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研究生(外文):Yu-Hung Chen
論文名稱(外文):Taiwan Railway System Simulation and Traction Transformer Capacity Evaluation
指導教授(外文):Tsai-Hsiang Chen
口試委員(外文):Tsai-Hsiang ChenHorng-Ching HsiaoWei-Tzer HuangNian-Zhe Yang
外文關鍵詞:Railway Traction SystemLe Blanc TransformerTrain Operation CurveDaily Load CurvePowerflow
  • 被引用被引用:3
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The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the effect of the capacity of traction substation and the supply voltage of trains after the railway system replacing to double tracks, boosting speed, and adding the train's shifts in the future. The simulation of train’s dynamic positions, Daily Load Curve evaluation of PU systems and the powerflow analysis of traction systems are included in the thesis.
To make the program in the software to simulate the Daily Load Curve of Eastern and Western PU system, this thesis analyzes the load’s characteristic of railway and MRT system by their voltage supplied structure, the way of motor operation, the relation of torque transfer to energy and timetable in the beginning. After simulation, comparing simulated values with the real measure values to make sure the train’s operational curve fit in the future. Consider to the effect that cause by the train shift increasing and boosting speed this thesis use the powerflow program along with Simulink to study the relation of voltage drops and traction loads from the simulation results in the last. The result could show the train number, power consumption and the relation of train’s position and voltage drops in any time that make the evaluation not only consider the capacity of traction substation but whether the voltage drops influence of load to traction system meet criterion. The study result could offer both at home and abroad engineers and consultants to execute rail system planning, designing, operating and be a reference.
中文摘要 I
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究方法與流程 2
1.3 研究貢獻 4
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 牽引電力系統組成及相關技術規範介紹 7
2.1 前言 7
2.2 牽引變電站 7
2.2.1 牽引變電站結構 7
2.2.2 牽引變電站功能 8
2.2.3 典型台鐵牽引變電站架構 9
2.3 電車線 10
2.3.1 電車線饋電方式 10
2.3.2 電車線饋電型式 11
2.3.3 電車線系統及其限制 12
2.4 牽引負載 13
2.5 牽引電壓 14
2.5.1 牽引電壓種類 14
2.5.2 牽引電壓標準與規範 15
2.6 本章小結 20
第三章 列車運轉特性模擬與分析 21
3.1 前言 21
3.2 列車能耗評估方法 21
3.3 追速模式介紹 23
3.4 日負載曲線評估方法 24
3.4.1 列車種類及模擬方式 25
3.5 花蓮15MVA標的饋電系統簡介 28
3.5.1 正常供電之標的系統 28
3.5.2 正常供電之日負載曲線結果 29
3.5.3 跨區供電之標的系統 33
3.5.4 跨區供電之日負載曲線模擬結果 33
3.5.5 正常供電與跨區供電模擬結果比較 36
3.6 南港25MVA標的饋電系統簡介 38
3.6.1 正常與跨區供電之標的系統 38
3.6.2 正常供電之負載曲線模擬結果 41
3.6.3 跨區供電之負載曲線模擬結果 45
3.7 花蓮系統模擬與實際量測之比較 47
3.7.1 實際量測資料之處理步驟 47
3.7.2 追速模式之模擬方式及步驟 48
3.7.3 花蓮系統列車實際量測與模擬之比較結果 49
3.8 本章小結 52
第四章 牽引電力系統之連續電力潮流分析 53
4.1 前言 53
4.2 牽引系統之數學模型推導 53
4.2.1 電源系統等效數學模型 53
4.2.2 變壓器數學模型 55
4.2.3 電車線系統數學模型 61
4.3 牽引負載數學模型 64
4.4 牽引饋電系統元件等效電路模型之建構 65
4.5 牽引電力系統連續電力潮流模擬方法 69
4.6 牽引電力系統連續電力潮流模擬結果 71
4.7 本章小結 76
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 77
5.1 結論 77
5.2 未來研究方向 78
參考文獻 79
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