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研究生(外文):Bing-Cheng Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Development of an Automatic Waxing System for Automobile Detailing
指導教授(外文):Chi-Ying Lin
口試委員(外文):Shiuh-Jer HuangChung-Hsien Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Automatic waxing systemForce controlImage-based performance indexParameters optimization
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In car detailing, waxing is an important procedure which can protect car paint, prevent car rust and further increase the economic benefits of automobile industries by preserving the oils in the paint. Nowadays, this delicate work is still finished by a sequence of careful manual operations and requires iterative fine adjustments to achieve an acceptable waxing quality. The purpose of this study is to present an automatic waxing system and an image-based evaluation criteria to improve the efficiency and quality in the process of car waxing. We use an RGB-D camera to build the point cloud data of a workpiece of sheet metal and plan the waxing path of a robot manipulator equipped with a multi-axis force sensor for waxing force measurement and control. The images of the waxed surfaces of sheet metal conducted by an experience car detailer are first captured and analyzed by implementing image processing algorithms including gray-level transformation, Canny edge detection, and Hough circle transform. A Gaussian distribution function and its parameterized values are obtained from these images and treated as a performance index to evaluate the quality of this robotic waxing system. Based on this imaged-based performance index, the waxing quality is evaluated considering the parameters of waxing force and moving speed and a mathematical model is found to optimize the values of these parameters. Finally, the experiments justify the feasibility of the proposed robotic waxing system.
第一章 緒論
1.1 前言
1.2 既有技術與研究動機
1.3 打蠟品質影響因素探討
1.4 本文貢獻與架構
第二章 系統設備架構
2.1 深度攝影機(RGB-D)
2.2 個人電腦
2.3 XYZ平台
2.4 機械手臂
2.5 Arduino Mega 2560 控制板
2.6 L298N 直流馬達控制模組
2.7 HCTL-2032晶片電路
2.8 六軸力量感測器
第三章 機械手臂運動分析
3.1 機械手臂坐標系統
3.2 正向運動學 (Forward Kinematics)
3.3 反向運動學 (Inverse Kinematics)
第四章 立體視覺與路徑規劃
4.1 彩色與深度平面FOV校正
4.2 影像前處理
4.3.1 數位影像格式
4.3.2 色彩濾波
4.3.3 影像二值化
4.3.4 形態學
4.3.5 遮罩運算
4.3 立體視覺與像機校正
4.3.1 攝影機成像原理
4.3.2 座標系轉換
4.3.3 相機校正
4.3.4 外部參數計算
4.4 打蠟路徑規劃
4.4.1 最小平方回歸法(Least Square Regression, LSR)
4.4.2 曲線斜率計算
4.4.3 姿態限制
第五章 機械手臂順應性控制
5.1 以位置為基礎之阻抗控制(Position-Based Impedance Control)
5.2 機械手臂姿態轉變之阻抗控制(Orientation Impedance)
5.3 結合位置與姿態之阻抗控制
5.4 機械手臂之力道控制
5.5 標準二階系統暫態響應
5.6 阻抗控制系統限制條件
第六章 打蠟評量指標
6.1 外在光源選擇
6.2 打蠟影像分析
6.2.1 調整相機亮度
6.2.2 影像灰階處理
6.2.3 影像邊緣偵測(Canny Edge Detection)
6.2.4 霍夫圓形轉換(Hough Circle Detection)
6.3 建立打蠟影像評量指標(Performance Index)
6.3.1 常態分布函數
6.3.2 建立評量指標
第七章 實驗結果與討論
7.1 力量追跡分析
7.2 打蠟速度與力量結果探討
7.2.1 整體系統流程
7.2.2 實驗條件與參數設定
7.2.3 實驗結果
7.3 打蠟參數最佳化分析
7.3.1 建立最佳化數學模型
7.3.2 最佳化結果與驗證
第八章 結論與未來目標
8.1 結論
8.2 未來研究目標
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