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研究生(外文):Cheng-Yu Lee
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Influence of Different Coating and the Tool Life of the Micro Fluteless Taps
指導教授(外文):Pin-Chuan Chen
口試委員(外文):Fang-Jung ShiouGeo-Ry TangLiang-kuang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Micro fluteless tapsCoating、Coordinate Measuring MachineANOVATool WearAOI systemTaguchi’s method
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This research mainly focuses on three parts, first of all, using the previous developed automatic optical inspection (AOI) system of the micro fluteless taps measure the geometric features of the different coating fluteless taps which is including the outside diameter, pitch, and the thread angle, and using the coordinate measuring machine compare the error between the AOI system and the coordinate measuring machine. Use the Taguchi’s method analyze the tool wear results and set the different factor, for example, the different coating of the tap, the speed and the viscosity of the oil, tapping the SUS304 stainless steel plate with the thickness of 1mm for 9 times. Measure the tool wear of each tooth, discussing the tool wear results. Using the S/N ratio and the mean ratio do analysis of variance (ANOVA), finding the most influential factor in the experiment. After tapping, the tool wear results have been determined, the workpiece have been verified in this study. The research results regarding micro fluteless tapping are expected to be used as a helpful reference for the industry.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖索引 VII
表索引 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2文獻回顧 3
1.2.1刀具壽命 3
1.2.2攻牙機工參數 4
1.2.3有限元素分析 5
1.3研究方法與流程 5
1.4論文架構 7
第二章 微型無屑螺絲攻簡介與量測系統開發 8
2.1幾何特徵 8
2.1.1 吃入部倒角 9
2.1.2 稜脊寬度與鏟磨量 11
2.1.3 外徑、中徑及螺紋角 17
2.2微型無屑螺絲攻製程 17
2.3微型無屑螺絲攻攻牙過程及鍍膜種類 18
2.4微型無屑螺絲攻外型量測架構 21
2.4.1微型無屑螺絲攻外徑量測 22
2.4.2微型無屑螺絲攻螺紋角量測 22
2.4.3微型無屑螺絲攻中徑量測 24
2.4.4微型無屑螺絲攻吃入部倒角量測 26
2.4.5微型無屑螺絲攻節距量測 27
第三章 實驗方法 30
3.1田口實驗方法參數設計 32
3.2田口實驗方法品質損失函數 33
3.3信號雜訊比(Signal to Noise Ratio) 35
3.4品質特性及實驗因子 35
3.4.1品質特性訂定 36
3.4.2實驗因子選擇 36
3.5變異數分析(Analysis of Variation, ANOVA) 37
第四章 微型無屑螺絲攻探討不同鍍膜之刀具壽命 41
4.1無屑螺絲攻切削量測加工方式 43
4.1.1三軸加工機切削量測 43
4.1.2線切割放電加工機應用 46
4.2磨耗實驗 52
4.2.1實驗流程 52
4.2.2螺絲攻磨耗量 53
4.3工件品質驗證 59
第五章 實驗結果 64
5.1微型無屑螺絲攻幾何外形量測 64
5.2田口實驗方法及刀具壽命探討 66
5.2.1田口實驗方法 66
5.2.2微型無屑螺絲攻實驗S/N Ratio之計算 71
5.2.3微型無屑螺絲攻實驗ANOVA變異數分析 74
5.2.4最佳值驗證實驗 78
5.3工件品質驗證結果 80
第六章 結論與未來展望 82
6.1結論 82
6.2未來展望 84
參考文獻 85
附錄(一) 87
附錄(二) 89
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