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研究生(外文):Hao-Ran Chien
論文名稱(外文):Post-fault Control of Six-phase Permanent-magnet Synchronous Motors Using Dual Digital Signal Processors
指導教授(外文):Jonq-Chin Hwang
口試委員(外文):Sheng-Nian YehChang-Hua LinChuan-Sheng LiuJonq-Chin Hwang
外文關鍵詞:post-fault controlsix-phase permanent-magnet synchronous motors(PMSMs)dual digital signal processors(DSPs)
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本文之系統使用二組數位信號處理器TMS320F28069,分別控制abc及xyz雙三相三臂型換流器,並使用控制器區域網路通訊協定連結二組數位信號處理器,傳送交軸電流命令及故障旗標,以處理不同故障情形。本文使用Matlab/Simulink 分析二組三相三臂型換流器與驅控六相永磁式同步電動機。實體製作及測試顯示本文使用之二組數位信號處理器的做法不僅可提供六相正常運轉,亦可在偵測到abc或xyz三相繞組任一組故障時進行故障後控制:在負載轉矩為6N-m的條件下,六相正常運轉時,電動機相電流峰值為28.26A,系統整體效率為77.45%;負載轉矩為3N-m,xyz相故障時,abc相電流峰值為28.40A,系統整體效率為73.38%;abc相故障時的xyz相電流峰值為26.97A,系統整體效率為72.37%。實驗結果驗證了控制策略之可行性。
The thesis presents the post-fault control of six-phase permanent-magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) with dual digital signal processors(DSPs). Two three-phase three-arm inverters are designed to drive the six-phase PMSM with each phase winding connected by one controlling arm. Rotor position and speed, as well as six phase-currents are fed back through linear Hall-effect and current sensors, respectively, to facilitate current closed-loop control after rotor frame transformation. The post-fault control of six-phase PMSM is thus conducted by first determining the faulty three-phase winding via the six feedback currents. The faulted three-phase winding is then disconnected. The sustained operation of the normal three-phase winding thus enhances the system reliability accordingly.
Two DSPs, TMS320F28069, are used to control the two three-phase three-arm inverters of abc- and xyz-phases, respectively. The controller area network(CAN) bus communication protocol in the dual DSPs transmits the quadrature-axis current command and fault flags to handle the post-fault motor behaviors. Matlab/Simulink is used to analyze the power inverter and its drive of six-phase PMSM. A prototype of the two three-phase three-arm driving circuits of six-phase PMSM is built. Normal as well as post-fault operations are conducted as planned. The peak phase-current of the motor is 28.26A with the system efficiency of 77.45% when the motor works normally under a load of 6N-m. Whereas, the peak phase-current of the motor is 28.40A with the corresponding load of 3N-m as the xyz-phase winding of the six-phase motor is disconnected when fault occurs, and the system efficiency is 73.38% in this case. Similarly, the peak motor phase-current is 26.97A with the system efficiency of 72.37% under 3N-m after the abc-phase winding is cut. The feasibility of the proposed system is verified experimentally.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
符號索引 VI
圖表索引 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機及目的 1
1.2 文獻探討 2
1.3 本文架構與特色 3
1.4 本文大綱 4
第二章 六相永磁式同步電動機之數學模式及參數量測 7
2.1 前言 7
2.2 數學模式 7
2.3 轉子座標系統轉換之電壓及電磁轉矩方程式 10
2.4 六相永磁式同步電動機轉子磁極角位置估測 15
2.5 六相永磁式同步電動機的參數量測 17
2.6 結語 21
第三章 六相永磁同步電動機轉速控制及故障後控制策略 22
3.1 前言 22
3.2 六相永磁式同步電動機之轉速及電流閉迴路控制 22
3.2.1 每組三相的轉速閉迴路控制策略 22
3.2.2 每組三相的qd軸電流閉迴路控制策略 23
3.2.3 交軸電流的分配 26
3.2.4 六相轉速及電流閉迴路控制策略 26
3.3 繞組斷線故障判斷 28
3.4 故障後的控制策略 30
3.4.1 xyz 相繞組故障 30
3.4.2 abc 相繞組故障 31
3.5 結語 31
第四章 實體製作與實測 32
4.1 前言 32
4.2 硬體電路架構 32
4.2.1 數位信號處理器介面電路 32
4.2.2 電流回授電路 36
4.2.3 電壓回授電路 37
4.2.4 線性霍爾效應偵測元件 38
4.2.5 控制器區域網路(CAN)通訊協定 39
4.3 軟體規劃 40
4.3.1 主程式流程規劃 40
4.3.2 轉速電流閉迴路及故障後控制程式規畫 42
4.4 模擬與實測 46
4.5 結語 63
第五章 結論與建議 64
5.1 結論 64
5.2 建議 65
參考文獻 66
附錄A 六相12槽10極內轉永磁式同步電機規格及分析 68
1. 幾何架構 68
2. 無載分析 70
3. 感應電動勢分析 71
附錄B 磁粉煞車(ZKB-1.2XN)的規格 73
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