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研究生(外文):Hsin-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):MRI characterization of brain structures: parcellation schemes and machine learning
指導教授(外文):Teng-Yi Huang
口試委員(外文):Tzu-Chao ChuangShang-Yueh TsaiYi-Ru Lin
外文關鍵詞:structural MRI T1-imagesLinear regressionADHDmachine-learningfeature selectionRFECV
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本研究目的在於重現Tustison研究中所使用的機器學習流程,提出一系統方法,將腦結構T1影像(T1-weight imaging)利用FreeSurfer切割出大腦皮質厚度,使用機器學習方法和大型數據庫推導出腦皮質厚度有效的MR生物標記物。利用線性回歸來預測性別和年齡,並計算出預測的準確率和預測年齡的誤差,藉此來比較三種腦皮質厚度的神經解剖分割方案的優劣,並將此流程方法運用在預測注意力缺陷及多動障礙(ADHD)和正常受試者的分類上。結果發現Desikan–Killiany Atlas大腦切割方案不論是預測性別還是年紀都有最高的準確率和最低的誤差值,而運用在判別ADHD的亞型分類上,Desikan–Killiany Atlas切割方案也是三種切割方案中擁有最高的準確率,且不論在哪一種參數,結果相較穩定。再藉由遞歸特徵消除分析各個特徵的權重做參數選擇,由此能分析出可能是因為哪些大腦區域的異常而影響此病症。
In this study, we reproduced the investigation of Tustison, which evaluated cortical thickness calculation algorithms by machine-learning approaches. First, we used FreeSurfer to measure cortical thickness from structural MR TI images. We applied machine-learning algorithms to a large-scale database to get effective MR biomarkers of cortical thickness. Subsequently, we used linear regression algorithms to predict genders and ages from the T1 data sets, and then analyze the accuracy of the prediction. We compared the performances of these three neuroanatomical parcellation schemes by using the area under the curve of receiver operating characteristic curve of gender and the root-mean-square error of age. We then applied the established machine learning procedures to the task of discriminating ADHD patients from normal subjects. In addition, we performed feature selection by using the weights produced during recursive feature elimination with cross validation to potentially provide localization information for brain regions related to ADHD. In summary, the results obtained using the Desikan–Killiany parcellation scheme generally outperformed the other schemes in all tasks, predicting the gender and age of each participant and discriminating ADHD types.
致謝 I
中文摘要 II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 注意力缺陷及/多動障礙 3
1.3 皮質切割方案 4
1.3.1 Desikan–Killiany Atlas 4
1.3.2 Destrieux Atlas 6
1.3.3 Desikan-Killiany-Tourville Atlas 8
第二章 方法與材料 10
2.1 實驗資料 10
2.1.1 IXI 10
2.1.2 ADHD 11
2.2 影像前處理 12
2.3 線性回歸分析 15
2.4 交叉驗證 17
2.5 遞歸特徵消除和交叉驗證 19
2.6 實驗流程 21
2.6.1 性別預測評估 21
2.6.2 年齡預測評估 25
2.6.3 ADHD判斷及分類 26
2.7 分類結果分析 29
第三章 實驗結果 32
3.1 重現結果 32
3.2 性別與年齡預測 33
3.3 ADHD二元分類結果 36
3.4 ADHD綜合比較 40
第四章 討論 44
第五章 結論 47
參考文獻 49
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