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研究生(外文):Shu-Kai Tuan
論文名稱(外文):Serially Connected Antenna Design with Omnidirectional Coverage and Array Antenna Design with Broad Beam and High Gain
指導教授(外文):Wen-Jiao Liao
外文關鍵詞:slots antennasomnidirectional antennasserially connected antennasdiversity receivermaximum likelihood ratio combiningtransmitter power
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本論文第一部分提出了一款適用於室內存取點之全向性串列天線設計,天線採用以共面波導作饋入的串列式槽孔天線型式,天線的操作頻段為2.4 GH的ISM頻帶。此槽孔陣列天線的特色為尺寸小與具有全向性高增益的場型效果,這兩個特點可滿足室內存取點的使用需求。透過實測與模擬比對,驗證了該串列天線具良好的輻射特性與全向性場型效果。
第二部份提出了一款具新穎性,結合接收機的天線架構,同時具有高增益與寬角度的效果,可應用於監控行動裝置的需求。該架構藉由多波束天線與分集接收機作結合,分集接收機將不同波束的訊號在基頻,透過最大比值合併的方式進行訊號的結合。在效能驗測時,應用雙通道的數位電視接收機、1×4陣列天線與4×4的巴特勒矩陣組成天線系統。操作的頻段為2.4 GHz的ISM頻帶。為了驗證寬涵蓋、高增益的接收天線特性,透過雙波束天線與單波束天線的實驗比較,觀察發射端能允許數位電視訊號解調變的最小發射功率。隨著不同訊號入射角度情況下,能解調的發射功率變動與天線增益差值成比例,該結果顯示本研究所提出結合接收機的天線架構相當於將雙波束天線場型作相加。與單波束天線作比較,透過結合分集接收機可以將陣列天線的有效波束寬大幅提升,改善監控天線效能。
The first part presents an omnidirectional serially connected antenna design. The antenna uses serially connected slots fed with a coplanar waveguide and operates at 2.4 GHz ISM band. The slot array is of small sizes and omnidirectional radiation patterns, which are applicable to uses on indoor access points. The comparison between measurement and simulation verifies that this serially connected antenna exhibits a good radiation efficiency and an omnidirectional pattern.
The second part of this thesis proposes a novel antenna configuration. It achieves high gain and broad beam coverage at the same time. The antenna comprises a multi-beam array antenna with a diversity receiver. Signals from different beams are merged by the diversity receiver in the baseband level using the maximum likelihood ratio combining scheme. The proposed antenna is implemented by combining a dual-channel digital TV receiver and a four-element array with a 4×4 Butler matrix. The operating frequency is the 2.4 GHz band. In order to verify the broad beam coverage and high diversity performance. Experiments of the dual-beam antenna and a single beam reference are conducted for different incidence angles to find lowest transmitter power levels permissible for DTV signal demodulation. The result suggests the angular transmitter power variation profile is consistent with the antenna gain pattern. Results show the reception gain pattern of the proposed antenna configuration is equivalent to coherently combine the two beam patterns of the multi-beam array. Comparing to a single-beam antenna, the effective beamwidth of the array antenna is improved due to the use of the diversity receiver.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2. 論文組織 2
第2章 第二章 共面波導串列式槽孔陣列天線 3
2.1. 前言 3
2.2. 雙端開路槽孔與雙端短路槽孔天線原理 5
2.3. 六單元指向性槽孔陣列天線 8
2.3.1. 天線設計 10
2.3.2. 天線效能驗證 12
2.4. 六單元全向性槽孔陣列天線 16
2.4.1. 天線設計 16
2.4.2. 天線效能驗證 21
2.4.3. 共面波導線使用空氣橋之影響 25
2.5. 四單元全向性槽孔陣列天線 26
2.5.1. 天線設計 26
2.5.2. 天線參數分析 27
2.5.3. 天線效能驗證 31
2.6. 小結 34
第三章 結合分集接收機之寬波束高增益天線 35
3.1. 前言 35
3.2. 分集技術介紹 38
3.3. 寬波束高增益天線架構 39
3.4. 量測系統架構 41
3.5. 多波束天線陣列 43
3.6. 寬波束高增益天線效能驗證 54
3.7. 誤碼率實驗設置 57
3.8. 天線輻射場型與靈敏度場型比較 61
3.9. 小結 71
第四章 結論 72
參考文獻 73
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