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研究生(外文):FU-YU HSU
論文名稱(外文):A novel charging algorithm for lithium-ion batteries based on model predictive control
指導教授(外文):Yi-Hua Liu
口試委員(外文):Shun-Chung WangHuang-Jen ChiuJen-Hao Teng
外文關鍵詞:Model Predictive ControlArtificial Neural NetworkLi-ion batteryBattery Temperature
  • 被引用被引用:5
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Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries play a substantial role in energy storage solutions for modern-day technologies such as hand-held consumer electronics, aerospace, electric vehicles and energy backup for renewable energy systems. For Li-ion batteries, designing a high-quality battery charger is essential since charging method has significant influences on the performance and lifetime of Li-ion batteries. The objectives of a high-quality charger include higher charging efficiency, shorter charging time and prolonged cycle life.
In this thesis, a model predictive control based charging algorithm is proposed, the aim of the presented technique is to simultaneously reduce the charging time and the temperature rise during charging. In this study, coulomb counting method is utilized to calculate the future state-of-charge (SOC) and an artificial neural network (ANN) trained by experimental data is also applied to predict the future temperature rise. Comparing with widely employed constant current-constant voltage (CC-CV) charging method, the proposed charging technique can improve the charging time and the average temperature rise by 2.8 % and 14.45 %, respectively.

Keyword: Model Predictive Control, Artificial Neural Network, Li-ion battery, Battery Temperature
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 文獻回顧1
1.3 論文大綱3
第二章 二次電池與二次電池充電技術介紹5
2.2.1 鉛酸電池7
2.2.2 鎳鎘電池7
2.2.3 鎳氫電池7
2.2.4 鋰離子電池8
2.2.5 二次電池特性比較8
2.4 二次電池充電技術介紹10
2.4.2 定電流充電法12
2.4.3 定電流定電壓充電法12
2.4.5 多階段電流充電法15
2.4.6 脈衝充電法17
第三章 類神經網路與模型預測控制介紹20
3.1 類神經網路基本概念20
3.2 類神經網路的特性23
3.2.1 類神經網路模式分類23
3.2.2 倒傳遞類神經網路說明24
3.3 模型預測控制29
3.3.1 模型預測控制介紹29
3.3.2 廣義預測控制介紹30
3.3.3 廣義預測控制模型31
3.4 評分函數33
第四章 類神經網路結合模型預測控制之韌體架構 35
4.1 類神經網路實驗環境 35
4.1.1 類神經網路訓練資料 35
4.1.2 電池溫升之倒傳遞類神經網路設計36
4.1.3 以倒傳遞類神經網路模型預估電池溫升38
4.2 人機介面介紹44
4.2.1 LabVIEW簡介44
4.2.2 人機介面程式45
第五章 實驗結果和數據49
第六章 結論與未來展望55
6.1 結論55
6.2 未來展望55
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