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論文名稱(外文):Effects of Tribological Performance of Surface Texture coated with Ti-based Thin Film Metallic Glass on Different Substrates
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Ching Lin
口試委員(外文):Jinn P. ChuYu-Lin KuoChun-Hui Chung
外文關鍵詞:Thin Film Metallic GlassSurface TextureTribological performanceNanoindentationANSYS
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本研究探討基材表面紋理對於7075-T6鋁合金以及AISI 1045中碳鋼基材的鈦基金屬玻璃薄膜磨潤行為之影響,分別披覆不同厚度(200nm和400nm)之鈦基金屬玻璃薄膜(Ti43Zr15Cu37Nb3Co2)於不同基材,在冷凍油環境下進行磨耗試驗,藉以評估表面紋理,提升薄膜附著力之可行性。此外,利用X射線光電子能譜儀(XPS)觀察各種金屬玻璃中的成分,再藉由磨耗試驗、奈米壓痕試驗以及刮痕試驗來量測薄膜之機械性質及附著強度,並利用ANSYS軟體,分析7075-T6鋁合金以及AISI 1045中碳鋼基材上披覆鈦基金屬玻璃薄膜的應力分佈,用以找出影響試片磨耗性能之關鍵因素。
In this study, surface coating with different thickness (200 and 400nm) of Ti-based (Ti43Zr15Cu37Nb3Co2) thin film metallic glass (TFMG) were successfully deposited on the 7075 aluminum alloy and AISI 1045 medium carbon steel to the improve the tribological properties of the substrate. Wear tests were conducted in the environment with refrigerant oil to evaluate the tribological performance of the coating. In addition, the chemical composition of the specimens were identified by X-Ray photoelectron spectroscope. The wear, nanoindentation and scratch test were used to characterize wear resistance, mechanical properties and adhesion strength of thin film, respectively. ANSYS package was used to analyze the stress distribution of the Ti-based TFMG on the 7075 aluminum alloy and AISI 1045 medium carbon steel substrates, separately. The crucial factors of influence on tribological performance can thus be identified.
According to the wear test results, surface of the specimen with cross texture coated with 200nm-thickness Ti-based TFMG presented the best wear resistance properties than the other specimens for the same substrate. It is attributed that the surface texture can increase adhesion strength due to the mechanical locking effect, thereby TFMG coating can increase tribological performance.
Besides, a high ratio of the Young's modulus of the substrate and coating results low tensile stress, and thus thin film was not easy to crack presenting the better wear resistance.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目 錄 IV
表索引 VII
圖索引 VIII
第一章 前言 1
1-1研究動機 1
1-2研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 金屬玻璃(非晶質合金)發展歷史 3
2-2 金屬玻璃(非晶質合金)形成法則【19】 4
2-3 玻璃形成能力 (Glass Forming Ability, GFA) 5
2-4 表面改質處理技術 6
2-5 金屬玻璃(非晶質合金)特性 7
2-6 金屬玻璃薄膜之疲勞性質研究 8
2-7 塊狀金屬玻璃的磨潤行為研究 8
2-8磨潤理論 9
2-8-1 磨耗機構 (Wear mechanism) 9
2-9 固體表面與接觸形態 13
2-9-1表面粗糙度 13
2-9-2接觸應力計算 14
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 24
3-1試片規格 25
3-2 實驗材料 25
3-3 實驗設備 26
3-4 分析儀器 28
3-5 實驗步驟 32
3-5-1 鍍膜步驟及參數 32
3-5-2 磨耗實驗程序 33
3-5-3 ANSYS分析流程 34
第四章 結果與討論 44
4-1 薄膜成分分析 45
4-2 熱性質分析 45
4-3 薄膜結構分析 46
4-4 薄膜厚度觀察 46
4-5 奈米壓痕試驗 47
4-6 ANSYS模擬分析結果 48
4-6-1披覆鈦基金屬玻璃膜層之ANSYS模擬分析結果 48
(1)基材為7075-T6鋁合金 48
4-6-2比較不同薄膜厚度之應力綜合評估 53
4-6-3比較不同基材條件下披覆薄膜之應力綜合評估 53
4-7表面粗糙度檢測 54
4-7-1不同試片披覆鈦基金屬玻璃薄膜之表面粗糙度分析 54
4-8 刮痕試驗 (Scratch test) 56
4-8-1表面紋路效應之附著力分析 57
4-8-2基材效應之附著力分析 58
4-9不同表面紋理在不同膜厚之磨潤行為分析 59
4-9-1摩擦行為分析 59
4-9-2耐磨耗能力分析 62
4-9-3表面磨耗形貌分析 65
4-9-4表面紋路效應之磨潤行為分析 68
4-9-5基材效應對磨潤行為之影響 69
第五章 結論與建議 125
5-1 結論 125
5-2未來方向與建議 126
第六章 參考文獻 127
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