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研究生(外文):Chin-Ho Huang
論文名稱(外文):Study on the state evaluation of the circuit breaker interrupting mechanism
指導教授(外文):Ruay-Nan Wu
口試委員(外文):Hong-Chan ChangTsung-Huang HsiehChien-Kho Chang
外文關鍵詞:Big dataGas Insulated Switchgear (GIS)Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Based on many kinds and counts of Circuit Breaker (CB) in Taipower system and one-sixth of CBs are over utility limited of manufacture suggestion that the work is twenty years. According to Bathtub Curve, these equipment is working in high risk status. The operation time was focused on the Taipower CB maintenance that is refer to the IEC62271-100 and the CB estimate is not built in long term maintenance schedule. In order to improve operation safety and reliability, the mechanism of CB estimate has to be built in the prevention and detection of the CB operation quality early.
The operation time of CB that is over two hundred thousand sets of maintenance record that was studied in this research using the Big-data analysis. The CB hidden weakness can be discovered by the operation trend from big-data analysis. The normal distribution and reliability area analysis were designed in this study. The time standard error for each voltage level can be used in CB healthy status estimate in initial stage and the equipment weakness trend can be obtained from the analytical result.
Finally, the User-Interface platform can be built by using the R language. The analytical result of the equipment weakness trend can be obtained for staff maintenance planning or rescheduling. The experimental cases are verified by this method and can reach the goal of reducing operation risk and maintenance cost.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的與方法 3
1.3章節概述 7
第二章 斷路器介紹 8
2.1功能及類別介紹 8
2.1.1 油斷路器 9
2.1.2 空氣斷路器 10
2.1.3 磁吹斷路器 10
2.1.4 真空斷路器 11
2.1.5 氣體斷路器 12
2.2維護制度說明 14
2.3動作時間說明 21
2.4歷年斷路器事故統計分析 24
第三章 斷路器動作時間數據評估分析 28
3.1各級斷路器動作時間常態分佈 28
3.2信賴區間評估分析 29
第四章 規劃庫暨介面平台規劃與建置 33
4.1 R語言介紹 33
4.2數據庫說明 34
4.2.1 沿革 34
4.2.2 點檢作業流程 35
4.2.3 數據庫資料 36
4.3目標數據庫建置 37
4.4狀態評估參數定義 40
4.5平均值判斷指標 42
4.6動作趨勢判斷指標 45
第五章 實例驗證 55
5.1人機介面 55
5.1.1 斷路器跳脫時間及趨勢分析查詢 56
5.1.2 斷路器跳脫動作時間分析結果報表彙整 58
5.2實務案例 62
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 68
6.1結論 68
6.2未來研究方向 69
參考文獻 70
附錄 73
作者簡介 81
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