,輸出功率變動小於0.22 dB,平均波長變化量為110 ppm,3 dB頻寬變動為0.7 %。
This dissertation is mainly based on the linear structure, we research and develop the applications like single-longitudinal-mode (SLM) fiber laser and Erbium-doped superfluorescent fiber source (SFS). These are made by combining Erbium-doped fiber (EDF) with fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and other components to produce fiber laser, spontaneous amplification, and other characteristics. The contents can be divided into two parts as follows.
The first part is to introduce the theorem of Erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) and FBG with characteristics and measurements of the former fiber laser. We conclude that the backward pump EDFL in the threshold power and lasing output power has better characteristics than those of the forward pump EDFL. The following shows the experimental study in the SLM fiber laser which includes three methods. The first one is the SLM fiber laser adding three sub-ring cavities in the main cavity. The lengths of the three sub-ring cavities are 2 m, 2.2 m, 3.5 m, and the different free spectral range are about 100 MHz, 92 MHz, and 57 MHz, respectively. The mutual influence of the three sub-ring cavities makes the laser free spectral range exceed the laser gain range in the SLM fiber laser. The second one is the absorber type of the SLM fiber laser adding the un-pumped EDF in the main cavity. Owing to the characteristics of absorption and emission, there are interference and spatial hole burning effect occurring in the EDF absorber; thus, the effect of mode suppression arises. The third one includes the advantages of the former two methods, which is the hybrid type SLM fiber laser using the 2 m EDF absorber and the 2 m sub-ring cavity. Due to the characteristics of laser mode suppression, we can achieve the effect of the SLM fiber laser. Moreover, through the investigation of SLM fiber lasers, we can get the result of laser linewidth below 1 MHz, which is a narrow linewidth obtained from the linear cavity fiber laser.
The second part shows the characteristics of super-fluorescent fiber source (SFS), the recovery of photo-annealing effect and the application of fiber optic gyroscope (FOG) to discuss. Based on a broadband fiber Bragg grating (BFBG), the main scheme here is a double-pass backward SFS (DPB-SFS) which is temperature-compensated by carbon fiber composites (CFC). First, several kinds of EDF in different lengths were used in the DPB-SFS. The properties of DPB-SFS using EDFs were studied in the measurement of their output power, mean-wavelength, and 3 dB bandwidth. The best output power, mean-wavelength, and 3 dB bandwidth were 10.65 dBm, 1549.3 nm, and 16.92 nm, respectively by using 5 m EDF (HG980 B1). The result in a high temperature makes difference in the environment of Erbium-doped SFS. The temperature range was from -26oC to 65oC; while the mean wavelength stability was as small as 2.19 ppm/oC.
After that, we discuss the thermal and real-time radiation stabilities of DPB-SFS by using 5 m EDF (HG980 B1) while the temperature ranges from 0oC to 70oC. The variation we measured of the output power, mean-wavelength, and 3 dB bandwidth were 0.12 dB, 2 ppm/oC and 2.2 %, respectively. To verify the real-time radiation stability, we set a 5 m HG980B1 EDF in the radiation chamber for 6-hour with 60Co gamma-radiation on exposure to a total dose of 30 krad. We also use a broadband fiber Bragg grating in the DPB-SFS for in-time recovery of radiation-induced loss. The variation we measured of the output power, mean-wavelength and 3 dB bandwidth were 0.22 dB, 110 ppm and 0.7 %, respectively.
Chinese Abstract I
Englist Abstract III
Acknowledgement V
Contents VII
Abbreviation XI
List of Figures XIII
List of Tables XIX
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Organization of the dissertation 4
Chapter 2 Fiber Source Overviews 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Erbium doped fiber 7
2.3 Fiber Bragg Grating Fabrication 9
2.4 Tunable Fiber Bragg Grating 14
2.5 Linear Cavity Structures 17
2.5.1 Single-pass forward-pumped 17
2.5.2 Single-pass backward-pumped 18
2.5.3 Double-pass forward-pumped 19
2.5.4 Double-pass backward-pumped 19
2.6 Summary 20
Chapter 3 SLM Linear Cavity Fiber Laser Using Subing Cavity 21
3.1 Introduction 21
3.2 Theory 22
3.2.1 Erbium doped fiber laser 22
3.2.2 Free spectral range 24
3.2.3 Single-longitudinal-mode fiber laser 25
3.3 Types of pumping schemes 27
3.4 Types of cavities 30
3.4.1 Broadband fiber mirror 30
3.4.2 Optical Circulator 31
3.4.3 Fiber loop mirror 32
3.4.4 Comparison 34
3.5 Single-longitudinal-mode operation 36
3.5.1 Laser mode range 36
3.5.2 Subring cavity 37
3.5.3 Self-homodyne measurement 38
3.6 Linear cavity fiber laser 42
3.6.1 Experimental Setup 42
3.6.2 Results and discussion 42
3.7 Single-longitudinal-mode linear cavity fiber laser using subring cavity 46
3.7.1 Experimental Setup 46
3.7.2 Results and discussion 48
3.7.3 Tunable fiber laser 49
3.8 Summary 51
Chapter 4 Hybrid Single-longitudinal-mode Fiber Laser 52
4.1 Saturable absorber Theory 52
4.1.1 Absorption based two-level Erbium ion rate equation 52
4.1.2 Spatial hole burningphenomenon in EDF absorber 54
4.2 Faraday rotate mirror 56
4.3 Single longitudinal mode fiber laser using absorber 59
4.3.1 Experimental Setup 59
4.3.2 Results and discussion 62
4.3.3 Tunable fiber laser 64
4.4 Hybrid single longitudinal mode fiber laser 66
4.4.1 Experimental Setup 66
4.4.2 Results and discussion 67
4.4.3 Tunable fiber laser 70
4.5 Summary 73
Chapter 5 Design of Uncooled Superfluorescent Fiber Source 74
5.1 Introduction 74
5.2 Mean wavelength 75
5.3 Parameter design for Superfluorescent Fiber Sources 76
5.3.1 Uncooled pump laser diode 76
5.3.2 Erbium doped fiber 78
5.3.3 Fiber Bragg Grating 80
5.4 Temperature compensation 81
5.4.1 Carbon fiber Orientation 84
5.4.2 Glue selection 86
5.4.3 Results and discussion 87
5.5 Component temperature impact 91
5.5.1 Pump laser diode 91
5.5.2 Erbium doped fiber 92
5.5.3 Pump Fiber Bragg Grating 97
5.6 Uncooled superfluorescent fiber source 101
5.6.1 Experimental Setup 101
5.6.2 Results and discussion 103
5.7 Summary 105

Chapter 6 Anti-radiation SFS with Low Thermal Coefficient 106
6.1 Introduction 106
6.2 Uncooled superfluorescent fiber source using absorber 107
6.2.1 1530 nm impact to explore 107
6.2.2 Experimental Setup 107
6.2.3 Results and discussion 110
6.3 Uncooled superfluorescent light source optimization 112
6.3.1 Experimental Setup 112
6.3.2 Results and discussion 115
6.4 Temperature Environmental Stability 118
6.4.1 Experimental Setup 118
6.4.2 Unused Absorbent SFS Stability Measurement 119
6.4.3 Results and discussion 122
6.5 Radiation Environmental Stability 127
6.5.1 Experimental Setup 127
6.5.2 Results and discussion 130
6.6 Summary 134
Chapter 7 Conclusion 136
7.1 Achievements and works summary 136
7.2 Future research andSuggestions 138
Reference 142
Publication List 153
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