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研究生(外文):Wei-Chen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Seawater-modified Fe2O3/Al2O3 Oxygen Carriers by an Air-Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet for Chemical Looping Combustion Process
指導教授(外文):Yu-Lin Kuo
口試委員(外文):Yi HuLai-Hong ShenHeng-Wen HsuYau-Pin ChyouYoung KuYao-Hsuan TsengHao-Yeh LeeYu-Lin Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Chemical looping combustionIron-based oxygen carriersAtmospheric pressure plasma jetSeawater-modifiedLab-scaled semi-fluidized bed reactor
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首先,針對氧化鐵活性載氧體分別於不同氣體燃料中進行還原性能之探討,隨後並添加不同比例之氧化鋁惰性擔體於氧化鐵載氧體系統中,嚴選一種適合比例之氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體。可以發現,氧化鐵於各氣體料氣氛下之初始還原溫度將隨有所不同,且依序所表現之初始還原溫度由高至低依序為一氧化碳、合成氣與氫氣,顯示於一氧化碳氣氛下,較低之能量即可以使氧化鐵進行還原。而當氧化鐵與氧化鋁比例為60:40時,該系統載氧體則具有較佳之抗磨耗能力、反應活性以及反應穩定性,故本實驗將使用該比例氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體進行後續之摻雜改質程序之評估,並且透過常壓電漿噴束製備含鈉水溶液,以1-10 wt. %的濃度摻雜改質氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體,以探討鈉摻雜改質濃度對於氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體之影響。結果顯示,不同鈉摻雜改質濃度將造成氧化鐵氧化鋁載氧體之結晶結構、表面形貌及比表面積發生變化,進而影響其於實際操作條件下之燃料轉化能力及高溫循環穩定性。其中,當鈉摻雜改質濃度為1 wt. %時,微量之鈉將促使該載氧體系統於還原/氧化反應下進行離子擴散,使載氧體內部形成孔洞,提升載氧體之反應比表面積,進而促進該載氧體系統於反應氣氛下之氣-固反應,維持鈉摻雜改質氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體於高溫多圈反應下之循環穩定性,以利該系統載氧體運用於化學迴路燃燒程序。
Chemical looping combustion (CLC) is classified as an emerging clean combustion process, where metal oxide (MexOy) as oxygen carrier is used to provide the oxygen sources for the combustion reaction, thereby achieving the inherent CO2 capture for the indirect contact between fuel and air. It is widely discussed that the development of the oxygen carriers, reactor design and fuel selection are the critical issues for the CLC process. Especially the development of oxygen carriers, the transfer ability of the heat and oxygen within the fuel/air reactor, avoiding the air direct connecting to the fuel are concerned. Of the feasible candidates, iron-based oxygen carrier (hematite, Fe2O3) is the most promising oxygen carrier for the commercial CLC application, because of its relative thermal stability, mechanical strength and low price. Unfortunately, the poor reduction kinetics of Fe2O3 is the major drawback during the high temperature operation, attributing to the three intermediate states in the reduction period. Therefore, the feasibility of using alkali- and alkaline earth-metals contained in the seawater can be utilized as the catalytic agents for Fe2O3 oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion process was investigated to improve the reduction kinetics in this study.
The reduction kinetics of Fe2O3 oxygen carrier in fuel gases and different ratios of Fe2O3/Al2O3 as oxygen carriers are primarily discussed. The initial reduction temperature is found to be strongly depended on the fuels with the order of carbon monoxide > syngas > hydrogen. The Fe2O3/Al2O3 oxygen carrier with 60wt% Fe2O3 (FA32) shows successful attrition behavior, reaction activity and thermal stability in the CLC process. Furthermore, the formation mechanism for sodium-contained solution preparation via air atmospheric pressure plasma jet (Air-APPJ) method is also investigated, as well as assessing the sodium-modified FA32 oxygen carrier. With the Sodium dopant loading in the FA32 oxygen carrier increasing from 1 wt. % to 10 wt. %, Nax_FA32 samples with different crystalline structure and surface morphology caused the fuel conversion ability and the stability performance in the practical operation process. The enhanced properties such as the reduction behavior, thermal stability and attrition resistance of Na1_FA32 without degradation were feasibly achieved in the lab-scaled semi-fluidized bed reactor (semi-FzBR). Optimistic results were attributed to the promotion of the pore structure and the improvement on the selectivity of the fuel conversion from the sodium promoter.
Moreover, the use of seawater as a precursor to prepare the alkali- and alkaline earth- dopants using an Air-APPJ method. A three-step of the preparation route is proposed as ultrasonic atomization, plasma oxidation and dissolution. Based on the formation mechanism, dopants without any chlorine-containing residues modifying inreactive FA32 oxygen carrier (Na1_inFA32_seawater) has been established, which led to an improved reduction performance as compared to the raw FA32 and inreactive FA32 oxygen carriers. The high gas yield for syngas as fuel (Ysyngas) around 0.93 after fifty redox cycles for the Na1_inFA32_seawater oxygen carrier is achieved. It can be anticipated that the alkali- and alkaline earth metals-modified Fe2O3/Al2O3 samples from seawater by an Air-APPJ system as an oxygen carrier candidate in a reversible CLC process would be notably attractive.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
致謝 V
目錄 VII
圖索引 XI
表索引 XVII
第一章 緒論
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 化學迴路燃燒程序 5
2.2 載氧體的性能 7
2.2.1 高溫還原/氧化性質 7
2.2.2 載氧能力 10
2.2.3 抗團聚能力 11
2.2.4 機械強度 13
2.2.5 成本 14
2.2.6 環境友善性 14
2.3 載氧體的選擇 15
2.3.1 鐵系(Fe2O3/ Fe3O4/ FeO/ Fe)載氧體 15
2.3.2 鎳系(NiO/ Ni)載氧體 21
2.3.3 銅系(CuO/ Cu2O/ Cu)載氧體 23
2.3.4 錳系(Mn2O3/ Mn3O4/ MnO/ Mn)載氧體 25
2.3.5 鈷系(Co3O4/ CoO/ Co)載氧體 26
2.3.6 複合型載氧體 27
2.4 惰性擔體的選擇 37
2.4.1 氧化鋁(Al2O3)惰性擔體 37
2.4.2 二氧化矽(SiO2)惰性擔體 41
2.4.3 二氧化鈦(TiO2)惰性擔體 37
2.4.4 氧化鋯(ZrO2)惰性擔體 45
2.4.5 膨潤土(Bentonite, Al2Si4O10)惰性擔體 46
2.5 金屬摻雜改質載氧體/惰性擔體系統 47
2.5.1 鹼金/鹼土金屬元素 47
2.5.2 過渡/貧金屬元素 53
2.5.3 稀土金屬元素 57
2.6 燃料的種類 59
2.7 反應器設計與種類 61
第三章 實驗設備與程序
3.1 實驗藥品 64
3.2 材料製備 65
3.2.1 含鈉水溶液 65
3.2.2 氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體 65
3.2.3 摻雜改質氧化鐵/氧化鋁系統載氧體 66
3.3 實驗設備與分析儀器 67
3.3.1 常壓電漿噴束(Atmospheric-pressure plasma jet) 67
3.3.2 感應耦合電漿質譜分析儀(Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry) 68
3.3.3 X光繞射儀(X-Ray Diffractometer) 68
3.3.4 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy 68
3.3.5 比表面積分析儀(Specific surface area analyzer) 69
3.3.6 磨耗測試儀(Air-jet attrition tester) 69
3.3.7 熱重分析儀(Thermogravimetric Analyzer) 69
3.3.8 實驗級半套式流體化床反應器(Lab-scaled semi-fluidized bed reactor) 70
第四章 結果與討論
4.1 氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體運用於不同氣體燃料氣氛下之探討 71
4.1.1 氣體燃料效應 71
4.1.2 活性載氧體/惰性擔體之比例效應 78
4.1.3 氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體運用於實驗級半套式流體化床 89
4.2 鈉摻雜改質濃度對於氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體之影響 97
4.2.1 含鈉水溶液之製備 97
4.2.2 物理性質分析 100
4.2.3 化學性質分析 105
4.3 海水摻雜改質失活氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體之實際運用之評估 115
4.3.1 氯化鈉溶液作為前驅物製備含鈉水溶液 115
4.3.2 鈉摻雜改質失活氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體 118
4.3.3 海水摻雜改質失活氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體 125
第五章 結論與未來展望
5.1 氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體 133
5.2 摻雜改質氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體 135
5.3 海水摻雜改質失活氧化鐵/氧化鋁載氧體 136
5.4 未來展望 138
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