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研究生(外文):Hsiao-Hsien Hu
論文名稱(外文):Low Temperature Sintering Behavior and Mechanism of Pb(Ni0.33Nb0.67)O3-Based Piezo-Electric Ceramic System
指導教授(外文):Chen-Chia Chou
口試委員(外文):Ming-Jong TsaiYu-Hsi Huang
外文關鍵詞:Pb(Ni0.33Nb0.67)O3-based piezo-electric ceramic systemCo-fire processLow temperature sinteringMulti-layer ceramic device
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0.5PNNZT添加0~0.9 wt% Li2CO3於900℃進行燒結,在施以傳統燒結的情況下,當添加量為0.6 wt%時可以得到最理想的相對密度96.30%,同時其壓電常數(d33)為493pC/N,機電耦合因子(kp)為0.4769,由晶格常數的變化可以得知,添加Li2CO3可以協助材料於低溫進行液相燒結,提高材料密度與特性,此外,Li+固溶入了鈣鈦礦晶格之中,減少了材料內非鈣鈦礦結構的產生,保有了良好的材料特性,此外,本研究亦使用0.5PNNZT添加0.6wt% Li2CO3於900℃施以微波燒結,進一步將其相對密度提升至97.40%,壓電常數(d33)為542pC/N,機電耦合因子(kp)為0.5388。
綜合以上的成果,以0.5PNNZT添加0.6wt% Li2CO3為基材,以刮刀成形法製備多層陶瓷元件,多層陶瓷薄帶與銀電極於900℃進行微波燒結,由EDS分析可以得知,多層陶瓷元件內並沒有發生明顯的銀擴散現象,其壓電常數(d33)為382pC/N,較塊材有所下降,在施以40kV/cm (200V)的電壓可達到0.14%的應變量,相同厚度的塊材若須達到此應變量需要施以超過1000V的電壓。
In this research, we investigate the low temperature sintering behavior and material properties of 0.5Pb(Ni0.33Nb0.67)O3-0.5Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3(0.5PNNZT). Choosing 0.5PNNZT as the basic material system, we try to reduce the sintering temperature of the material system by element substitution and/or adding sintering aid. Observing variation of the properties of the material and discussing the mechanism, we select the material system suitable for low temperature co-fire sintering process.
The main problem for producing multi-layer device is that the sintering temperature for piezo ceramic is too high. When we apply co-fire process, the inner electrode, sliver, diffuses seriously when it is sintered at high temperature. We need to reduce the sintering temperature of the material system to 900℃ or lower and then the co-fire process is feasible.
It is known from the relative density and material properties when sintered at 900℃, 0.5PNNZT modified to 0.5Pb(Ni0.33(Nb(1-x)V(x))0.67)O3-0.5Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3 (PNNVZT) show good relative density. The properties are not enhanced because Vanadium ion shows different valence charge and form different kinds of secondary phases in material.
The relative density is 96.30% and piezoelectric constant d33 is 493pC/N when 0.5PNNZT is added 0.6wt% Li2CO3 and applied conventional sintering at 900℃. It is known from the change of lattice parameter that Li+ replaces the ions in perovskite lattice and avoid forming secondary phases. Beside, this research apply microwave sintering to 0.5PNNZT with 0.6wt% Li2CO3. The relative density is increased to 97.40%, piezoelectric constant d33 is 542pC/N, electromechanical coupling coefficient kp is 0.5833.
0.5PNNZT with 0.6wt% Li2CO3 is applied tape casting process to produce multi-layer ceramic device. When it is sintered at 900℃ with sliver electrode, it is known from the EDS that there is no silver diffusion in the multi-layer structure. The piezoelectric constant d33 of multi-layer ceramic is lower than bulk material, but it can decrease the driving voltage to achieve the same displacement.

摘要 I
Abstract III
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 序論 1
第二章 文獻回顧與基礎理論 3
2-1 壓電材料系統 3
2-2 含鉛壓電陶瓷材料 4
2-3 Pb(Ni0.33Nb0.67)O3-Pb(ZrTi)O3壓電陶瓷系統 4
2-4助燒結劑 7
2-5微波燒結 9
2-5-1微波與材料的交互作用 10
2-5-2燒結理論 12
2-6多層陶瓷結構(Multi-Layer Ceramic) 16
第三章 實驗方法及材料特性的分析 19
3-1實驗藥品規格 19
3-2實驗儀器規格 20
3-3實驗流程與基礎特性量測 21
3-3-1實驗步驟 21
3-3-2粉末製備 21
3-3-3造粒 22
3-3-4成型 22
3-3-5燒結 22
3-3-6電極與極化處理 24
3-3-7基本性質量測與觀察 25
3-4電性量測 26
3-4-1極化值與電場(P-E)曲線量測 26
3-4-2壓電常數(d33)量測 26
3-4-3位移量與電場(S-E)曲線量測 27
3-4-4介電常數對溫度(ε-T)曲線量測 27
3-4-6壓電特性量測 28
第四章 結果與討論 29
4-1鎳鈮鈦鋯酸鉛陶瓷特性之研究 29
4-2 0.5Pb(Ni0.33(Nb(1-x)V(x))0.67)O3-0.5Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3系統開發與研究 32
4-3傳統燒結製程下添加Li2CO3對鎳鈮鈦鋯酸鉛陶瓷之影響 37
4-3-1 0.5PNNZT添加Li2CO3之密度與壓電特性量測 38
4-3-2 0.5PNNZT添加Li2CO3之XRD與微觀結構分析 42
4-3-3 0.5PNNZT添加Li2CO3之升溫介電與P-E、S-E分析 46
4-4微波燒結製程下添加Li2CO3對鎳鈮鈦鋯酸鉛陶瓷之影響 51
4-4-1 相對密度與壓電特性量測 53
4-4-2 微觀結構與P-E hysteresis loop分析 56
4-5 0.5PNNZT多層陶瓷元件 62
4-5-1 0.5PNNZT多層陶瓷元件製程 62
4-5-2 0.5PNNZT多層陶瓷元件結構與特性分析 66
第五章 結論 70
參考文獻 72
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