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研究生(外文):Chen-Chieh Yao
論文名稱(外文):A Hybrid Deception Recognition System Based on Facial Landmarks
指導教授(外文):Jing-Ming Guo
口試委員(外文):Chi-Chia SunNai-Jian WangChih-Hsien HsiaYun-Fu Liu
外文關鍵詞:Deception detectionFacial behaviorVisual cluesRandom ForestLeast mean squares
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Facial deception detection is becoming a challenging problem for automatic inspection of surveillance videos. In this thesis, we propose a novel algorithm for differentiating the deception and truth based on visual clues. The Random Forest classifier is applied to track the facial landmark points, which is utilized to analyze the facial action unit based on the movement of the facial feature points. In addition, the biological and geometrical features are also considered, and the sequential forward floating selection (SFFS) is integrated to select the best feature combinations. The proposed method employs least-mean-square filter to significantly improve the robustness of the extracted features. To verify the extracted features for deception and truth identification, the pre-trained least-mean-square filters and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) are utilized. Experimental results demonstrated that despite the uncontrolled factors, illumination, head pose and facial of sheltering, in the videos, the proposed method is consistent in achieving promising performance compared to that of the former schemes.
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景與動機1
1.2 論文架構3
第二章 文獻探討4
2.1 特徵擷取相關文獻5
2.1.1 情緒辨識相關研究5
2.1.2 臉部動作編碼系統(Facial Action Coding System)12
2.2 挑選特徵演算法相關文獻16
2.2.1 降低特徵維度(Dimensionality Reduction)16
2.2.2 循序前進演算法(Sequential Forward Selection, SFS)19
2.2.3 循序後退演算法(Sequential Backward Selection, SBS)20
2.2.4 循序前進浮動演算法(Sequential Forward Floating Selection, SFFS)21
2.3 臉部特徵點擷取相關文獻22
2.4 欺騙檢測相關文獻32
第三章 臉部欺騙檢測38
3.1 系統架構39
3.2 前處理41
3.2.1 人臉偵測(Face Detection)41
3.2.2 感興趣之區域擷取(Region Of Interest, ROI)44
3.3 特徵擷取48
3.3.1 生物特徵(Biological Features)48
3.3.2 幾何特徵(Geometric features)49
3.3.3 臉部動作單元(Facial Action Unit)52
3.4 支持向量機(Support Vector Machine)69
3.4.1 線性可分離(Linearly separable)70
3.4.2 線性不可分離(Linearly non-separable)73
3.5 最小均方濾波器(Least-mean-square filter)75
第四章 實驗結果80
4.1 參數最佳化80
4.2 資料庫82
4.3 他人技術比較84
4.4 時間複雜度88
第五章 結論與未來展望90
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