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研究生(外文):WEN-JIE ZHUO
論文名稱(外文):Application of DIPA in LED Stage Light Design Improvement
指導教授(外文):Zone-Ching Lin
口試委員(外文):Kuang-Hua FuhKuo-Shong WangWei-Hua ChiengChaug-Liang Hsu
外文關鍵詞:LED stage lightmodified DEMATELmodified IPADIPAtechnical/functional matrix
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本文先以LED投射燈為例,並依序說明本研究所使用之研究方法。首先須收集與LED投射燈相關之專利,並透過斷詞斷字系統分別定義LED投射燈相關專利之各技術領域的重要技術字與各功能領域的重要功能字之常態化數值,並建立LED投射燈之技術/功能矩陣。接著依照修正式DEMATEL之計算步驟,依序分別得到技術領域及功能領域之總關係影響矩陣及因果圖,並依照技術領域與功能領域之因果圖上之四個象限分別代表之物理意義,對LED投射燈之各技術領域與各功能領域之相互影響關係分別進行探討。接著以修正式IPA進一步探討LED投射燈之技術領域與功能領域之間的相互影響關係。此種研究方法首先須依照先前所定義之LED投射燈之重要技術字與重要功能字之常態化數值,分別定義技術領域與功能領域兩者之重要尺度,本研究提出以各技術領域的重要性視為重要程度,而以功能領域的功能表現視為表現程度,其中各技術領域之重要程度之物理意義可分為極重要(4分)、重要(3分)及稍微重要(2分),而各功能領域之功能表現的表現程度的部分則可分為極好(4分)、好(3分)及普通(2分)。接著再以觀察各技術領域之重要技術字與及各功能領域重要功能字之常態化數值的方式,分別定義技術領域之重要程度與功能領域之表現程度的得分區間並繪製各技術領域之重要程度-各功能領域之表現程度分析座標圖。接著將各象限之技術領域與功能領域之配對組合繪製於座標圖上。依據四個象限所分別代表之物理意義的差異性,探討各技術領域與各功能領域間之相互影響關係。最後再從圖上之第二象限與第三象限分別找出可列入優先改善與次要改善考量之技術領域與功能領域的配對組合,做為後續專利工程師的研究改善參考。然而,由於修正式IPA並不是屬於一套量化的研究工具,因此僅能用於做出初步分析,若要做更進一步之分析,須配合其他研究方法。因此,本研究將上述修正式DEMATEL與修正式IPA整合,開發出一套創新的決策方法-DIPA,並進一步參考LED投射燈之技術/功能矩陣內的相關專利件數,最後所分別決定之LED投射燈的優先改善與次要改善之技術領域與功能領域之配對組合分別為(1) B. 底座結構技術與C. 提高散熱性以及(2) F. 燈源架構配置技術與a. 提高結構穩定性。
The paper takes LED stage light as a carrier in conducting patent analysis, and develops a DIPA that combines modified Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) with modified Decision-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL). After that, using DIPA in technical/functional matrix, the paper makes overall exploration of the mutual relational influence among the techniques and functions of LED stage light, and selects a combination of techniques and functions for prioritized improvement and another combination for secondary improvement. Finally, through modified Teoria Reshenia Isobretatelnych Zadatch (TRIZ), focusing on the technical/functional matrices of LED stage light that corresponds to the abovementioned combinations of techniques and functions for prioritized improvement and secondary improvement obtained from DIPA, improvement of techniques is proposed, and furthermore, the functions of product is further improved. The paper firstly takes LED projection light for example, and then explains one by one the research approaches used in the study. First of all, related technical patents of LED projection light have to be collected. Through the term and word segmentation system, the paper defines respectively the normalized numerical values of important technical words and functional words about the techniques and functions of the related LED projection light patents, and establishes a technical/functional matrix. After that, in accordance with the calculation steps of modified DEMATEL, the paper acquires technique- and function-related general relational influence matrices respectively, direct/indirect relationship diagram and causal diagram. In accordance with the physical meanings that the four quadrants on the causal diagram of techniques and function represent respectively, the paper explores the relationship among different techniques and different functions of LED projection light. After that, modified IPA is used to further explore the mutual relational influence between the techniques and functions of LED projection light. This research approach has to firstly define the importance scale of techniques and functions respectively in accordance with the previously defined normalized numerical values of the most important technical words and functional words of LED projection light.The paper suggests taking the importance of different technical categories as the importance level, and taking the functional performance of functional category as the performance level. Of them, the physical meanings of importance level of different technical categories can be divided into extremely important (4 points), important (3 points) and slightly important (2 points). And the performance level of the functional performance of different functional categories can be divided into excellent (4 points), good (3 points) and fair (2 points). Then, in accordance with the normalized numerical values of the most important technical words and functional words in each technical category and functional category, the paper defines the scoring intervals for importance level and performance level of the techniques and functions respectively, and draws a coordinate map for analysis between technical importance level and functional performance level. Finally, pairs of technical items and functions on each quadrant are drawn on the coordinate map. In accordance with the difference in physical meaning revealed in the four quadrants, the paper explores the mutual relationship between different techniques and different functions. Finally, from the second quadrant and third quadrant on the map, technical items and functional items can be found and taken into consideration for making prioritized improvement and secondary improvement, and also can serve as a reference for engineers to make follow-up studies.The paper further refers to the number of the related patents in the technical/functional matrix of LED projection light. The finally determined combination of techniques and functions of LED projection light for prioritized improvement and another combination for secondary improvement are: combination of B. base structure technique and C. heat dissipation enhancement; and combination of C. fin design technique and a. structural stability enhancement. Nevertheless, since modified IPA is not a quantified research tool, it can only be used to make preliminary analysis. If further analysis is to be made, there should be other research approaches attached to modified IPA. Lastly, the paper develops an innovative decision-making method ––DIPA, which is an integration of modified DEMATEL and modified IPA. With the DIPA, the paper uses the above method of LED projection light, searches the related patents of LED stage light, uses the term and word segmentation system, establishes the normalized numerical value of each technical word and each function word, and establishes again a technical/functional matrix of LED stage light. Based on the mutual relational influence between different techniques and different functions of the technical/functional matrix of LED stage light, the paper conducts overall analysis. Through the technical items and functional items of the second quadrant and third quadrant on the coordinate map for analysis between importance levels of different technical categories and performance levels of different functional categories drawn by modified IPA, and in accordance with the normalized numerical value of a technical category corresponding to a functional category in the technical/functional matrix of LED stage light, the paper determines a combination of techniques and functions for prioritized improvement and another combination for secondary improvement. Finally, a combination of techniques and functions for prioritized improvement and another combination for secondary improvement are selected by DIPA. The paper further refers to the number of the related patents in the technical/functional matrix of LED stage light. Through the technical/functional matrix of LED stage light and modified TRIZ, improvement of techniques is proposed so as to enhance the overall functionality of product. DIPA developed in the study can be provided to patent engineers to improve the techniques used by a certain product in the later days, and can be a reference for analysis on improvement of functions and techniques of the product.

摘要 I
Abstract V
目錄 IX
表目錄 XVI
誌謝 XXI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與研究動機 1
1.2 LED之相關文獻 2
1.3 LED投射燈之相關文獻 3
1.4 LED舞台燈之相關文獻 4
1.5 修正式TRIZ之相關文獻 5
1.6 專利分析之相關文獻 5
1.7 修正式DEMATEL之相關文獻 6
1.8 修正式IPA之相關文獻 6
1.9 論文架構 7
第二章 LED舞台燈及熱傳遞、光學理論之簡介 10
2.1 LED舞台燈之介紹 10
2.2 LED理論介紹 14
2.2.1 LED發光原理 15
2.2.2 LED封裝後之溫度 18
2.3 熱傳基本理論 19
2.3.1 熱傳導理論 20
2.3.2 熱對流理論 21
第三章 修正式TRIZ之簡介 23
3.1 TRIZ源起 23
3.2 TRIZ理論基礎 23
3.3 修正式TRIZ分群法 26
3.4 修正式TRIZ分群法判讀流程 30
第四章 修正式DEMATEL之簡介 34
4.1 傳統式DEMATEL之起源 34
4.2修正式 DEMATEL之研究方法 34
第五章 修正式IPA之簡介 40
5.1 傳統式IPA之起源 40
5.2傳統式IPA之研究方法 40
5.3 修正式IPA之研究方法 43
第六章 DIPA之簡介 47
6.1 DIPA之開發動機 47
6.2 DIPA之研究方法 47
第七章 技術/功能矩陣結合修正式DEMATEL探討LED投射燈之技術領域與功能領域之相互影響關係 49
7.1 LED投射燈之技術/功能矩陣之建立程序 49
7.1.1建立LED投射燈相關專利之第一層及第二層技術/功能矩陣 49
7.1.2分析歸納LED投射燈相關專利之第一層及第二層技術領域及功能領域之技術字及功能字字群並建立相關專利之第一層及第二層專利技術/功能矩陣 50
7.2以修正式DEMATEL評選LED投射燈之過程 58
7.2.1利用專利技術及功能字篩選出評估準則 58
7.3 修正式DEMATEL計算LED投射燈技術領域之過程 59
7.3.1 定義LED投射燈之各技術領域所包含技術字之常態化數值 59
7.3.2 修正式DEMATEL 應用於LED投射燈技術領域之計算過程 64
7.4 修正式DEMATEL計算LED投射燈功能領域之過程 71
7.4.1定義LED投射燈之各功能領域所包含功能字之常態化數值 71
7.4.2 修正式DEMATEL應用於LED投射燈功能領域之計算過程 76
7.5技術/功能矩陣結合修正式IPA探討LED投射燈之技術領域與功能領域之間的相互影響關係 83
7.6技術/功能矩陣結合DIPA探討LED投射燈之技術領域與功能領域之間的相互影響關係 88
7.6.1 LED投射燈之各技術領域之重要程度-各功能領域之表現程度分析座標圖、技術領域部份與功能領域之因果圖及專利/技術功能矩陣之合併分析 88
第八章 技術/功能矩陣結合DIPA探討LED舞台燈之技術領域與功能領域之相互影響關係 101
8.1 LED舞台燈之技術/功能矩陣之建立程序 101
8.1.1建立LED舞台燈相關專利之第一層及第二層技術/功能矩陣 101
8.1.2分析歸納LED舞台燈相關專利之第一層及第二層技術領域及功能領域之技術字及功能字字群並建立相關專利之第一層及第二層技術/功能矩陣 102
8.2 以修正式DEMATEL評選LED舞台燈之過程 109
8.3 修正式DEMATEL計算LED舞台燈技術領域之過程 110
8.3.1定義LED舞台燈之各技術領域所包含技術字之常態化數值 110
8.3.2修正式DEMATEL 應用於LED舞台燈技術領域之計算過程 115
8.4 修正式DEMATEL計算LED舞台燈功能領域之過程 122
8.4.1定義LED舞台燈之各功能領域所包含功能字之常態化數值 122
8.4.2 修正式DEMATEL應用於LED舞台燈功能領域之計算過程 127
8.5技術/功能矩陣結合修正式重要表現程度分析法探討LED舞台燈之技術領域與功能領域之間的相互影響關係 134
8.6技術/功能矩陣結合DIPA探討LED舞台燈之技術領域與功能領域之間的相互影響關係 139
8.6.1 LED舞台燈之各技術領域之重要程度-各功能領域之表現程度分析座標圖、技術領域部份與功能領域之因果圖及專利/技術功能矩陣之合併分析 139
第九章 LED舞台燈之修正式TRIZ創新方案研發過程與模擬 151
9.1新改良之LED舞台燈的功能與技術之問題 151
9.2優先改善部分與次要改善部分所選用欲改善之專利的介紹 152
9.3透過修正式TRIZ在LED舞台燈的技術與功能改良之模擬 154
第十章 結論 165
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