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研究生(外文):Jen-Wei YEH
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Applications of Learning Behavior on Neural-Fuzzy Systems
指導教授(外文):Shun-Feng Su
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This dissertation reports on our study of learning behaviors in neuro-fuzzy systems (NFS) in several different phases. First, we discuss ideas regarding the learning of NFS, such as structure learning techniques, recurrent networks, and the mechanisms and relative learning performance with the use of the recursive least squares algorithm. Due to its outstanding system modeling capability, NFS has been widely applied in various applications. However, the relatively good learning capability is part of the reason for overfitting. We then present four learning indices and two strategies. The four learning indices are for determining the NFS behaviors. This dissertation considers different levels of training and testing phases, and thus a way of determining the study the overfitting situation is observed. It can be found that when overfitting takes place, the three training trajectories and a testing trajectory may exist cross behavior. The reasons for overfitting are due to NFS’s learning capability and the difference between training and testing target. After the analysis of behaviors, two strategies were provided that considered the NFS’s maturity to detect the overfitting. The NFS used in our study are adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), self-constructing neural fuzzy inference network (SONFIN), and enhanced local learning approach for SONFIN. The simulation results can illustrate the learning behaviors of the system and how to improve the learning.
摘要 I
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivations 1
1.2 Contributions 6
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation 8
Chapter 2 Neural-Fuzzy Structure 10
2.1 General discussion of Neural-Fuzzy System 11
2.2 Structure Learning for NFS 16
2.3 Delay Feedback and Dynamic Modeling 21
2.4 Analysis of the Use of RLS Algorithm 24
2.5 Concluding Remarks 36
Chapter 3 Learning Behaviors 37
3.1 Learning Target 37
3.2 Stages of Learning 42
3.3 Novel Strategies 51
Chapter 4 Enhanced Local Learning Approach 61
4.1 Proposed Learning Mechanism 61
4.2 Simulations 68
4.3 Concluding Remarks 81
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 83
5.1 Conclusions 83
5.2 Suggestions for Further Research 84
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